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there must be something wrong with my beddy grey i have hammered him on the lamping for 8 years over sandunes hills you name it. doing long ears, fox and big numbers of rabbits and all i have done is give him good quality grub the night before. :blink: ah well stick to what you no. so the saying goe's

i think there are lots of lads and lasses working thayer dogs hard on here and dont have no prob i am one but if i can make my dog more cumftobel by any meens i will try.if your dog ever has a fit or jest calapses milles from the vets a botle of drink in the car could save his life.not having a go jest making the point we all love uwer dogs and wont the best for them mate.atb david

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thanks for the replis lads i will be geting some and keeping it in the lamping bus lol jest in case its needed.



put it with the oxy bottle and plasters ,you will be geting them nice new pink coats next dai,in case it rains when they are out .mate if you work them loose ,and start them young you wont have any need for stuff like that because they will get to know their limits ,unlike the slip and chase at 100 mile a hour dogs .

lol that cout is to small mate can you send me a biger one thanks the one with the houd on and mitons


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Guest fence_hopper
there must be something wrong with my beddy grey i have hammered him on the lamping for 8 years over sandunes hills you name it. doing long ears, fox and big numbers of rabbits and all i have done is give him good quality grub the night before. :blink: ah well stick to what you no. so the saying goe's

i think there are lots of lads and lasses working thayer dogs hard on here and dont have no prob i am one but if i can make my dog more cumftobel by any meens i will try.if your dog ever has a fit or jest calapses milles from the vets a botle of drink in the car could save his life.not having a go jest making the point we all love uwer dogs and wont the best for them mate.atb david


well mate i would'nt rule it out he's getting on abit now, i might get some and let you no if it makes a difference. :thumbs:

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there must be something wrong with my beddy grey i have hammered him on the lamping for 8 years over sandunes hills you name it. doing long ears, fox and big numbers of rabbits and all i have done is give him good quality grub the night before. :blink: ah well stick to what you no. so the saying goe's

i think there are lots of lads and lasses working thayer dogs hard on here and dont have no prob i am one but if i can make my dog more cumftobel by any meens i will try.if your dog ever has a fit or jest calapses milles from the vets a botle of drink in the car could save his life.not having a go jest making the point we all love uwer dogs and wont the best for them mate.atb david


well mate i would'nt rule it out he's getting on abit now, i might get some and let you no if it makes a difference. :thumbs:

cheers ;)

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A month ago, my lurcher bitch was running hard, it was a wet night aswell.

Her head went down and her suger levels droped.

I stoped lamping, got back to the car and gave her some electrolytes.

Within minuites, she was right as rain again.. ;)

I gave her more when i got home, along with a small bit of beef heart and rabbit.

The next day, she was up and bouncing about her kennel, as nowt had happened.




very good to now frank thanks for posting mate

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