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vote tory party

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  Swampy said:
There seems to be few folk on here with no balls! (Malt & Droid).


So lets get a few things straight here.

Labour. The aere not labour at all. They are all for privitising the Royal Mail, the NHS and various other state run organisations.

Some comernment departments are now run by "agencies". This was due to the abolition of Clause 4.

Conservative. Well at least they haven't changed their colours too much.................BUT they are not a democratically run party, for example only yesterday they announced a short list for candidates policy that is to only have women. How can that possibly be democratic?.Local candidates should be elected by local people and not from a list of people from central gov't.

BNP. Not quite facists. Extreme Nationalists? possibly. Nationalism is NOT racism as some would have you believe. Take the SNP for instance.

The BNP are continually be attacked by all major parties not because of their policies but because of the danger they pose to the grand plan of federal europe.

Conservative and Labour and the Libdems are all towing the line fro europe.

It'll matter not who is in power from this country as they will be nothing more than a conduit for Brussels.

As for hunting?.............I'm sorry but dont hold your breath lads and lasses. It looks like we will all be criminilised. The best we can hope for is that it'll be a law that wont be enforced as it is not in the public interest to do so........


So whilst I would never vote BNP (too extreme) they do have their place and if they gain seats and rock the boat in London then that surely can only be good thing.









very well put swampy, fedral europe is the aim , the problem is the masses will follow till its to late , britain is being dismanteld , lab, lib, con, there all in it all the major parties in europe are led by members of the builderbergs , distractions, come along at the right time to take the masses eye of the ball , the referendum the tories promised is being swerved telling us that all the other member countrys have joined so its ok, austraila or newzealand pack your bags and run were all doooomed :icon_eek:
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  Dosser said:
some people are waking up to the new world order . . . . . from little acorns . . . . . . .



Desperate times call for desperate measures, a dose af natiolism is needed right across Europe.



You calling me nuts?!!!!







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  Swampy said:
You calling me nuts?!!!!








You are if you think the BNP are nationalist rather than racist.


There may well be a difference (though historically the National Socialists didn't show much difference with their ludicrous 'Aryan' policies) but if the BNP understand it they're ignoring it.

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  droid said:
  Swampy said:
You calling me nuts?!!!!








You are if you think the BNP are nationalist rather than racist.


There may well be a difference (though historically the National Socialists didn't show much difference with their ludicrous 'Aryan' policies) but if the BNP understand it they're ignoring it.


As those of yez who have checked my site will know I am studying Philosophy at Sussex uni. To call the BNP "fascist" is an insult to fascism. The entire philosophy of the BNP is negative, based on fear and hatred. They are a bunch of snivelling gutless little shites who want the real world to go away and leave them in their fantasy world. Anglo-Saxon Britain? That is historically claptrap for a start. Then take a look at their "Great Leader", Nick Griffin. He yaps on about his "English heritage". Both the Angles and the Saxon peoples were tall, blond haired, blue eyed, fair skinned. Griffin is a short arsed dark haired brown eyed dark skinned IMMIGRANT SCUMBAG. If we apply his rules he'll be the first one up against the wall.


Not a bad idea come to think of it . . .I'll volunteer for the firing squad.



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  RicW said:
  droid said:
  Swampy said:
You calling me nuts?!!!!








You are if you think the BNP are nationalist rather than racist.


There may well be a difference (though historically the National Socialists didn't show much difference with their ludicrous 'Aryan' policies) but if the BNP understand it they're ignoring it.


As those of yez who have checked my site will know I am studying Philosophy at Sussex uni. To call the BNP "fascist" is an insult to fascism. The entire philosophy of the BNP is negative, based on fear and hatred. They are a bunch of snivelling gutless little shites who want the real world to go away and leave them in their fantasy world. Anglo-Saxon Britain? That is historically claptrap for a start. Then take a look at their "Great Leader", Nick Griffin. He yaps on about his "English heritage". Both the Angles and the Saxon peoples were tall, blond haired, blue eyed, fair skinned. Griffin is a short arsed dark haired brown eyed dark skinned IMMIGRANT SCUMBAG. If we apply his rules he'll be the first one up against the wall.


Not a bad idea come to think of it . . .I'll volunteer for the firing squad.



very philosophical of you :icon_eek:
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  gonetoearth said:
  RicW said:
  droid said:
  Swampy said:
You calling me nuts?!!!!








You are if you think the BNP are nationalist rather than racist.


There may well be a difference (though historically the National Socialists didn't show much difference with their ludicrous 'Aryan' policies) but if the BNP understand it they're ignoring it.


As those of yez who have checked my site will know I am studying Philosophy at Sussex uni. To call the BNP "fascist" is an insult to fascism. The entire philosophy of the BNP is negative, based on fear and hatred. They are a bunch of snivelling gutless little shites who want the real world to go away and leave them in their fantasy world. Anglo-Saxon Britain? That is historically claptrap for a start. Then take a look at their "Great Leader", Nick Griffin. He yaps on about his "English heritage". Both the Angles and the Saxon peoples were tall, blond haired, blue eyed, fair skinned. Griffin is a short arsed dark haired brown eyed dark skinned IMMIGRANT SCUMBAG. If we apply his rules he'll be the first one up against the wall.


Not a bad idea come to think of it . . .I'll volunteer for the firing squad.



very philosophical of you :icon_eek:


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  RicW said:
  droid said:
  Swampy said:
You calling me nuts?!!!!








You are if you think the BNP are nationalist rather than racist.


There may well be a difference (though historically the National Socialists didn't show much difference with their ludicrous 'Aryan' policies) but if the BNP understand it they're ignoring it.


As those of yez who have checked my site will know I am studying Philosophy at Sussex uni. To call the BNP "fascist" is an insult to fascism. The entire philosophy of the BNP is negative, based on fear and hatred. They are a bunch of snivelling gutless little shites who want the real world to go away and leave them in their fantasy world. Anglo-Saxon Britain? That is historically claptrap for a start. Then take a look at their "Great Leader", Nick Griffin. He yaps on about his "English heritage". Both the Angles and the Saxon peoples were tall, blond haired, blue eyed, fair skinned. Griffin is a short arsed dark haired brown eyed dark skinned IMMIGRANT SCUMBAG. If we apply his rules he'll be the first one up against the wall.


Not a bad idea come to think of it . . .I'll volunteer for the firing squad.



I hope you have not been listening to those numptys the socialist workers party because they sucked me into their way of thinking for a short wile i was just glad i realised they were just a bunch of university drop outs with no conception of the real world.
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  RicW said:
  droid said:
  Swampy said:
You calling me nuts?!!!!








You are if you think the BNP are nationalist rather than racist.


There may well be a difference (though historically the National Socialists didn't show much difference with their ludicrous 'Aryan' policies) but if the BNP understand it they're ignoring it.


As those of yez who have checked my site will know I am studying Philosophy at Sussex uni. To call the BNP "fascist" is an insult to fascism. The entire philosophy of the BNP is negative, based on fear and hatred. They are a bunch of snivelling gutless little shites who want the real world to go away and leave them in their fantasy world. Anglo-Saxon Britain? That is historically claptrap for a start. Then take a look at their "Great Leader", Nick Griffin. He yaps on about his "English heritage". Both the Angles and the Saxon peoples were tall, blond haired, blue eyed, fair skinned. Griffin is a short arsed dark haired brown eyed dark skinned IMMIGRANT SCUMBAG. If we apply his rules he'll be the first one up against the wall.


Not a bad idea come to think of it . . .I'll volunteer for the firing squad.








Of course what they are teaching you at uni isnt biased at all !


You sound like a young man with a very limited grasp of historical politics,


most university students start off with communist ideas, because you got f**k all, materialy speaking


once you start to stand on your own two feet you will start to feel diferently.


Sorry but a degree in philosophy doesnt impress me, its akin to aroma therapy or summat.

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  Dosser said:
  RicW said:
  droid said:
  Swampy said:
You calling me nuts?!!!!








You are if you think the BNP are nationalist rather than racist.


There may well be a difference (though historically the National Socialists didn't show much difference with their ludicrous 'Aryan' policies) but if the BNP understand it they're ignoring it.


As those of yez who have checked my site will know I am studying Philosophy at Sussex uni. To call the BNP "fascist" is an insult to fascism. The entire philosophy of the BNP is negative, based on fear and hatred. They are a bunch of snivelling gutless little shites who want the real world to go away and leave them in their fantasy world. Anglo-Saxon Britain? That is historically claptrap for a start. Then take a look at their "Great Leader", Nick Griffin. He yaps on about his "English heritage". Both the Angles and the Saxon peoples were tall, blond haired, blue eyed, fair skinned. Griffin is a short arsed dark haired brown eyed dark skinned IMMIGRANT SCUMBAG. If we apply his rules he'll be the first one up against the wall.


Not a bad idea come to think of it . . .I'll volunteer for the firing squad.








Of course what they are teaching you at uni isnt biased at all !


You sound like a young man with a very limited grasp of historical politics,


most university students start off with communist ideas, because you got f**k all, materialy speaking


once you start to stand on your own two feet you will start to feel diferently.


Sorry but a degree in philosophy doesnt impress me, its akin to aroma therapy or summat.

Na mate aroma therapys usefull.
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  poacher3161 said:
  RicW said:
  droid said:
  Swampy said:
You calling me nuts?!!!!








You are if you think the BNP are nationalist rather than racist.


There may well be a difference (though historically the National Socialists didn't show much difference with their ludicrous 'Aryan' policies) but if the BNP understand it they're ignoring it.


As those of yez who have checked my site will know I am studying Philosophy at Sussex uni. To call the BNP "fascist" is an insult to fascism. The entire philosophy of the BNP is negative, based on fear and hatred. They are a bunch of snivelling gutless little shites who want the real world to go away and leave them in their fantasy world. Anglo-Saxon Britain? That is historically claptrap for a start. Then take a look at their "Great Leader", Nick Griffin. He yaps on about his "English heritage". Both the Angles and the Saxon peoples were tall, blond haired, blue eyed, fair skinned. Griffin is a short arsed dark haired brown eyed dark skinned IMMIGRANT SCUMBAG. If we apply his rules he'll be the first one up against the wall.


Not a bad idea come to think of it . . .I'll volunteer for the firing squad.



I hope you have not been listening to those numptys the socialist workers party because they sucked me into their way of thinking for a short wile i was just glad i realised they were just a bunch of university drop outs with no conception of the real world.


Not exactly. In 1990 I was heavily involved with the anti-poll tax movement. Some of you guys may remember it. Meant that a family in a cottage paid as much as their landlord who was "earning" 100 times as much as they were. I was invited to join Militant. Told 'em to, ah, go away. They were too bloody right wing for me. But then I'm an old street fighting anarchist from the 60s. For the record, I am a student who has seen more of the "real world" than most people even know exists . . .


Come the revolution yer gonna be


Up against the wall ya muthafukkas.


Ahem. Sorry chaps. got a bit carried away there.



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