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Funny Morning

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Well i went to work today and me boss had asked me if i could check the store room as two of the lads said they saw a huge rat living under the pallet by the seed, so after i had completed my morning task mowing the greens etc, i went in the store room and barraded of the store room so no escape just me and the rat, i could smell rat urine and see plenty of droppings, so i got a cricket bat armed and started moving boxes then i saw a tail slide under a box slowly i knew were he was and braced me self and moved the box this thing was huge bloody run out i hit it hard a few times broke the bat and nearly broke me finger in the process this thing would not give up it managed to crawl under a pallet, so i moved the seed bags there he was in the corner such a strong little bugger this time the combination of shovel blows sorted it out, but by heck did this rat put up a tussle think i come of just as bad ha ha, then i went home to see if i had caught the rat i had got at home eating the bird food and me little lads bird table in my mark 4 fenn tunnel trap and bingo got him to so a good morning apart from me sore thumb.



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what you need to use is a length o blue water pipe the stuff thats about 1" wide that way when it hits the floor the shock dont hurt you as it mends


i got some of that down the yard to never thought of that will bare that in mind next time to be honest i thought the bat would of dealt with him, thanks hound

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