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How would you vote in the general election?

How would you vote in a general election  

154 members have voted

  1. 1. How would you use your vote in a general election?

    • Labour
    • Conservative
    • Lib Dem
    • BNP
    • Other (includes PC, SNP, Green, UKIP etc)
    • I will not be voting in the general election (and I'm over 18)

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Members of our armed forces are dying to secure our freedom to vote and we owe it to them to take advantage our right to do so!!




Hi Tom, did you mean to say that "members of our armed forces HAVE DIED to secure our freedom to vote"?


That i can go along with.

The statment that you have made is (imo) incorrect, our armed forces are dying because of a lying slimy politician named Tony.


They are not dying to secure our freedom to vote, rather, dying to secure our oil supplies for the near future AND because Tony felt that it was our countries bound duty, to fall in line with the U.S and do as we were told.


On another note: If Scotland votes to become an independant country. Would you be so kind sir as to take back the slimy robbing Scottish scumbags politicians that have beat this (once wonderful) nation into the shit pile that it is now? You can start with Gordon Brown...


Thank you so kindly


P.S wasnt Tony Scottish? You can have that kunt back too.


Tony Blair was indeed born in Scotland but spent most of his childhood in Durham he returned to Edinburgh where he resumed his education at the age of 14 To use the term "slimy robbing Scottish scumbags politicians" in my opinion is racist and would be deemed offensive to a lot of Scots? and to only single out Scots politicians for robbing the public purse (expences scandal, if thats what your referring to) is wrong!! "a thief is a thief and its feck all!! to do with their nationality!!"


How many Scots MP's were involved in the expences scandal compared to politicians south of the border??



As for having a warmonger like Blair back!!, and an unelected (by the people) Prime Minister (Brown), both of whom in my opinion should be put on trial at the Hague for waging an illegal war and both incarcerated for a very long time




Ps: how much oil or reserves are there in Afghanistan?


Pps: what about the other Scots who were'nt politicians who made this (once wonderful) nation great? by their inovation and a fluke of nature by being born Scottish, should we have had them back as well?? eg: Fleming, Alexander Graham Bell, Dunlop, Macintosh, John Logie Baird, James Watt, Thomas Carlyle, Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman plus:


Sir Ralph Alexander Cochrane (1895 - 1977) Air Chief Marshall of the Royal Air Force. Born in Springfield, Fife. He was responsible for planning bombing raids against German industry during World War II, including the 'Dambusters Raid' in 1943


Sir Robert McAlpine (1847 - 1934)

Known as "Concrete Bob", he as an entrepreneur built up a large building and civil engineering firm. McAlpine was also a pioneer in the use of concrete and labour-saving machinery. He left school at 10 to work in a coal mine, but went on to build roads and public buildings including Wembley Stadium in London.


Sir Hugh Dalrymple (Lord Drummore) (1700 - 1753)

Invented hollow-pipe drainage. This innovation allowed the drying of water-logged land, bringing large areas into agricultural production


Air Chief Marshall Hugh Dowding (1882 - 1970)

Born in Moffat. Joined the Royal Flying Corp in its earliest days during the First World War. As Commander in Chief of Fighter Command (1936 - 1940) he directed the defeat of the German Air Force in the "Battle of Britain". Elevated to a peerage in 1943.


Thomas Telford (1757 - 1834)

Engineer, native of Dumfriesshire. Notable as builder of many bridges, docks and canals. These include the Bridge over the Atlantic Ocean (the Menai Straits) linking Anglesey and Wales, Dean Bridge in Edinburgh and the Caledonian Canal.


Sir Robert Alexander Watson-Watt (1892 - 1973)

Physicist, born in Brechin. Developed and introduced RADAR during World War II.

Edited by Foxgun Tom
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The reason for the @ is simple. The RSPC@ have trademarked the logo (and therefore, those 5 letters) and are threatening anyone who uses them in print with prosecution.




matt your a funny f****r i,ll give you that.

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Guest fence_hopper

alll the members with a brain that have said bnp. are you realy going to vote them or are you just typing it in on here actions speek loader than words. BNP BEFORE ITS TO LATE

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It would have to be the Tories for me! BNP would be a close second but Unfortunately I can't ever see then challanging for the top pushing the Labour shite out of power......


I can't also say I rate Cameron as the leader of the conservatives, he behaves much like a young Tony Blair but this guy Daniel Hannan hopefully one day will take the helm, He shoots from the hip and seems to say it as it is! deffo one to watch in the future....


this was him tearing Gordon a new arsehole


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do you really think Alex salmon is an honest man tom.do

you really think the break up of the union is a good thing do

you think Scotland could fund its self and improve your health

and education , that the lives of the millions of are troops

died in vain to defend this island , or is it just nationalism

will Scotland have its own army will you have border controls

will Scotland have its own tax and benefits system , with the oil

fields declining how will the future Scottish governments pay for all

this , will Scotland get out of Europe , oh and all the sirs you qoute would loose there titles

and the hand outs will stop , mind you there is the good pointwe will be rid of you whining winging

lot will you take gordon, tony , and the rest of the bums back will you throw the royal naval bases out

and stop the royal air force landing in scotland , all these qestions and many more will be sorted out over a bottle of buckies iam sure , but what if the vote goes agaist indipendace tom what then tom

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do you really think Alex salmon is an honest man tom.do

you really think the break up of the union is a good thing do

you think Scotland could fund its self and improve your health

and education , that the lives of the millions of are troops

died in vain to defend this island , or is it just nationalism

will Scotland have its own army will you have border controls

will Scotland have its own tax and benefits system , with the oil

fields declining how will the future Scottish governments pay for all

this , will Scotland get out of Europe , oh and all the sirs you quote would loose there titles

and the hand outs will stop , mind you there is the good point we will be rid of you whining winging

lot will you take Gordon, tony , and the rest of the bums back will you throw the royal naval bases out

and stop the royal air force landing in Scotland , all these questions and many more will be sorted out over a bottle of Buckie's aim sure , but what if the vote goes ageist Independence tom what then tom

because tom the strength of this little ilse is its people the Scots , welsh northan Irish, and English the people, not the lying thieving b*****ds we have put in power , the final nail in the coffin of the UK would be the break up of the Union
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Members of our armed forces are dying to secure our freedom to vote and we owe it to them to take advantage our right to do so!!




Hi Tom, did you mean to say that "members of our armed forces HAVE DIED to secure our freedom to vote"?


That i can go along with.

The statment that you have made is (imo) incorrect, our armed forces are dying because of a lying slimy politician named Tony.


They are not dying to secure our freedom to vote, rather, dying to secure our oil supplies for the near future AND because Tony felt that it was our countries bound duty, to fall in line with the U.S and do as we were told.


On another note: If Scotland votes to become an independant country. Would you be so kind sir as to take back the slimy robbing Scottish scumbags politicians that have beat this (once wonderful) nation into the shit pile that it is now? You can start with Gordon Brown...


Thank you so kindly


P.S wasnt Tony Scottish? You can have that kunt back too.



100 percent true and bnp for me,racist or not they say what other partys cower away from saying.

Edited by readie
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Members of our armed forces are dying to secure our freedom to vote and we owe it to them to take advantage our right to do so!!




Hi Tom, did you mean to say that "members of our armed forces HAVE DIED to secure our freedom to vote"?


That i can go along with.

The statment that you have made is (imo) incorrect, our armed forces are dying because of a lying slimy politician named Tony.


They are not dying to secure our freedom to vote, rather, dying to secure our oil supplies for the near future AND because Tony felt that it was our countries bound duty, to fall in line with the U.S and do as we were told.


On another note: If Scotland votes to become an independant country. Would you be so kind sir as to take back the slimy robbing Scottish scumbags politicians that have beat this (once wonderful) nation into the shit pile that it is now? You can start with Gordon Brown...


Thank you so kindly


P.S wasnt Tony Scottish? You can have that kunt back too.



100 percent true and bnp for me,racist or not they say what other partys cower away from saying.


They say what most people of britain are thinking but to frightened to say as being punished for it .

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because tom the strength of this little ilse is its people the Scots , welsh northan Irish, and English the people, not the lying thieving b*****ds we have put in power , the final nail in the coffin of the UK would be the break up of the Union


Fantastic and very, very true...........well said that man!! :signthankspin:

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do you really think Alex salmon is an honest man tom.do

you really think the break up of the union is a good thing do

you think Scotland could fund its self and improve your health

and education , that the lives of the millions of are troops

died in vain to defend this island , or is it just nationalism

will Scotland have its own army will you have border controls

will Scotland have its own tax and benefits system , with the oil

fields declining how will the future Scottish governments pay for all

this , will Scotland get out of Europe , oh and all the sirs you qoute would loose there titles

and the hand outs will stop , mind you there is the good pointwe will be rid of you whining winging

lot will you take gordon, tony , and the rest of the bums back will you throw the royal naval bases out

and stop the royal air force landing in scotland , all these qestions and many more will be sorted out over a bottle of buckies iam sure , but what if the vote goes agaist indipendace tom what then tom



Met Alex Salmond a couple of times, strikes me as an honest man even though I don't agreee with all his policies!! Do you think Nick Griffen is??


If you know anything about Scottish history Scotlands people did not decide on the union in the first place Scotlands independance was given away/sold by a few powerful Scottish Lords for personal gain!! The Scottish people had no say in the formation of the Union surley they deserve that right now if they want to control their own destiny?


We allready have a better health system than south of the border its already a devolved matter!! as is education and our justice system, why then not take control of taxation and have our own benefits system


There will be no border controls for people from any of the home countries, People from Eire allready have free passage to the UK, why should'nt it be the case coming into Scotland


If Scotland has independance does'nt it then have the right to say where Scottish troops are deployed and still work closly with the military throughout the rest of these islands (air bases and navy)


Of that the lives of the "millions of are troops died in vain to defend this island" your words!! I don't doubt many a few thousands of them were Scots and did their duty to their families and home country as well as the british empire


Why would there be no civil honours for Scots?? Independance does'nt mean republicinsm, the Queen would still be head of state, Bob Geldoff got a knighthood and he's Irish, Gary Sobers the cricketer got one as well and he's West Indian Why, exclude Scots if we get independance??


The Scottish Government already say's it wants Trident and the nuclear deterrent off the Clyde and with a bit of luck the Scots might get a referendum as wether to stay in the EEC


There is also more to Scotlands revinue than oil, the scottish whisky industry makes millions as does tourism, advances in medical and engineering science's developed here in Scotland also make a few bob we have more than one feather in our hat!!



To suggest "all these qestions and many more will be sorted out over a bottle of buckies i am sure" is stereotyping?? not all Scots get their kicks from fortified wine made south of the border, some of us have a more discerning pallete I also don't sit at home wearing a kilt and tweeds, eating shortbread with a glass of Irun Bru in my hand while watching re-runs of old hogmanay show's on the telly!!


I'm certainly not "whining or winging" and neither are most Scots about independance, or the union it seems more important to people like yourself The British Government has granted Independance to many countries over the last 100 years why not give the Scottish people theirs if they want it are we gonna be such a big loss that the British Government are desperate to hold onto us, why??


Lets make the distinction clear: I regard mysef as Scottish first!! not British, Scottish nationalism has nothing to do with being anti-english, which I'm not, I love the country and its people!!


Scottish nationalism for me is about history, culture, a sense of belonging and most of all self determination for my country that was sold off for personal gain by a small minority to secure the union of the parliements not the union of the crowns





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I dont have a problem with Scotland becoming its own sovereign country and despite what you think Tom, i am not racist towards Scottish people, in fact i think Scotland breeds some of the finest female specimens that i have seen! Well done!


But, if Scotland does go down this road then thats that as far as i am concerned, if or when things go shit, just maybe the health trust cant quite afford what it is coping with, OR this and that, whatever! Dont come back bellyaching to England that you need a cash injection, cause remember you COULD have stayed the course and nothing would have changed, I think once your out, your OUT.

That is what i was getting at in the first place.


P.S you have some feck off big mountains up there, cant you toss Gordon and Tony off one of them? Cmon, help me out here, we would be doing the world a favour...

You never know, in the future Iraq maybe willing to invest in the country that got shot of Tony!!!!

They got loads of oil...

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41 votes to the bnp the others will be shitting themselves :no::no::boogie:



There supporters often fail to find a polling booth on voting day, so why should finding this thread be any different :clapper: atvb Richard

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