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vote tory party

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bnp all the way for me...and i know they are against hunting, but i agree with a lot of their other veiws...lets put the great back into britain.........bnp. bnp. bnp. need i say more ?????and before anyone has a go, dont bother as you will be wasting your rant on someone who openly admits hes a racist b*****d.........

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Never voted in my life and never will.All a bunch off money grabing b--tards.Please dont get me started on this.atb. Catcher unless your an MP :angry:

if you dont vote then you never get to see a better britain but hey if your happy with things as they are thats up to you :wallbash:



Crap. Show me one party that will stand up for the working man and wont line there own fecking pockets doing it :censored: Catcher

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Im voting conservative for the simple reason they will repeal the hunting act. As far as i am concerned any polictical party will treat us its people like c**ts. The BNP wont change anything. If they got into power we would have the same old crap. Vote conservative atleast there is a chance we will get 1 thing we want.



You,ll still never get to run a hare mate.It will be amended for the toff.Hope iam wrong. :thumbs: Catcher

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I hope your wrong to catcher but i can see it going that way aswell. Legalised for the toffs not for the lurcher lads although from what i have read and heard it is a complete repeal they are promising. MP's look after themselves and their own forget joe public.


Edited to add: I can never ever see it being legal again to take deer with lurchers. It dosen't fit in with the toffs way of life. They like deer to be stalked not dogged. I expect it will be only legal for registered packs to control foxes aswell.



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