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My biggest concern her is the undermining of freedom of speech.

As everyone has rightly pointed out. it was not "question time". It was lets lynch Nick Griffin.

Its a pity that other politicians haven't had to endure such attacks and expose their falsehoods.


He made some valid points under extreme duress and tried to keep to the topic despite the interferences of other members of the panel.


This was contrived BBC media bias and if people could put aside their preferences of politics they should see it as such. The BBC is supposed to be a non-political organisation that reports fairly and impartially...............The BBC were a long way from that ethos last night.


As long as we accept this insidious errosion of our freedom to experess our views democracy will continue to suffer.


One more thing. The word "NAZI" has become synonymous with all things "Hitler/Holocaust/WWII etc. Its real interpretation was the National Socialist Party.

So if your a socialist are you a Hitler loving racist? If you are a Nationalist are you a Hitler Loving racist? C'mon people do not be seduced by the terminology of the ignorant.

I don't agree with many of the BNP policies and I believe that extremism in any form is a bad thing (with the exception of cider and sex) but the BNP are gaining popularity because of the failings of the main stream parties and as such they will continue to grow in popularity.


But lets not be fooled here. Democracy was not seen to be done last night. And THAT is the biggest threat to us all!









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I watched it, I thought he did very well for someone who was attacked from all sides, including the "impartial" person chairing the discussion.


Nick Griffin does need to go in all honesty, and put someone without such a shady past incharge of the BNP.

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  Swampy said:
My biggest concern her is the undermining of freedom of speech.

As everyone has rightly pointed out. it was not "question time". It was lets lynch Nick Griffin.

Its a pity that other politicians haven't had to endure such attacks and expose their falsehoods.


He made some valid points under extreme duress and tried to keep to the topic despite the interferences of other members of the panel.


This was contrived BBC media bias and if people could put aside their preferences of politics they should see it as such. The BBC is supposed to be a non-political organisation that reports fairly and impartially...............The BBC were a long way from that ethos last night.


As long as we accept this insidious errosion of our freedom to experess our views democracy will continue to suffer.


One more thing. The word "NAZI" has become synonymous with all things "Hitler/Holocaust/WWII etc. Its real interpretation was the National Socialist Party.

So if your a socialist are you a Hitler loving racist? If you are a Nationalist are you a Hitler Loving racist? C'mon people do not be seduced by the terminology of the ignorant.

I don't agree with many of the BNP policies and I believe that extremism in any form is a bad thing (with the exception of cider and sex) but the BNP are gaining popularity because of the failings of the main stream parties and as such they will continue to grow in popularity.


But lets not be fooled here. Democracy was not seen to be done last night. And THAT is the biggest threat to us all!











Ninging with him :victory:

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  OldNog said:
So much for the BBC saying the BNP deserve a fair cnahce to talk


Its nothing that a f*****g witch hunt


He has pair of balls on him thats for damn sure


still get my vote :good:



  OldNog said:
jack straw is a disgrace, f*****g fool


Totally agree

not sure if ill vote for them yet

dont know enough about any of them


Edited by iguanaman2442
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  Swampy said:
My biggest concern her is the undermining of freedom of speech.

As everyone has rightly pointed out. it was not "question time". It was lets lynch Nick Griffin.

Its a pity that other politicians haven't had to endure such attacks and expose their falsehoods.


He made some valid points under extreme duress and tried to keep to the topic despite the interferences of other members of the panel.


This was contrived BBC media bias and if people could put aside their preferences of politics they should see it as such. The BBC is supposed to be a non-political organisation that reports fairly and impartially...............The BBC were a long way from that ethos last night.


As long as we accept this insidious errosion of our freedom to experess our views democracy will continue to suffer.


One more thing. The word "NAZI" has become synonymous with all things "Hitler/Holocaust/WWII etc. Its real interpretation was the National Socialist Party.

So if your a socialist are you a Hitler loving racist? If you are a Nationalist are you a Hitler Loving racist? C'mon people do not be seduced by the terminology of the ignorant.

I don't agree with many of the BNP policies and I believe that extremism in any form is a bad thing (with the exception of cider and sex) but the BNP are gaining popularity because of the failings of the main stream parties and as such they will continue to grow in popularity.

But lets not be fooled here. Democracy was not seen to be done last night. And THAT is the biggest threat to us all!







Well put swamps :clapper:



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For all you pro BNP people I think you're kind of f***ed up. You all say that the audience were hand picked, that people on the panel EXCEPT good ol' Nick knew the questions, etc etc. But if our saviour-to-be had been on the ball and had been so brilliant that he'd won a large amount of votes from it then you guys wouldn't care; you'd of won!! But...you lost...no you didn't; it was fixed! It was fixed I tell you.




And another thing; you all say that BNP are the way forward; the public are unhappy and Dick Griffin in his shinning armour wielding Excalibur above his head will destroy political sleaze, and will make this country great again...yeah...you all seem to be of the opinion that politicians lie, isn't Nick a politician, isn't the BNP a political organisation? Or are they all descended from heaven and therefore are unable to lie?


Makes me think of Lucifer.


After all, as has already been pointed out, if labour had openly said that they were planning on creating the hunting ban then they'd of lost all votes on this site, but they didn't. So they couldn't of been expected to have. And if BNP are elected whats to say that they're not like all the politicians we've ever had!!!!!!


Foooook me.

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"A non violent KKK member"........... NON VIOLENT............ :clapper:


"Im trying to win over the youngsters" Ohhhhh really! Smart move....... :icon_eek:


"I cant answer that question" Why speak up, thats why your there. Or because you are a sick liar.


"I cannot explain why i use to say those things" Well he had the chance to and had no direct answer.


What a great leader,............ :icon_redface:


Yes he was under pressure, yes his hands were shaking, the fake smile and the nervous laugh, but im afraid he has hanged himself big time, thank you BBC............... :victory:


I'm quite sure that there could be better leaders here within THL that could of answered those simple questions fired at GRIFFIN!


To the non racist BNP supporters, and what i mean is those who are angry with the system and in anger voted BNP, think again please and look how weak, desperate and VERY confused your leader is!


Yes control is needed in this country and it will happen, but not with the BNP and last night has prooved that.


:notworthy: Bonnie Greer :notworthy:

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  Strong Stuff said:
  artic said:
:notworthy: Bonnie Greer :notworthy:



That says all anyone needs to know about you.


She made GRIFFIN look like a child, and like a child he was laughing at his own views, and laughing at the concerns of other peoples views.


How professional.

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i for one am not of the oppinion that ng is our saviour and is sent from god, i also do not think he is free from lies and is in any way unshady..i alsofeel that the bnp might do better to put up a person with a less controversial past..what i do beleive is that he is the only politician to show a backbone and actually say what he thinks regardless of oppositions veivs...yess, he might seem a bit smallminded...but i would rather this to someone who runs with the hare and the hounds...i dont want to be part of the eu...i dont want to pay for next door pakis 6 kids...i dont want immigrants to have first choice of the council house my kids need...i am happy to be british, i am happy to eat british produce and be surrounded by british people in work who if i need help i can ask...i see the need for import, im quite partial to bannanas myself, but i feel the majority of food we can provide from britain, more local farming, more local jobs, more local communities looking out for each other...i think that the idea of bringing in profesonal docters/nurses etc from other countries was a good idea, but then the dams broke and all the sewerage got braught in with it...just my oppinion and no daught many will dissagree...who will you vote for othickfman ????what would you like out of your country ???

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  Cajunrules said:
  Strong Stuff said:
  artic said:
:notworthy: Bonnie Greer :notworthy:



That says all anyone needs to know about you.



wasnt that the annoying black american woman that kept cutting him off all the time...must have taken some doing to keep laughing at her dreamlike bullshite she was spurting cause i for one wouldve felt like bitch slapping her and tell her wake up a bit...

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  justin said:
  Cajunrules said:
  Strong Stuff said:
  artic said:
:notworthy: Bonnie Greer :notworthy:



That says all anyone needs to know about you.



wasnt that the annoying black american woman that kept cutting him off all the time...must have taken some doing to keep laughing at her dreamlike bullshite she was spurting cause i for one wouldve felt like bitch slapping her and tell her wake up a bit...


She manged to answer her questions though.



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no...she managed to answer other peoples questions...cause she couldnt help herself...she seemed to like the sound of her own voice...and to be honest i wondered wtf she was doing up there, after all, thats all she was is a bigged up museum buffwho reads about culture...to me it seemed like they just wanted to put a black person next to nf to stir him up and if anything it just made a fool of her too... ;)

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