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Just a quick question

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Hello all,I will be getting a new ESS pup in two weeks if she starts welping and crying what should i do????????????????????

All of your suggestions would be much appreciated.

keep it warm and well fed. it will welp for a nite or to but should come round


Wise words Upperlane. All a pup needs is some warmth, food, water and love. :yes:


Do not reward the pup by giving attention when it is crying/barking. :no: This will only encourage the pup to do it more and may turn into a habit. I usually find that they are settled by day 3. :yes:


I once asked Mr Openshaw for advice on how to rear a pup, the answer i was given was "just be a monkey to it". This is probably the best advice i have ever been given! :yes:


Atb best with your new pup :thumbs:



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Until about 4 months old, keep it as you would your own child , warm, fat & loved (as said) then teach it basics , not too much at once, (1 word per day/week) reminding it regular. Yes=good & Bad=NO! Be patient & do not reward or give attension to mischeivious behavior, or messing about.


As it matures to 1 yr , training it more, At 2 yrs , it shoulod be well obedient. The rest it will gain from experience, in the feild or home.


Respect & Loyalty from your dog is earned. Get a puppy cage :D

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