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dogs from england

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Bit of a funny title to your topic dear boy. It could have just as easy been " why dont some people train their dogs to jump" or " buying a made dog rather than training a pup comes at a price". England has a fair diverse range of terrain so you cant really ask questions that genralise so much, and remember it has Cornwall and Wales stuck on to it as well. Have you tried a pre-trained dog from Either of the two ? if so could they jump??

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As someone has already said, when I have a lurcher pup I put boards across the front of the kennel area so the pup has to climb, then as it gets older....jump over to get out into the run to get it's food an water and do it's business.


As it goes out in the field it has to learn to jump obstacles, getting higher as it gets older. I would leave it at a fence and let it learn to get over it, obviously not leaving a 16 week old pup at a 4 foot fence so it is over matched, sensible heights for the age and size of the pup, bearing in mind the dog is still growing and the joints are still developing so too much heavy impact could damage them.


It is important to me to have a dog jumping therefore I do try and get my dogs to jump.


As I said before Thomsons Dogs......how many English dogs have you seen come up Scotland that dont jump?? And were they coursing dogs??? Or lamping dogs?? What ages were they and were they bought off the same people???


All the lads I know, there dogs jump......

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