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Wildlife photographer of the year comp '09

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Funny that the link was posted. We were just talking about that shot the other day. A real wild wolf could never be posed like that. I mean they are very cautious and even if they could, somehow , be lured into a corral they would never tolerate the flashguns. Also a wild animal would never jump the gate, they would have slipped through the lats.

I am glad they found out the truth behind it. :notworthy:

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something fishy ?????.....compare the two pics.


the one originaly posted here



and the one on the official website




photoshop ???



anyway as others have said the starling picture is stunning.


the artistic content is astounding , the composition is perfect and should have been the winner hands down :notworthy:





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Othickman.. :thumbs: , thanks for putting the link up, last i knew it was still being investigated, glad it got exposed though (pun :laugh: ), shame really, goes to show there's crooks in all walks of life, especially were money's involved. Thinking about it they must have taken a hell of alot of shots before they 'nailed' it' tweaking all the variables along the way :no: hindsight eh..


Sean.. well spotted! the pic in the original is the handy work of a mate of mine, he's grafted the head of his pet chocolate Lab onto wolfy.. pretty good eh, the 'real' (if thats what you can call it) wolf pic is in the link at the top of the post along with the runners up... :thumbs:

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