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Speaking in ALL CAPITALS


48 members have voted

  1. 1. Should speaking in ALL CAPITALS be banned?

    • Yes!!!
    • No, I don't see why.
    • Frowned upon maybe, but not outright banned.

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Y'know how txt spk is banned on the forum, I was just wondering if people wanted the same to happen to ALL CAPITALS. 'Cause I'm not sure about you guys, but I find it really annoying, I mean at least people can understand it but trying to read a large post of it (especially if it has no paragraphs) can get quite frustrating.





Or am I just sensitive? :icon_redface:

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Shouting ? ive heard it all now,how the f**k do you shout with your fingertips :blink:


Some of you folk take this internet lark far too serious....personally i couldnt give a bollock if its capitals paragraphs or wrong spelling as long as its vaguely understandable....what do you want next joined up writing !!

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I find it easy enough to read, I am not offended by it at all. What annoys me more is peolple who do not use full stops etc. I don't like text talk either. I appreciate everyone can make spelling mistakes now and then but I think text talk is a sign of what the future of Britain is going to be..........either full of lazy bas$&*&s (deliberate spelling mistake there) or thickos/wannabe gangstas who could not be bothered to go to school and take advanatge of a free education (well, paid for by taxpayers), either way, I hate text talk.

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  gnasher16 said:
Shouting ? ive heard it all now,how the f**k do you shout with your fingertips :blink:


Some of you folk take this internet lark far too serious....personally i couldnt give a bollock if its capitals paragraphs or wrong spelling as long as its vaguely understandable....what do you want next joined up writing !!


What do you do for a living, school teacher?


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is this a wined up i for one cant spell very good have no ider were the punchewashon gos for f..k sake there is obesly lots of dislecsic lads on here not so meny lases may be as for capitals how gives a toss long as you can read it .


david jmo

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  davidlloyd said:
is this a wined up i for one cant spell very good have no ider were the punchewashon gos for f..k sake there is obesly lots of dislecsic lads on here not so meny lases may be as for capitals how gives a toss long as you can read it .


david jmo

:clapper::clapper::clapper: fcukin love it mate. atb stabba

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  stabba said:
  davidlloyd said:
is this a wined up i for one cant spell very good have no ider were the punchewashon gos for f..k sake there is obesly lots of dislecsic lads on here not so meny lases may be as for capitals how gives a toss long as you can read it .


david jmo

:clapper::clapper::clapper: fcukin love it mate. atb stabba


stobba you not taking the piss are you mate.i for one can take it some mite be afended :cry: :cry: :cry:

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  othickman said:
Y'know how txt spk is banned on the forum, I was just wondering if people wanted the same to happen to ALL CAPITALS. 'Cause I'm not sure about you guys, but I find it really annoying, I mean at least people can understand it but trying to read a large post of it (especially if it has no paragraphs) can get quite frustrating.





Or am I just sensitive? :icon_redface



discouraged but not banned. way i look at it caps should be used to emphasise a point but there are other ways to do it. can't ban caps altogether or sentences will look very odd.



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