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Quietest .22 Rimfire - need to be covert.

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I currently use an Anschutz .17HMR and it is a great gun but, being supersonic, unavoidably very loud. That is not a problem during the day but not so sensible at night.


With the bad press that shooting has had over the years I am becoming quite self concious when lamping at night. Walking around in a field, advertising my presence with a huge red lamp and carrying a gun which, if fired, can be heard an awful long way away is just inviting problems.


Now I have a slot to add a .22LR and moderator (not purchased yet).


To resolve the (look everyone I am over here) lamp issues I am going to use night vision and have bought a Yukon Ranger 5x42 digital monocular for spotting and in the next couple of days take delivery of a dedicated digital sight for the .22LR (Pulsar N550 - just out - tried it at the trade show yesterday) should be good for head shots to about 50 yards or so (4x magnification).


Given that money is tight, and wife getting suspicious, I will probably buy a new CZ Varmint but open to suggestions. The Anschutz is brilliant and used during the day for typical shots between about 70 - 120 yards (rabbbits), half inch groups at 100 yards. At night, and particularly with night vision, I expect typical ranges to come down to 25 to 60 yards, hence ideal for a .22LR (in my totally inexperienced opinion).

Now what I really need from the .22 is for it to be as quiet as possible.

What should I buy that fits the bill?

Which rifle coupled with which moderator and which ammunition?

Is buying secondhand a good idea? Any offers?

From what I have read, CZ + SAK + Ely Subs seems a good starting point but you are the people with first hand experience.

Even my Theoben Rapid .177 air rifle can sound obtrusive at night, can I really silence a .22LR down to air rifle sound levels?

Thanks in advance for your advice....

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cant beat the cz,mate,i use a sak mod on one and a weirach on the other,and yes they are as silent as an air rifle,and very deadly when used with night vision,or with the lamp,good price,reliable,acurate as any gun on the market,i prefer win subs for my two,eleys seem a bit dirty to me,and the wins bowl the bunnies over no probs,only take mine upto 100 yds,on the odd acasion,mainly30 to 60 on normal nights out,a good all round workhorse,made to shoot rabbits,not be a pretty little toy,use,abuse and it will keep going,all weathers,well thats my two penneth worth,oki doki,ian

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Any .22lr with a Mod, you might just as well get a SAK; they are as good as any and a sensible price; and sub sonic ammo will be a quiet combination.


I am always curious when people prefer a heavy (CZ Varmint) barrel for "hunting", especially on a .22lr. I like light guns for trecking round the countryside for hours, and a heavy barrel will have no advanatage accuracy wise in the field in general use, and just get heavy to carry quickly.


Do you have a specific reason for a Varmint version or is it just a personal preference? :hmm:



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I currently use an Anschutz .17HMR and it is a great gun but, being supersonic, unavoidably very loud. That is not a problem during the day but not so sensible at night.


With the bad press that shooting has had over the years I am becoming quite self concious when lamping at night. Walking around in a field, advertising my presence with a huge red lamp and carrying a gun which, if fired, can be heard an awful long way away is just inviting problems.


Now I have a slot to add a .22LR and moderator (not purchased yet).


To resolve the (look everyone I am over here) lamp issues I am going to use night vision and have bought a Yukon Ranger 5x42 digital monocular for spotting and in the next couple of days take delivery of a dedicated digital sight for the .22LR (Pulsar N550 - just out - tried it at the trade show yesterday) should be good for head shots to about 50 yards or so (4x magnification).


Given that money is tight, and wife getting suspicious, I will probably buy a new CZ Varmint but open to suggestions. The Anschutz is brilliant and used during the day for typical shots between about 70 - 120 yards (rabbbits), half inch groups at 100 yards. At night, and particularly with night vision, I expect typical ranges to come down to 25 to 60 yards, hence ideal for a .22LR (in my totally inexperienced opinion).

Now what I really need from the .22 is for it to be as quiet as possible.

What should I buy that fits the bill?

Which rifle coupled with which moderator and which ammunition?

Is buying secondhand a good idea? Any offers?

From what I have read, CZ + SAK + Ely Subs seems a good starting point but you are the people with first hand experience.

Even my Theoben Rapid .177 air rifle can sound obtrusive at night, can I really silence a .22LR down to air rifle sound levels?

Thanks in advance for your advice....



I have tried quite a few different moderators down the years, and to be honest all of them are much the same!

My first was a Vaimeco (Sako these days), it was aluminium with plastic baffles, however it was 9" long and made my rifle overly long, but it was very quiet. Next I was given a black steel Parker Hale, this was a bit shorter and a bit 'cruder' but still worked fine, now I have a SAK on my SAKO Finnfire Varmint, and have had the rifle barrel cut down to 17" this is the best yet, handy length overall and as quiet as anything else i've tried.

I think it's the Ammo that makes the subtle difference, my favourite is either Winchester, or RWS both obviously subsonics, the noise you generate will mostly be the bullet hitting the rabbit or crashing through the 'bushes' if you don't, get one of your mates to fire a few rounds about 1/2 a field away in the dark, you'll be suprised how even the 'silent' subsonics make a distinct and easily attributable noise. So if the pesky 'neighbours' know what your about they will still hear you, your airgun pellets do not possess the power to make any noise other than the air firing, so thats why they can't be heard.

Andy F.

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I have and use a CZ style 22lr with a SAK mod and it's as good as any IMO.


I even tried using the CZ 22 with a T8 on the end and the noise was the same, I must try doing that again to check again.

Your still get the "putt" as the bullet goes off down range, but it's not offensive


CZ Style with custom stock.



Edited by clivej
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I have and use a CZ style 22lr with a SAK mod and it's as good as any IMO.


I even tried using the CZ 22 with a T8 on the end and the noise was the same, I must try doing that again to check again.

Your still get the "putt" as the bullet goes off down range, but it's not offensive


CZ Style with custom stock.




be careful using your t8 on 22lr as any unburnt powder in the mod can make it go bang when used back on centrefire.

a guy on one of the forums said it happened to him once

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for quietness then definately bolt action over semi-auto!!!!


then if wife getting suspicious and your concious of funds then as said already buy a CZ452


i have one which is CZ452 American with a parker hale cheapy mod on the end and trust me...ITS QUIET!!!!!


you dont need to go overboard


IF you buy a CZ i highly recommend buying a trigger kit (12 quid from rimfiremagic.co.uk )

the triggers are totally crap unless you do a trigger kit job on em...its cheap (£12) and you can do it yourself...turns a good rifle into a cracker and tightens up the groups into cloverleaf!!!!



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I currently use an Anschutz .17HMR and it is a great gun but, being supersonic, unavoidably very loud. That is not a problem during the day but not so sensible at night.


With the bad press that shooting has had over the years I am becoming quite self concious when lamping at night. Walking around in a field, advertising my presence with a huge red lamp and carrying a gun which, if fired, can be heard an awful long way away is just inviting problems.


Now I have a slot to add a .22LR and moderator (not purchased yet).


To resolve the (look everyone I am over here) lamp issues I am going to use night vision and have bought a Yukon Ranger 5x42 digital monocular for spotting and in the next couple of days take delivery of a dedicated digital sight for the .22LR (Pulsar N550 - just out - tried it at the trade show yesterday) should be good for head shots to about 50 yards or so (4x magnification).


Given that money is tight, and wife getting suspicious, I will probably buy a new CZ Varmint but open to suggestions. The Anschutz is brilliant and used during the day for typical shots between about 70 - 120 yards (rabbbits), half inch groups at 100 yards. At night, and particularly with night vision, I expect typical ranges to come down to 25 to 60 yards, hence ideal for a .22LR (in my totally inexperienced opinion).

Now what I really need from the .22 is for it to be as quiet as possible.

What should I buy that fits the bill?

Which rifle coupled with which moderator and which ammunition?

Is buying secondhand a good idea? Any offers?

From what I have read, CZ + SAK + Ely Subs seems a good starting point but you are the people with first hand experience.

Even my Theoben Rapid .177 air rifle can sound obtrusive at night, can I really silence a .22LR down to air rifle sound levels?

Thanks in advance for your advice....


hi in response to your question then theres not a great deal of difference, we had together a dm80/sak/jet-z/parker hale/ and put on the end of my brno and put 5 rounds down with each silencer on and the quietest to us was the jet-z but it was close with the dm80 so ive put that on the .17 now, that was using subsonic ammo

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for quietness then definately bolt action over semi-auto!!!!


then if wife getting suspicious and your concious of funds then as said already buy a CZ452


i have one which is CZ452 American with a parker hale cheapy mod on the end and trust me...ITS QUIET!!!!!


you dont need to go overboard


IF you buy a CZ i highly recommend buying a trigger kit (12 quid from rimfiremagic.co.uk )

the triggers are totally crap unless you do a trigger kit job on em...its cheap (£12) and you can do it yourself...turns a good rifle into a cracker and tightens up the groups into cloverleaf!!!!



Bloomin Hell "sauer" . Are you my lost twin ? Just what I'd have said . The Parker Hale is a bit long and spindly and does'nt look at all impressive but in my experienced it may be matched by more stylish moderators but it is never beaten . Yep that trigger kit is well worth the money . £12 seems a lot for a few springs and two bits of copper chenere -especially when you only use a couple of the items - but the effect is a revelation. I would add a word on night vision . It can have a very blinkering effect and you might not be fullyaware of peripheral hazards .Too many people "lamp" by sweeping a loaded rifle around the countryside when we all know that a loaded gun should never waved about like that in daytime let alone blindly in the dark .

Edited by comanche
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for quietness then definately bolt action over semi-auto!!!!


then if wife getting suspicious and your concious of funds then as said already buy a CZ452


i have one which is CZ452 American with a parker hale cheapy mod on the end and trust me...ITS QUIET!!!!!


you dont need to go overboard


IF you buy a CZ i highly recommend buying a trigger kit (12 quid from rimfiremagic.co.uk )

the triggers are totally crap unless you do a trigger kit job on em...its cheap (£12) and you can do it yourself...turns a good rifle into a cracker and tightens up the groups into cloverleaf!!!!



Bloomin Hell "sauer" . Are you my lost twin ? Just what I'd have said . The Parker Hale is a bit long and spindly and does'nt look at all impressive but in my experienced it may be matched by more stylish moderators but it is never beaten . Yep that trigger kit is well worth the money . £12 seems a lot for a few springs and two bits of copper chenere -especially when you only use a couple of the items - but the effect is a revelation. I would add a word on night vision . It can have a very blinkering effect and you might not be fullyaware of peripheral hazards .Too many people "lamp" by sweeping a loaded rifle around the countryside when we all know that a loaded gun should never waved about like that in daytime let alone blindly in the dark .





hehehehhee i think it looks the mutts nuts AND with the scope i have on its best set up ive had...wouldnt part with it at all and would put another set up identical together in a nanosecond!!!!!.

Parker Hale takes some beating ...cheap effective..and easy cleaned and put back together....actually think my one is donkeys years old



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I've owned my cz varmint .22 fitted with a parker hale silencer for about 3 years and i couldn't be happier .


As sauer stated , the parker hale may not be as chunky and good looking as a sax , but i very much doubt that the sax is more effective in the field , especially if you use subsonic ammo like Winchester SuperX . You've also got to take into account the cost.


Just my opinion of course ,


John :yes:

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