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sore eyse after a dig very bad any suggestions

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An eye wash but once home i have always used something called Fucithalmic. Its really top stuff and i have no doubt that it has saved dogs eyes in the past from blindness. Personally i would never use tea bags as i have seen first hand the aftermath of them not treating the eyes properly...

Do your best for your terriers......JD

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Just keep dribbling luke warm water through the eye: use a rag or anything if you haven't got a plastic syringe (minus needle of course). Dribble the water from the far corner of the eye so that it runs towards the nose, and gently hold back the eye lids one at a time: you'll get loads of muck out like that> should be done as soon as possible every time the dog has been to ground.

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I usually use a cotton bud with some luke warm water and very gently clean the eyes thoroughly. if u know any farmer ask him for a mastitis tube which is used for cows. use a small bit of this cream in the eye every 3 or 4 days.it prevents infection.this stuff is also great for wounds and heals them very quickly.atb shovel

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Guest busterdog
An eye wash but once home i have always used something called Fucithalmic. Its really top stuff and i have no doubt that it has saved dogs eyes in the past from blindness. Personally i would never use tea bags as i have seen first hand the aftermath of them not treating the eyes properly...

Do your best for your terriers......JD


Spot on :thumbs: , listen to experience ffs and don't go with old wives tales, it could be the difference between the dogs sight and blindness.

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First get helper, then firmly hold dogs head, then lick your thumb for grip, press on the dogs face with thumb just below bottom eyelid and push down this will open the eyelid pocket where all the shite gathers, then get helper to gently scoop out shite with tissue folded to a point.If necessary as in your case also use good eyedrops such as fucithalmic. a.t.b. Burrowman.

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Swing by a chemist and get aome OPTREX.. used it for years and it's spot on...

Optrex is a local anasthetic(spelling?) so just makes the irritation go and don't allways cure the problem,i wouldn't even use it on myself let alone a dog who can't tell you the irritation is still there.I use Maxitrol for any slight eye problems but if it persists get to the vets,shovel is the mastitis cream called kloxerate plus as i use this cream myself on cuts and never had a cut go bad with it,even fox bites.

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Swing by a chemist and get aome OPTREX.. used it for years and it's spot on...

Optrex is a local anasthetic(spelling?) so just makes the irritation go and don't allways cure the problem,i wouldn't even use it on myself let alone a dog who can't tell you the irritation is still there.I use Maxitrol for any slight eye problems but if it persists get to the vets,shovel is the mastitis cream called kloxerate plus as i use this cream myself on cuts and never had a cut go bad with it,even fox bites.

ive always used optrex and never had any problems

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