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Anyone take there lurcher on pheasant beat?

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I go beating on the biggest estate in Northumberland with the highest birds,we are lucky to be alloud to take the terriers for the day,the keeper and that are basically areholes to be fair when it comes to lurchers,the YT's have been brain washed for 75 skimpy pounds a week the head and underkeeper wont let them have any lurchers or take them lamping so we take them out now and then! Cant realy blame the keeper on the lurcher behalf as some idiot apparently was seen slipping his lurcher on a roe which was caught right at the Guns :icon_redface: we it was said to be an acciendent never mind but lurcher is a no for us lot shame realy!

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i have been invited on pheasant beat just wondered if anyone takes there lurchers, and how have they coped?



i take my pair dogging in but wouldnt take them beating as they would fight with the spaniels and labs , chase deer,foxes,hares and catch more pheasants than some of the guns can shoot me young dog will even jump up and take them flying good to see but i dont think that the paying guns would agree

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just thought how got on taking my lurcher beating. went yesterday morning kept her on long lead till last two drives when game keeper said she seems ok to let off. kept her close and kept calling her back done really well for first time. all the beaters were impressed with her.

going again next week where she will be off lead most the day. was a beddy whippet there which nailed a pheasant straight away and later caught rabbit. seen about 6 deer and 1 hare. there were men that been beating for years which kept there dogs on lead allday. 1 springer pegged 4 pheasants.

Didnt realise till got there used coach the gamekeepers sons at rugby. so he was completely sound and so was everyone else, few shooters up them self but got expect that. funny when cyclist rang old bill because apparently been shot at but think just got hit with fallen shot.


cheers for reading

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