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questions please answer for my uni work

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hi guys please answer these questions for my uni work i would appreciate it alot


whats gender are you ?

how old are you ?

did anyone in particular get you into hunting?

how old were you when you started hunting?

why do people hunt?

what would happen to all the animals if you didnt hunt ?

do you use dogs if so how do you train them ?

what sort of things do you take hunting with you ?

can you think of any problems you come across while hunting, for example carrying euipment or

euipment not working properly ?



Edited by razzle uni
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whats gender are you ? Male

how old are you ? 15

did anyone in particular get you into hunting? No

how old were you when you started hunting? 13

why do people hunt? For a sport and food

what would happen to all the animals if you didnt hunt ? The ground nesting birds would become extinct. Foxes, mink, crow etc would eat the egss and birds.

do you use dogs if so how do you train them ? A JRT I didn't need to train her how to rat, just heel and to be good with the ferrets.

what sort of things do you take hunting with you ? An airgun, rifle, shotgun, dog.

can you think of any problems you come across while hunting, for example carrying euipment or

euipment not working properly ? Carrying the lamp and the gun. I know you can get mounted lamps but it becomes unsafe pointing the lamp and gun around at the same time.

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