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vote tory party

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It was a [free] vote before, with all mp's in the house. And now they got it in, i carnt see them voting it out.?? Vote for who you like, might get fox hunting + hounds+terrier with [restriction's] . But lurchers +coursing ,which me and alot on here do+work, forget it [fact] Any party will use any ploy, to get [extra] votes :yes: .

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Guest fence_hopper

copyieed this from my miss face book dont you just love this country crime or even murder pays of in the end

Click here to start your Zoo!


Do you remember February 1993 in England , when a


young boy of 3 was taken from a Liverpool shopping


centre by two 10-year-old boys?


Jamie Bulger walked away from his mother for only


a second, Jon Venables took his hand and led him out


of the mall with his friend Robert Thompson. They took


Jamie on a walk for over 2 and a half miles, along the


way stopping every now and again to


torture the poor little boy who was crying


constantly for his mummy.


Finally they stopped at a railway track where they


brutally kicked him, threw stones at him, rubbed paint


in his eyes, pushed batteries up his anus and cut his


fingers off with scissors. Other mutilations were


inflicted but not reported in the press.


N.B. :- Remember, a 3year old cannot possibly


defend themselves against a 10 year old, let alone of


2 them.


What these two boys did was so horrendous that


Jamie's mother was forbidden to identify his body.


They then left his beaten small body on railway


tracks so a train could run him over to hide the mess


they had created. These two boys, even being boys,


understood what they did was wrong, hence trying to


make it look like an accident.


This week Lady Justice Butler-Sloss has awarded


the two boys ( now men ), anonymity for the rest of


their lives when they leave custody with new


identities. They will also leave custody early only


serving just over half of their sentence.


They are being relocated to Australia to live out


the rest of their lives. They disgustingly and


violently took Jamie's life away and in return they


each get a new life!


Please.... . If you feel as strongly as we do, (


and if you haven't already signed this petition ) that


this is a grave Miscarriage of justice - Hit the


forward button and add your name at the end, and send


it to everyone you can !


If you are the 700th person to sign, please


forward this e-mail to: cust.ser.cs@gtnet.gov.uk


and mark it for the attention it to Lad

Edited by fence_hopper
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From what little I've read about Britain's politics the above statement seems very true ... how much influence does the BNP hold in national affairs.


Had one on national radio and he cracked, started calling names and talking sh1t. No use though you can tell the nations frustrations are high when they get support like they do, they just don't carry the clout.

One live debate with the likes of David Davis or some else with calibre and they'ld look like ramraiders. Rough and no finise

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I'll cut my left testicle off before I vote Tory.


I'll cut the right one off as well before I vote BNP. Bunch of f*****g chancers the lot of them.


Agreed the tories just about fecked everything for the working man with Maggie Thatcher and as for BNP they're nowt but a bunch of bigots..took a kicking off their supporters for having a bit of craic with a Pakie (who gave me directions) one friday late on in Bolton

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Never voted in my life and never will.All a bunch off money grabing b--tards.Please dont get me started on this.atb. Catcher unless your an MP :angry:

if you dont vote then you never get to see a better britain but hey if your happy with things as they are thats up to you :wallbash:

Well i am with catcher on this one and i have voted all my adult life and any body who thinks voting tory will make things better :wallbash: are in for a realy big let down bigger than wat labour has done for the ordinary working man.atb dell
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Never voted in my life and never will.All a bunch off money grabing b--tards.Please dont get me started on this.atb. Catcher unless your an MP :angry:

if you dont vote then you never get to see a better britain but hey if your happy with things as they are thats up to you :wallbash:

Well i am with catcher on this one and i have voted all my adult life and any body who thinks voting tory will make things better :wallbash: are in for a realy big let down bigger than wat labour has done for the ordinary working man.atb dell

spot on, they [tory] just trying to get extra votes by useing this feckin hunting ban with dogs. And now its here :wallbash: , it [wont] be removed by any government,because as i said it was a [free] vote by [all] mp's when it was put in the first place. :doh:

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There seems to be few folk on here with no balls! (Malt & Droid).


So lets get a few things straight here.

Labour. The aere not labour at all. They are all for privitising the Royal Mail, the NHS and various other state run organisations.

Some comernment departments are now run by "agencies". This was due to the abolition of Clause 4.

Conservative. Well at least they haven't changed their colours too much.................BUT they are not a democratically run party, for example only yesterday they announced a short list for candidates policy that is to only have women. How can that possibly be democratic?.Local candidates should be elected by local people and not from a list of people from central gov't.

BNP. Not quite facists. Extreme Nationalists? possibly. Nationalism is NOT racism as some would have you believe. Take the SNP for instance.

The BNP are continually be attacked by all major parties not because of their policies but because of the danger they pose to the grand plan of federal europe.

Conservative and Labour and the Libdems are all towing the line fro europe.

It'll matter not who is in power from this country as they will be nothing more than a conduit for Brussels.

As for hunting?.............I'm sorry but dont hold your breath lads and lasses. It looks like we will all be criminilised. The best we can hope for is that it'll be a law that wont be enforced as it is not in the public interest to do so........


So whilst I would never vote BNP (too extreme) they do have their place and if they gain seats and rock the boat in London then that surely can only be good thing.









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Never voted in my life and never will.All a bunch off money grabing b--tards.Please dont get me started on this.atb. Catcher unless your an MP :angry:

if you dont vote then you never get to see a better britain but hey if your happy with things as they are thats up to you :wallbash:

Well i am with catcher on this one and i have voted all my adult life and any body who thinks voting tory will make things better :wallbash: are in for a realy big let down bigger than wat labour has done for the ordinary working man.atb dell

spot on, they [tory] just trying to get extra votes by useing this feckin hunting ban with dogs. And now its here :wallbash: , it [wont] be removed by any government,because as i said it was a [free] vote by [all] mp's when it was put in the first place. :doh:

Well, as free as it could be with the threat of it being forced through no matter what the result was. The parliament act was used to by pass the house of lords.. It still wont be repealed though, just re worded if anything.


There seems to be few folk on here with no balls! (Malt & Droid).

Swamps, I won't be voting labour either...

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