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Most spectacular shot


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I cant think of the best shot but I can tell you a funny if not a bit dangerous one. I took my sisters old boy friend out shooting with my new shiny rapid MK1 as we parked up on a gravel patch by the side of barn I spotted a rabbit hoping along by the trees. So handed the gun to the chap and told him to take a shot, as the clumsy fecker started walking forward and put the gun to his shoulder to take aim he tripped over his own feet the gun shot just before he dropped it on the gravel. :realmad: I was fuming and give him a bolaking for scratching my stock. But I shit You not the rabbit was ling there stone dead with a lump of lead in its noodle box.

We still all take the piss of him to this day and he still insist he triped over a stone. :D :11: atb John

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i know this is illegal (didnt at time) but i was 13 at the time and boys will be boys anyway i was out with my brother with his webley nemisis pistol the gas ram ones we were walking along the edge of a field up the back heading toward the rabbit infested hills out the back of our farm when a pheasent suddenly shot out from just behind us along the fence line we were walking up. i instantly swang round andlet off a shot almost instantly as it was flying directly away from the fence line (probably 25yards i guess) and nailed it mid flight it fell back onto its back wasnt dead straight away but was within seconds. i know its not good form at all and i would never do now but it was a bloody good shot. no scope on pistol either! and i had a witness which at the time i was pretty chuffed about until i went back in and we told my ste dad he was less than impressed

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well i'v done a few good un's over the years. rabbits 50yds plus ,a few times, hare 55yds, 2 rats with one shot, 2 rabbits with one shot, 2 starlings [when they were legal] with one shot,.. all legaly shootable corvids in one morning,magpie, jay, jackdaw, rook , carrion crow, oh yeah :victory: some more 53 woodies in one night[sillouhette,roost shooting], 27 magpies in one night :victory::clapper: well yez asked :icon_eek: i could go on but i'l just get called a bullshitter :thumbdown::clapper: but i shit ye not.. all were done , with a legal powered pcp.. :victory:

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I've had a few good ones, but my best one was crawling about one evening on the top of the hay in our hayshed, hunting feral pigeons in the rafters. I spotted a rat running along the top of the wall. He stopped for a while....


When I tried to sight him up I couldn't as the roof light was dazzling directly into the scope, and I couldn't see anything! I couldn't move away either or I would've scared him


As he was only about 10m away I thought I would give it a go and shot him after lining the gun up from where I thought was about right.... a bit like you do with a catapult... It was a great shot!

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Not an amazing distance here, but at a nice 25yards I took 4 rabbits consecutively with my s410 last year, pop,pop,pop,pop! I have also had 3 at 30yards.


Also, around two years back now, whilst ratting with a friend the friend quickly turned round and shot (sub 10 yards) at a running rat on the floor in pitch darkness. As I was on the lamp I thought he was messing about and didn't believe him....flicked the lamp on, dead rat!! Couldn't belive it!!

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  • 5 weeks later...


The funniest one-shot a large doe rabbit and went on to cover a large "figure of eight" aroung my shoot. Upon my return to the area I had shot the doe and saw it moving. Upon looking through the scope, i saw it was in fact a randy young buck going "hammer and tongs" on the doe!! Decisions, decisions-do i let him finish or take him on the vinegar strokes. In the end, I saved him from post coital depression!!


Happy, safe hunting all.

Edited by SouthernHunter
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Shooting feral pigeons off a barn roof I asked my mate if he wanted me to shoot at a standing or flying one,flying one was his answer so I told him to clap his hands after 3, when he clapped the birds took off and I followed one and fired,down he came wings tucked in,dead as a doornail :boogie: .On another note I missed a squirrel from about 10 yards :icon_redface:

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