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[Main Man]

this will almost definatly stir a few coments but there are far to many terriers about who are not bred from good stuff! why breed from dogs that dont do much work and contaminate the good blood with bad!! buy a terrier buy almeans but dont breed from the rubish. even well bred dogs dont always turn out to be good but will kill rats ect!


If you had good working terriers and bred them, would you sell the pups to those that aren't gonna do much with the pup?

I wouldn't that's for sure as they would be wasted....could breed the pup with another sub standard dog of their mates and so on an so on


So my thoughts are.... unless people are very fortunate to know ppl with good dogs then they are forced to buy whatever there is available - shit in most cases. Good stuff is kept tight :thumbs:

Good stuff should be kept tight thats why it stays good stuff when its in the right hands.


Exactly....so only if your in the know do you get a good pup.

I have been lucky, being put on to a pup which i had to travel the length of the country for and has done alright now 2 1/2 years down the line, compared to the 2 pups i had previously from the Yellow Paper.

I'm sure their are miles better dogs about than the dogs my bitch is out of but it's a foot on the ladder for me, the bitch has given me a standard to improve on with the pup I had sent over from Eire recently.

The bitch I have aint proven by a long stretch but what happens if she has another 2 good seasons and I want a pup...should I take a chance on one from an advert??? Line my bitch with the best dog I can find - the dog might be my mates which is alright but no where near as good as Jo Bloggs professional terrierman's dog....BUT Jo doesnt want his blood getting out to any Tom Dick an Harry who only work their dogs once a month on average over a season! I'd have to consider using a dog I was able to use but he might not be the best in the country.......so I'd be getting slightly 'shitter' stuff in the pups.


Hope that makes sense......


Just to add I'm not thinkin about lining my bitch....just playing devils advocate.

Stevolad The reason a lot of people wont give out stuff is because they have been caught(my self included)This game is full b*****ds and con men.I have giveing out pups for nothing to people only to see them sold to the highest bidder.The same with stud dogs people come with bad bitches looking for the stud to breed shit to sell on and use your dogs name to up the price.Its great to give a pup to a young or old lad starting out but sometimes its hard to tell the good from the bad.look at some of the posts on this site(not all)they should not be giveing a budgie.If real terrier men know you are sound its great to see your dogs going to good working homes.But there are more idiots out there good dog men


All the more reason to look into people, you can tell alot about a person on here from how they conduct themselves, what they say and the input they have. Whenever I have contacted someone off here it's because something they have said has caught my eye and struck a note with me, looked back at previous posts, threads an comments and you can see what they are all about.

Its nice to here some good coments comeing from good people! its not all about slagging off people or there dogs (just good helthy advice) mabe some young or old beginers will learn not to rush in to buying the first terrier they see. also many a good dog has been ruiend in haste!! thats a fact

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Age has nothing to do with being proven...some dogs just dont get the work others do,a terrier used by a hunt will probably be a proven dog way before a weekend warriors dog
Personally i have never found hunt terriers game(In Ireland)They like yappy dogs that will bolt not kill.I once gave them a pup on the understanding he came back if not suited.A year later he was back to hard not suited.We used him for years after.

i was thinking along same lines liam , some hunts pre ban had plenty of terriers about them but regular digging lads had far better dogs and got more proper work without the hunt, must say i am talking a good few years back , but thats how it was, as for ratting if a terrier dont rat it aint a terrier. ;)

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Age has nothing to do with being proven...some dogs just dont get the work others do,a terrier used by a hunt will probably be a proven dog way before a weekend warriors dog
Personally i have never found hunt terriers game(In Ireland)They like yappy dogs that will bolt not kill.I once gave them a pup on the understanding he came back if not suited.A year later he was back to hard not suited.We used him for years after.

i was thinking along same lines liam , some hunts pre ban had plenty of terriers about them but regular digging lads had far better dogs and got more proper work without the hunt, must say i am talking a good few years back , but thats how it was, as for ratting if a terrier dont rat it aint a terrier. ;)





not true in my oppioin, i have seen 1 terrier that wouldnt entertain a days ratting, , he looked very much like the black and tan dog in the earler picture, but was of heaver build, ( had a fair bit of bull there ) he was a very good digging dog, was two big for tight places but always dug on and gave 100% he was totaly silent and would kill a big dog fox very quickly in the right situation, , take him ratting and he would do sod all, , he died doing what he was bred to do, , ,



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i have a19 month old border i have hunted with airguns all my life but always wanted a terrier so decided on an easy going one being new to terriers. he bushes rabbits and catches one or two ,bolts fox ,stalks sqirrel flushes pheasant and for the first time today bushed out rabbits for the lurchers.never been showed just trained with whistles and arm.never been down a hole just marked them .he might not do what a terrier is supposed to do compared to long time terriermen but with him and the airgun it justs seems to work welltogether .so i guess a good terrier is what it can ahieve not what it it is supposed to do i.e. killrats and i believe its in its bloodline and its natural hunting instinct.

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Age has nothing to do with being proven...some dogs just dont get the work others do,a terrier used by a hunt will probably be a proven dog way before a weekend warriors dog
Personally i have never found hunt terriers game(In Ireland)They like yappy dogs that will bolt not kill.I once gave them a pup on the understanding he came back if not suited.A year later he was back to hard not suited.We used him for years after.

i was thinking along same lines liam , some hunts pre ban had plenty of terriers about them but regular digging lads had far better dogs and got more proper work without the hunt, must say i am talking a good few years back , but thats how it was, as for ratting if a terrier dont rat it aint a terrier. ;)





not true in my oppioin, i have seen 1 terrier that wouldnt entertain a days ratting, , he looked very much like the black and tan dog in the earler picture, but was of heaver build, ( had a fair bit of bull there ) he was a very good digging dog, was two big for tight places but always dug on and gave 100% he was totaly silent and would kill a big dog fox very quickly in the right situation, , take him ratting and he would do sod all, , he died doing what he was bred to do, , ,



i can see theres a vast difference in terriers hunting rats and some excel at the job but in my limited experience all my type of terrier killed rats as very young pups no prob but i never kept them for rat hunting as such and some lads dogs made mine look stupid but never had one do sod all if shown a long tail.

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There is a lot of shouting about breeding worker to worker,using proven dogs etc.

When is a dog or bitch "proven" to be deemed suitable to breed from?

What age? How much experience makes a dog? Lets hear your views.


if it was rule that you only bred from a dog and bitch that had worked 5 hard seasons i think the classified ads in the edrd cmw and on here would be empty. it would clear up a lot of the shit thats passed from pillar to post

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at what age would you call your terrier proven.

It is not question of age. How many times do you use?

Maybe an old dog hasn't seen as many game as the other young one.

would you say it also depends on terrain, earths ect.plus all game are different as regards to how they react to a terrier to ground so which is the better dog the dog dug to many times but easy spots or one that does well when the odds are not in its favour quality first not the number of digs imo and its only a opinion so nobody throw the dummy out :D

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at what age would you call your terrier proven.

It is not question of age. How many times do you use?

Maybe an old dog hasn't seen as many game as the other young one.

would you say it also depends on terrain, earths ect.plus all game are different as regards to how they react to a terrier to ground so which is the better dog the dog dug to many times but easy spots or one that does well when the odds are not in its favour quality first not the number of digs imo and its only a opinion so nobody throw the dummy out :D


a proven dog should nt be worked in only easy spots. the dog should have worked consistenly and i mean being dug twice three times a week or more in all types of earths be it half hour or 5 hours .if he stays and tries his heart out to not let the quarry past him or if it does get by him he works it again and puts it in a stop and still stays till dug to how ever long it takes. if he would die in the ground before throwing the towel in and does this for 5 seasons then in my eyes he s proven dog. does nt mean he ll throw good pups though lol

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Guest dee mac

hello wilf here s the thing im no expert either and just do the best i can but i dont come on here being smarmy or cutting folk short like you every post is either a put down or a snide comment i do give the odd dig to people that are being stupid by posting stuff that should not be said on an open site and i know you treat this site with a little contempt so why post at all just seems to me that you are going out of your way coming on here just to be smart and as for your question in the pm thats what has put the flea in my ass and too be honest the 5 or 6 pints hepled but its said now so no point putting finger up my ass when the fart is out ;)

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at what age would you call your terrier proven.

It is not question of age. How many times do you use?

Maybe an old dog hasn't seen as many game as the other young one.

would you say it also depends on terrain, earths ect.plus all game are different as regards to how they react to a terrier to ground so which is the better dog the dog dug to many times but easy spots or one that does well when the odds are not in its favour quality first not the number of digs imo and its only a opinion so nobody throw the dummy out :D


a proven dog should nt be worked in only easy spots. the dog should have worked consistenly and i mean being dug twice three times a week or more in all types of earths be it half hour or 5 hours .if he stays and tries his heart out to not let the quarry past him or if it does get by him he works it again and puts it in a stop and still stays till dug to how ever long it takes. if he would die in the ground before throwing the towel in and does this for 5 seasons then in my eyes he s proven dog. does nt mean he ll throw good pups though lol

think you just described what i.ve been trying to find have you any spare :clapper::yes:

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a proven terrier :hmm: is there even such an animal? to me they are just working terriers that can fuk up or quit at any stage. IMO they are not proven untill they have worked properly untill old age and have retired or died. then i would look back and say"that old bitch/dog was proven and tested" untill then they are just working terriers to me

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hello wilf here s the thing im no expert either and just do the best i can but i dont come on here being smarmy or cutting folk short like you every post is either a put down or a snide comment i do give the odd dig to people that are being stupid by posting stuff that should not be said on an open site and i know you treat this site with a little contempt so why post at all just seems to me that you are going out of your way coming on here just to be smart and as for your question in the pm thats what has put the flea in my ass and too be honest the 5 or 6 pints hepled but its said now so no point putting finger up my ass when the fart is out ;)


Fair enough, we are all entitled to our opinion........thats an end to it as far as I am concerned.

Should be one of the few interesting topics this one so we can both enjoy huh.


And DEV, thats a very honest way of looking at it and an opinion that I think a lot of people could learn from.

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After 3 digs and 5 minutes......then its pups from 100% worker!

its a tough question. what is your genuine opinion wilf?? when are YOUR dogs proven(with out being smart)?

tbh we all would love to be able to dig our terriers every week and get 60 digs a yr to each dog..but life's not like that.


My honest awnser is, I have not had one and dont think I ever will..........lurcher or terrier, there is allways something more or better they could have done.

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