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Anyone take there lurcher on pheasant beat?

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:icon_redface: , bet that was fun,



many running dogs are frowned apon by gamekeepers and shooters, ,well they was when i first started beating, now a good few keepers have got them around me, many lurchers are better behaved than the average gun dog on our shoots, , i no a shoot that invites a couple of lads to stand with the paying guns with there bullxs to retrieve any foxes that go forward, , i use to have to do all my pest control with lurchers when i 1st got permission because i didnt have any acces to guns so that made the landowner and other keepers around us quite relaxed about running dogs, atb

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Used to take one of mine back in the 80's, she loved it, not so good when she picked up birds that would'nt take flight, or chased other things she was'nt meant to, but she loved it, so I did'nt care, take yours, see how you get on.

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Some of the guns prefered to see the Lurchers pick up "runners", simply because it was something different; this wasn't a "posh" shoot ! LOL ! I remember Delta retreiving a cock bird from a flooded dyke, when all the Spaniels and labs had missed it; didn't stop one wanker from saying, "well, she didn't put it right into your hand !!!





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Some of the guns prefered to see the Lurchers pick up "runners", simply because it was something different; this wasn't a "posh" shoot ! LOL ! I remember Delta retreiving a cock bird from a flooded dyke, when all the Spaniels and labs had missed it; didn't stop one wanker from saying, "well, she didn't put it right into your hand !!!






:no: knobs you should of thrown it back in, ,


and a couple of our local shoots are very "posh", having there lady friends ( normally a little thai pieace, but quite often a diffrent friend every week ) come so they can drive the shooters home as they are well tanked up with the warm stuff, , not the best thing to be walking to watching a group of guns strugling to stand and even falling over after taking a shot !


p.s anyone who is thinking about taking there lurchers on a shoot make sure its ok with the keeper 1st :victory:

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Some of the guns prefered to see the Lurchers pick up "runners", simply because it was something different; this wasn't a "posh" shoot ! LOL ! I remember Delta retreiving a cock bird from a flooded dyke, when all the Spaniels and labs had missed it; didn't stop one wanker from saying, "well, she didn't put it right into your hand !!!







Generaly I found the folk with money liked to watch the lurchers work, but the pretenders that did'nt, and just wished they had money were the ones that grumbled :D

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Guest robbie1

i wouldnt bother mate you would like a right fool in front of alot of people if you dog put something up and chased it in a drive and put all the birds up!!!! plus the keeper would go mad and your dog will be on lead till you get back for dinner then it stays in the van. while this goes on everybody will be talking behind your back slagging lurchers off and the lower class of the people who own them and our shit training!!!! how do i know this can happen???? it did happen to me few years back!!! i wanted to prove my bedo cross could hunt pheasants as good as spaniels which i did but she proved she could hunt muntjac just as good to and hunted one round the wood for about 10 mins while im shouting like a looney to get her and she fecked the drive up big time the keeper went mad i just wanted the ground to open up and swallow with the bollocking he gave right in front of beaters and guns!!! i dont no your dog tho mate but i thought mine was steady but when a deer,hare,rabbit or fox gets up they do what they do and half way through a drive is not the best time for that much better when the keeper is tucked up in bed on a wet and windy night imo!!! just my thoughts good luck if you do take yours.... robbie

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Some of the guns prefered to see the Lurchers pick up "runners", simply because it was something different; this wasn't a "posh" shoot ! LOL ! I remember Delta retreiving a cock bird from a flooded dyke, when all the Spaniels and labs had missed it; didn't stop one wanker from saying, "well, she didn't put it right into your hand !!!







Generaly I found the folk with money liked to watch the lurchers work, but the pretenders that did'nt, and just wished they had money were the ones that grumbled :D



That little bitch won't retrieve a rabbit to hand when lamping, so for her to bring a bird to within a couple of feet when shooting; she'll do for me !!



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i wouldnt bother mate you would like a right fool in front of alot of people if you dog put something up and chased it in a drive and put all the birds up!!!! plus the keeper would go mad and your dog will be on lead till you get back for dinner then it stays in the van. while this goes on everybody will be talking behind your back slagging lurchers off and the lower class of the people who own them and our shit training!!!! how do i know this can happen???? it did happen to me few years back!!! i wanted to prove my bedo cross could hunt pheasants as good as spaniels which i did but she proved she could hunt muntjac just as good to and hunted one round the wood for about 10 mins while im shouting like a looney to get her and she fecked the drive up big time the keeper went mad i just wanted the ground to open up and swallow with the bollocking he gave right in front of beaters and guns!!! i dont no your dog tho mate but i thought mine was steady but when a deer,hare,rabbit or fox gets up they do what they do and half way through a drive is not the best time for that much better when the keeper is tucked up in bed on a wet and windy night imo!!! just my thoughts good luck if you do take yours.... robbie


Robbie, the shoot we were on said we could slip on anything we wanted to, as long as it was between beats; and we should NEVER interfere with the guns ! This is right, as they are paying !! To me, it was another feild sport I could get invoved in, and also take the lurchers along and do a job. It also, if not got us pemission, at least had the keepers not stopping us running things, as long as we respected the pens and birds !



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Guest robbie1
i wouldnt bother mate you would like a right fool in front of alot of people if you dog put something up and chased it in a drive and put all the birds up!!!! plus the keeper would go mad and your dog will be on lead till you get back for dinner then it stays in the van. while this goes on everybody will be talking behind your back slagging lurchers off and the lower class of the people who own them and our shit training!!!! how do i know this can happen???? it did happen to me few years back!!! i wanted to prove my bedo cross could hunt pheasants as good as spaniels which i did but she proved she could hunt muntjac just as good to and hunted one round the wood for about 10 mins while im shouting like a looney to get her and she fecked the drive up big time the keeper went mad i just wanted the ground to open up and swallow with the bollocking he gave right in front of beaters and guns!!! i dont no your dog tho mate but i thought mine was steady but when a deer,hare,rabbit or fox gets up they do what they do and half way through a drive is not the best time for that much better when the keeper is tucked up in bed on a wet and windy night imo!!! just my thoughts good luck if you do take yours.... robbie


Robbie, the shoot we were on said we could slip on anything we wanted to, as long as it was between beats; and we should NEVER interfere with the guns ! This is right, as they are paying !! To me, it was another feild sport I could get invoved in, and also take the lurchers along and do a job. It also, if not got us pemission, at least had the keepers not stopping us running things, as long as we respected the pens and birds !



you were lucky then mate!!! i told the keeper i could call her off if something got up but i was wrong big time!!! we laugh about it now but it wasnt funny at the time and she never went again!!! like you say guns pay alot of money and the last thing they need is a lurcher fecking it up for them.. robbie
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Take your dog n give it a try, my lurcher goes beating with me you do get the odd mishap with deer n foxes but compared to most guns dogs lurchers are angels, last season i had one of the guns stick with me when he realised that my dog had a knack of pointing woodcock. thanks to my dog he shot his first one.

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wasnt expecting that many replies. prob give it ago next week. think will be good exercise for her, will start her on lead till confident with her,

its with mrs dad who invited me said my lurcher be ok. apparently someone takes a greyhound that chases all deer and long ears it sees, says gives people a laugh dont think is a posh one. and no few sound blokes up there.

think she will be ok. have called her off few things before. will let everyone no how got on. shes only little collie whippet who pretty much does whats she told.


wish me luck

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As has been said, ALWAYS ask the keeper first, and as with gundogs if you dont trust your dog 100% in a particular circumstance (ie just walking past a cover crop/wood thats to be beat later) then just stick it on the lead. Many of the DIY and non commercial type shoots will allow it especially if a lurchers particular 'talents' will come in use. Just be sensible about it as with a gun dog and remember if your dog does f**k it up abit, its not the end of the world as ive seen many 'well trained' spaniels do the same. Predjudice against lurchers in the shooting community are rife, especially at the minute with all the 'deer poaching anti lurcher media' so lets all try to change a few old school opinions and turn a few heads!

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