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My bitch has been acting really odd last week or so.Eating very little and making a big effort out of what she is eating she was on royal canin for a bit and changed her back to burns fish and rice today cos she loves it and its good when theyre ill.Still didnt eat her dinner shes left all of it cant get her to go near it.Not like her as she is usually a bin she did nick a roll and sausage earlier but cant see tha keeping her goin for long been on the phone to the vet on thursday cos i felt she wasnt right.Took her temp and gave them that she had a high temp all weekend but seems to be going down now.They said its could be dog flu :clapper::wallbash: Leave her alone and shed come round but still im worried cant figure it out.

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Dont think so shes funny when shes in heat but always eats nothing usually stops her.Last time this happened we thought shed been caught but i know thats not the case this time as her last season was almost 4 months ago now so deffo not caught and not showing any real signs of a season in the pipeline usually my male starts to go off his food a week before hand and hes still eating

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No runs a bit pale but we now have a rather odd answer vet was the rudest horrid git ive met in a long time!!!!!!It seems shes having a prolonged phantom but thats not right as ive been down that road before.Theyve said she needs galastop then dressed by november 30th lol clearly he doesnt have kids and have to sort xmas out for them.They think she has overactive ovaries cos her hormones are running high they tested for diabetes thyroid and addisons and a few other things but all clear she has oads of liquid coming from her teats but its been tested its not milk and its not colustrum so feck knows.Shes still not eating and he said thats because she thinks she pregnant i dont think so surely shed eat even more then.So they arent doing anything for the forseeable future.Not amused whatsoever with this crap cos most of the stuff he spieled including such classics as your wearing a cami jacket and have a lurcher i know your type well and just because you eat meat doesnt mean your dog should suffer LMAO almost hit him i was livid.Another vet got involved who has terriers and he wasnt impressed either.So second opinion for her i think

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