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Rabbits alive in Snare .. ?

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sometimes you can tend to over stretch them, this will also result in bruised meat. confidence is the key with it, not pulling too hard as to damage the meat, but pulling hard enough to ensure a quick, humane kill. i would suggest getting someone to show you, and practising on dead ones. if not a .177 pistol between the eye and the ear works a treat ;)

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i have access to a .22 now .. so im thinking if i come across anymore live ones, i'll be sure to shoot them with the .22


Thanks for all the comments tho


My count is up to 15 rabbits so far and i cleaned all but 4



im going to be looking around for a dehydrator, i've thought about using a bbq but eventually the cost of propane would be more then the price of a dehydrator .. and id rather not watched a bbq for 12 hours

Edited by New2This
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hi mate, youve allready explained that your new to the game, you also explained the bad methods you use to dispach your quarry and so set out to look for a better method. for this you can only be congratulated.... as with most things field sports related yo will eventually expand your horizons and look to do a bit of ferreting,pigeon shooting ect.. and these all require you to have the skills to despach your target species humanley. therefore i suggest that you discount the advice given on chopping and the like and continue,like you set out to do, and learn the propper ,most effective and humane methods. i honestly cant understand why your struggling as both stretching and chinning are easy, im thinking it may just be a confidence thing. stick at it and it will soon come naturally, most importantly.... get out as much as you can and enjoy yourself.....practice makes perfect...... is there no-one you can have a day out with to brush up your skills and pick up a few tips ??? all the best,HERITAGE.

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