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my mate is in prison and this dog spends most of its life locked in the shed. i try my best to take it out but have just got my own lurcher, same age and dnt have the time to spend with it. this dog is very boisturous but if time was spent i think he would make a good dog. he will be game as a badger on any thing u can tell and is quite nippy to say hes over weight, catches rabbit no probs on lamp and only been out a handful of times. he comes straight back [bANNED TEXT] slipped, only problem is he pulls condtantly on lead. i am currently looking after his 3 yr old bitch and feel sorry for him when i go get her to go out lamping as most of the time av to leave him as he is to livley for me to handle with two other dogs. he probly wont let it go for free but ill giv him [bANNED TEXT] he wants as its nt fair on the dog. HAD AN UNBELIEVABLE AMUNT OF RESPONSES SO NW GUNNA SAY 40 QUID, SEE WHO IS REALLY INTERSESTED.

Edited by adamb20
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my mate is in prison and this dog spends most of its life locked in the shed. i try my best to take it out but have just got my own lurcher, same age and dnt have the time to spend with it. this dog is very boisturous but if time was spent i think he would make a good dog. he will be game as a badger on any thing u can tell and is quite nippy to say hes over weight, catches rabbit no probs on lamp and only been out a handful of times. he comes straight back [bANNED TEXT] slipped, only problem is he pulls condtantly on lead. i am currently looking after his 3 yr old bitch and feel sorry for him when i go get her to go out lamping as most of the time av to leave him as he is to livley for me to handle with two other dogs. he probly wont let it go for free but ill giv him [bANNED TEXT] he wants as its nt fair on the dog. HAD AN UNBELIEVABLE AMUNT OF RESPONSES SO NW GUNNA SAY 40 QUID, SEE WHO IS REALLY INTERSESTED.

good luck with the little dog fella i hope he dose,nt end up with some shit head trying to make a few quid out of him he sounds like he could do with a real good start atb chris

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