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To compound the problem, the majority of the protein they do contain is derived from vegetable matter, which ferts can't digest anyway


Incidentally, mine have Chudleys available 24/7. Great feed with a hig protein content, but I've found the pellets have a tendency to get caught up in their palettes on occasion. Not a major problem as they soon soften & come free, but I'm surprised that the manufacturer didn't forsee this as a potential issue


The part of plants ferrets can't digest is the cellulose in the plant cell walls. Many herbivores can't digest this either, which is why their stomachs often contain bacteria that can. Protein is protein. Unless the plant protein is still in the plant cell walls the ferrets won't have a problem with it. Plant protein doesn't contain the full range of essential amino acids though, and that might be a problem if all the protein is plant derived.


Been feeding Chudleys (and TPP which is the same shape) for years now, never had a problem.

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their feeding den. ( A wooden box with a hole in the lid... keeps them from dragging the meat all over the court)


That's not a bad idea at all!!! :thumbs: Mine get whole rabbit, and pheasant & pigeon carcasses a few times a week, & I find they drag them all over the place. Apart from spreading bacteria around the court, there's the chance that ingested shavings might cause the ferts some discomfort. I reckon I'll give that idea a bit of thought & see what I can come up with!





Ferrets naturally prefer to stash their food... somewhere dark and safe... i find they are even dragging xtra bits of food into their Den... for instance when hubby didn't stick the 4 squirrels they had for dinner last week in the den i was thinking i would come out the next day to a messy scavenger hunt... it was pouring and nasty windy out so i left it...


went out the next day and they had dragged them into the den all on their own... has been a godsend for us!

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