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To all the bull x owners

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hey all.


after much though and looking into it, i'm seriously considering getting a running dog with staffy in it. despite having owned different types of dogs for years never had much to do with bull types.


so just after some advice.. what makes best type of cross? grey x bull? 1/2 1/2? and is it true that staffy shouldn't be left alone with other dogs?

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I dont wanna seem smart with you but if u did some research, why would u choose staff blood in your lurcher? when there's better bull types out there to make stronger, leggier and prey driven lurchers.. And as for temperament, most bull x's have better temperament than most crosses BUT only experience lurchermen should own this cross in my opinion..

As i said i dont wanna seem arrogant or smart in this comment its just my opinion and if u want staff blood in your lurcher u should go for it but for me there's better types out there.. All the best.... Pa

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  BenBhoy said:
hey all.


after much though and looking into it, i'm seriously considering getting a running dog with staffy in it. despite having owned different types of dogs for years never had much to do with bull types.


so just after some advice.. what makes best type of cross? grey x bull? 1/2 1/2? and is it true that staffy shouldn't be left alone with other dogs?

depends what your plans are for the type of work you want it to do. i have a 3qtr whippet qtr bull she's game as, fast as f##k over 150 yrds great for bunnys and the bushy tailed ones, retieved couple of long ears aswell.and doesn't take up that much space on the sofa.

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Staffy,,,,,, Dont be mad! like has just been said, there are better bull types out there and i thought you would know that as you have been a member of this forum for nearly 2 years.


I have a half x bull/grey which is first gen and a collie grey wippet they are kenneled together along with my two game terriers and there are no problems at all, the lurchers are dogs and the terriers are bitches, i guess it helps that they are always working as a team

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  BenBhoy said:
hey all.


after much though and looking into it, i'm seriously considering getting a running dog with staffy in it. despite having owned different types of dogs for years never had much to do with bull types.


so just after some advice.. what makes best type of cross? grey x bull? 1/2 1/2? and is it true that staffy shouldn't be left alone with other dogs?

To each their own,it's not a type I would consider,all the best.

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I've kept bull breeds together and I know loads of other people that do without problems too. They're not unpredictable as people would have you believe. If you know your dogs and understand their behaviour then they're as safe as houses.


I don't agree that a Staffy is the wrong cross, there are good and bad in all breeds...finding a good one is key. I know some very slight Staffies with huge prey drive that I'm sure would make an excellent first cross. My brother even runs his (very slight) pure bred English Bull Terrier on the rabbits and picks them up all the time...not as good as a lurcher obviously but they can still do the job if you get the right one. You don't have to look for illegal breeds to get what you're after.


The trouble with Bull breeds is there's loads of idiots breeding them who wouldn't know a good one if it bit them on the bollocks. They all want to put their take on what constitutes a good Bully without doing the research first and therefore there's probably a hundred shit ones to every good one.


It took me more than two years to find the dog I was looking for and it was well worth the wait...I know it's not the answer you're looking for but I suggest you do the same.

Edited by hogdog
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Guest robbie1
  hogdog said:
I've kept bull breeds together and I know loads of other people that do without problems too. They're not unpredictable as people would have you believe. If you know your dogs and understand their behaviour then they're as safe as houses.


I don't agree that a Staffy is the wrong cross, there are good and bad in all breeds...finding a good one is key. I know some very slight Staffies with huge prey drive that I'm sure would make an excellent first cross. My brother even runs his (very slight) pure bred English Bull Terrier on the rabbits and picks them up all the time...not as good as a lurcher obviously but they can still do the job if you get the right one. You don't have to look for illegal breeds to get what you're after.


The trouble with Bull breeds is there's loads of idiots breeding them who wouldn't know a good one if it bit them on the bollocks. They all want to put their take on what constitutes a good Bully without doing the research first and therefore there's probably a hundred shit ones to every good one.


It took me more than two years to find the dog I was looking for and it was well worth the wait...I know it's not the answer you're looking for but I suggest you do the same.

lovely english in your avatar fella would be nice type to use!!

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Thanks Robbie1, he's only eight months old in that picture, he's eleven months now and coming on nicely...22" and 55-60lbs. He's from Lyndon Ingles. I couldn't ask for a better dog...too young to breed from and not properly proven yet but I imagine he will be used for a cross at some point all being well.

Edited by hogdog
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