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Football pitch moles .

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Was called to a football club to catch the moles that had signed on for the team in an unofficial capacity. Not being a buff of the game I could'nt tell you what formation they were using but one was definatly goal -hanging.

"No pressure matey but we're playing tomorrow".Eek . That left less than a day to catch the little vandals and allow the groundsman a bit of daylight to reinstate the turf !.


Set the traps and rather than face a 3/4 hour drive home and the prospect of repeating the trip later I took the puppy for her first look at the sea and a long walk on the nearby beach.

Well fate for once was smiling and the moles were caught in the alloted time , the dog found a dead dogfish and the groundsman was happy . Me ? I was just plain relieved . No pressure indeed !


There was even enough light left for me to take a picture of the happy groundsman posing with the offending critters.


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