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.243 factory rounds

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Sometimes (often) there is a lot of variation in how an individual rifle shoots a particular brand, grain or bullet design. You've just got to experiment with different loads and find out what your rifle likes best.


My rifle shoots the 100 grain Remington Express Core-Lokt SP very well. Monarch and Federal, not so well.

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For an ALL round .243 ammo I would suggest the 90g. (England/Wales)


But a better option would be two, 58 V-Max for fox and a 90-100g SP for deer, pretty much as Sounder suggested! Problem is they do fly differently!


My .223 is my primary fox tool and I use 50g Blitzkings generally these days for Charlie etc., and 90g SP almost exclusively in the .243!

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I may be wrong but I dont think you are suppose to use less than 100 grain on deer though



100g is the rule for Scotland, not so England/Wales! Other slight differences as well! :thumbs:


Is it not min 50g for Scottish Roe ?



yep provarmint your right mate 50 grain delivering not less than 1000 ft lbs for roe. 100 grainers for all other species. for what its worth allydog dont arse about with different weights of bullet head for different quarry, as martin said 100 grainers will kill all you throw them at and you can then learn the trajectory to adjust for different ranges. just look at martin and foxdroppers posts for the proof. :notworthy: just my tuppence worth.


all the best


Edited by brno17
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