Swift 0 Posted October 25, 2009 Report Share Posted October 25, 2009 Also catcher wake urself up mush and stop being a do-godder, realise what will become of this island. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
fieldfare 1 Posted October 25, 2009 Report Share Posted October 25, 2009 To be honest, is'nt it a case of bolting the stable door when the horse has already bolted ? Is it to late for anything like the BNP to make a difference ? Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Tesco 28 Posted October 25, 2009 Report Share Posted October 25, 2009 wipe out the muslim race! Muslims are not a race, islam is an ideology/religion that needs to be destroyed by whatever means Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Catcher 1 639 Posted October 25, 2009 Report Share Posted October 25, 2009 Our Grandfathers fought to stop this and other countries being invaded and taken over, can someone remind me which Countries the BNP are looking to invade SOME PEOPLE JUST DONT GET IT.Read up on your history mate.You dont have to invade a country to become victim of hatred.Catcher Have to disagree with you there me old mucker, the people our forefathers fought against in the last war are in charge of us now, they have done a very good job of hiding their true agenda, by systematically lying to us. Everything that is happening to britain now is not happening by accident, it is by design, and people must wake up to that. Dont get me wrong i hate the Government.Every last one of them.They do feck all for the working man line there own pockets at the drop of a hat.Britain had to go to war by there alliance with other countries.Most of our men did willingly as they beleaved in the cause they where fighting for.The NAZIS Cost this world 40.000.000 to 50.000.000 lives.and i would not demean the good name of the brave men who died for that cause by having any thing to do with the BNP.ATB. Catcher Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Swift 0 Posted October 25, 2009 Report Share Posted October 25, 2009 wipe out the muslim race! Muslims are not a race, islam is an ideology/religion that needs to be destroyed by whatever means U speak very wise words my brother. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
undisputed 1,664 Posted October 25, 2009 Report Share Posted October 25, 2009 Reckon this has divided thl to no ends. The other topic was starting to get a bit heated, lot's of people have a problem with this country and it shambolic immigration system the only party that seems to be wanting to do something about it and the myriad of domestic problems happens to be the BNP. Therefore they'll get my vote over anyone for that reason. Britain for the British and her Bona Fide guests Just to ask a certain someone a question in response to this (see old Nick thread) "oh and by the way there is no such thing as an indigenous British race" Would you try telling that to the Irish, Scottish or Welsh??? no you wouldn't you fool because they'd eat you alive. I'm British, my family are British and have traceable roots that go back nearly three hundred years. My wife is british and her family have lived in the same house on the same land for over two hundred years so What does that make me?????? French???????????? No ya fecker I'm indigenous British and proud. Your confusing yourself with what Britishness means...anyone born here can refer to themselves as british what your on about in terms of being Indiginous you are English that would be the INDIGINOUS race..... happy to help you out though. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
jacrabbit 0 Posted October 25, 2009 Report Share Posted October 25, 2009 (edited) I worry about the BNP only because I worry for people. The BNP would love to have only white British people in our country. But to do that it would mean dragging people out of their homes and jobs and sending them to a country that was a stranger to them. And we just can’t let this country become a country of hate. I also wonder if it would apply to dogs? would all foreign breeds be made to leave too. I do think we have a problem with foreigners but not one that can be solved with hate. The problem I have is when I go in to a city and find areas where there are no white people. This is disturbing to me as it means that integration is not working. No particular area should belong to one race or colour it should belong to all of us. And this needs to be dealt with. The government need to stop more foreigners coming here to live and start looking to help the ones that are already here to integrate. Making shore that no particular area is dominated by one race or colour. And this area would include jobs. I did my history and Hitler got people to vote for his party by making promises to the poor people offering better jobs and lives. He also wanted no foreigners and when he did take power we all know what happened to unwanted jaws in Germany. This must never happen again. And it something to think about when we look at the BNP Edited October 25, 2009 by jacrabbit Quote Link to post Share on other sites
diggory 130 Posted October 25, 2009 Report Share Posted October 25, 2009 this governments immigration policies are a shambles,they have no idea how many they have let in,murderers,rapists,drug dealers ,they have no idea. this government has not listened to what ordinary decent folk are telling them be they black .white ,asian,whatever .hence people are listening to the bnp.but as been said earlier,its too late .....there already here !!!! Quote Link to post Share on other sites
fieldfare 1 Posted October 25, 2009 Report Share Posted October 25, 2009 I worry about the BNP only because I worry for people. The BNP would love to have only white British people in our country. But to do that it would mean dragging people out of their homes and jobs and sending them to a country that was a stranger to them. And we just can’t let this country become a country of hate. I also wonder if it would apply to dogs? would all foreign breeds be made to leave too. I do think we have a problem with foreigners but not one that can be solved with hate. The problem I have is when I go in to a city and find areas where there are no white people. This is disturbing to me as it means that integration is not working. No particular area should belong to one race or colour it should belong to all of us. And this needs to be dealt with. The government need to stop more foreigners coming here to live and start looking to help the ones that are already here to integrate. Making shore that no particular area is dominated by one race or colour. And this area would include jobs. I did my history and Hitler got people to vote for his party by making promises to the poor people offering better jobs and lives. He also wanted no foreigners and when he did take power we all know what happened to unwanted jaws in Germany. This must never happen again. And it something to think about when we look at the BNP Bit like brutal Ugandan dictator Idi Amin's regime in 1971 - 79. He kicked out all the Asians ( they came here!) as he labled them parasites. He wanted Uganda for the Ugandan blacks. Did it help Uganda ??? Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Aaron Proffitt 142 Posted October 25, 2009 Report Share Posted October 25, 2009 this governments immigration policies are a shambles,they have no idea how many they have let in,murderers,rapists,drug dealers ,they have no idea. this government has not listened to what ordinary decent folk are telling them be they black .white ,asian,whatever .hence people are listening to the bnp.but as been said earlier,its too late .....there already here !!!! So is there a solution ? Or at least a common ground that can be reached ? FWIW, my wife and I were discussing this yesterday... why is it immigrants come to a country for a better life and then all settle into the same area and work like hell to turn that area into a carbon copy of the shit hole they just left ? Just a thought. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Attack Fell Terrier 864 Posted October 25, 2009 Report Share Posted October 25, 2009 Your confusing yourself with what Britishness means...anyone born here can refer to themselves as british what your on about in terms of being Indiginous you are English that would be the INDIGINOUS race..... happy to help you out though. I agree that anyone that comes to this country and becomes a contributing member of society or someone who is born to immigrant parents has the right to be called British. The colour of that person makes no odds to me what so ever, but at the same time these people must take on the culture of the native British people in order to really deserve to be called British! The problem we have got in this country is that masses of people are in the country only being British when ever it suites them, they rubbish our way of life, the majority will ostracise their own if they want to take up our way of life, they go to Mosque and are told not to conform to our way of life because to do so is a sin, they've formed huge communities where the natives are pushed out and the large majority simply have no interest in becoming really British! Multi-culturalism just isn't working well enough. When will you ever see a white family go and buy a house too live in as a family home in a largely Asian community? It never happens! and why? Quote Link to post Share on other sites
wippydoo 12 Posted October 25, 2009 Author Report Share Posted October 25, 2009 i thought this article made a lot of valid points, especially about the media, ie newspapers ,BBC etc , The Printed Media’s Programme for the Extermination of the British People Exposed by Their Hysteria October 23, 2009 by BNP News Editorial Comment — The printed media’s hysterical Nazi-like smears and slander against British National Party leader Nick Griffin today have finally revealed their hatred for the indigenous population of this country. The wall-to-wall coverage has included cartoons ranging from the pathetically childish (see The Daily Express portraying Mr Griffin as a devil) to the outright Nazi (see The Daily Mail comparing Mr Griffin and BNP supporters to rats emerging from a sewer — a scene taken from the Nazi film Die Ewige Jude which showed Jews as rats emerging from a drain. Many led with front page editorials personally attacking Mr Griffin and at least one quoted from a seriously mentally ill homosexual “right wing†lunatic while another printed even more fantasy from the serial liar Dominic Carmen. All of this media coverage was directed against Mr Griffin personally — and none of it was directed at the policies of the BNP. The reason for this is obvious: the media are well aware of the BNP’s policies. They know that any objective attention given to the sensible, reasonable, rational and just policies can only result in an increase in support for the BNP. Who could argue against an indigenous peoples’ right to be free from colonisation in their own homeland? This is at the core of the BNP’s immigration policy. Who could argue against a foreign policy which seeks to put British interests first and would refrain from illegal and immoral wars? This is at the core of the BNP’s foreign policy. Who could argue against welfare reform which is designed to educate our own people, put them back to work and end the dependency culture? This is at the core of the BNP social policy. Who could argue against the halting of the £40 million per day subsidy going to the European Union — for which Britain gets back less than 70p in the pound? This is at the core of the BNP’s policy regarding the EU. Who could argue against the halting of building on our green belts? The housing crisis is directly caused by immigration. This is at the core of the BNP’s environmental policy. Who could argue against ending the ludicrous ‘asylum’ policy which breaks every international convention in the book and costs the taxpayers untold billions? This is at the core of the BNP’s asylum policy. Who could argue against a policy which seeks to reintroduce discipline and Euro-centric education in our schools so that they once again can be the envy of the world? This is at the core of the BNP’s education policy. And so on, ad infinitum. The media know very well that these rational, correct and completely sane policies will appeal to the vast majority of voters. So they do not dare mention them. Instead, the media focuses on Germany of 70 years ago, like some obsessed demon, in the hope that some ridiculous comments made in youthful ignorance are somehow more important than the very real dangers facing Britain today. And what are these dangers? – The reality is that, thanks to decades of Tory and Labour misrule, Britain stands on the very precipice of being submerged under a Third World colonisation invasion, the likes of which are without parallel in all history. – Britain is utterly bankrupt. Our national debt is soon to reach 100 percent or more of our GDP. We stand before an economic collapse, without parallel in history. – All of our national assets have been stripped off and sold to merciless international financiers. The cost of living is rocketing, with utility bills rising in many cases by 140 percent or more since the Tory-initiated privatisation policy. – Britain has been denuded of its manufacturing base and heartland by total subservience to internationalism. Labour Party policies have seen British industries sold to Indian companies, who then demand subsidies from the British taxpayer to keep those same companies afloat. More often than not, these factories have been literally shipped, lock, stock and barrel, to the Far East. – Finally, our independence and freedom as a sovereign nation, for which so many British people made the ultimate sacrifice in two bloody World Wars, is about to be sacrificed to the European Union. There is no possible way that the newspaper editors can be ignorant of any of these dangers. They are blatant, in-your-face, facts. Yet all they can talk about is the supposed evilness of Nick Griffin and the BNP. By their silent acquiescence to the extermination of all that is Britain, they are part of that process. They are just as guilty as the mad Communist Party weirdo freaks who attacked the police outside the BBC studios. They are just as guilty as the three-in-one Tweedledee-Tweedledum Labour-Tory-Lib-Dem party. In short, the media are guilty of treason to this nation, its people, its heritage and its destiny. Thank heavens that the Internet has sounded the death knell to the printed filth which has for too long masqueraded as “public opinion.†We look forward to the day when the last of these filthy rags goes bankrupt. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
luke 2 Posted October 25, 2009 Report Share Posted October 25, 2009 Coming to a city near you; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bpztti4DBEM...player_embedded worse than grey squirrels them lot Quote Link to post Share on other sites
mushroom 13,322 Posted October 25, 2009 Report Share Posted October 25, 2009 (edited) Reckon this has divided thl to no ends. The other topic was starting to get a bit heated, lot's of people have a problem with this country and it shambolic immigration system the only party that seems to be wanting to do something about it and the myriad of domestic problems happens to be the BNP. Therefore they'll get my vote over anyone for that reason. Britain for the British and her Bona Fide guests Just to ask a certain someone a question in response to this (see old Nick thread) "oh and by the way there is no such thing as an indigenous British race" Would you try telling that to the Irish, Scottish or Welsh??? no you wouldn't you fool because they'd eat you alive. I'm British, my family are British and have traceable roots that go back nearly three hundred years. My wife is british and her family have lived in the same house on the same land for over two hundred years so What does that make me?????? French???????????? No ya fecker I'm indigenous British and proud. Your confusing yourself with what Britishness means...anyone born here can refer to themselves as british what your on about in terms of being Indiginous you are English that would be the INDIGINOUS race..... happy to help you out though. Actually I'm British my family come from all over the British Isles, I've got indigenous roots in all I just happen to live in England. A Joe Raki who's entire family come from some mountain village who also happens to live in England is not Indigenous whether he was born here or come on the last shipload. Edited to say That's bang on AFT no problem with anybody wanting to be a British citizen but you can't just turn up in a country and claim to be indigenous to the area. Edited October 25, 2009 by mushroom Quote Link to post Share on other sites
david2363 42 Posted October 25, 2009 Report Share Posted October 25, 2009 "JOE RAKI" My mate in Paisley calls them "Hamilton Accies" Went to Deepdale yesterday Mushroom, saw lots of Joe Rakis up there. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
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