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Guest vimto.

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Cheers Vimto - Nice grouping… I bet they’ll be moving a damn sight faster that the 140’s as well. Don’t suppose I could get your recipe for them… :)


This may be a dumb question but did you find you could run fox and deer ammo along side each other in your 6.5 without significant change in zero or did you find you have to adjust it each time?

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Nice grouping eh :D there`s 27 rounds that went through that ragged hole :D

Now i know i can be a bit of a wind up but in truth that grouping was with 129g SST`s @ 120 yards and not the v-max and it was only five rounds,lol.

The V-max boxes were only purchased today only because they were at last years price which was almost £10 cheaper than today's new stock price.

When i get round to developing a load then i`ll let you know Local how they perform ;)

My only concern at the moment though is getting the v-max muddled up with SST`s as they both look identical with the red tips :blink:

Regarding Fox/Deer ammo when i used the Sauer it was 129g SST sighted in bang on at 120 yards for Deer and i never shifted the zero when i went foxing with the 85g Sierra Hollow points.

But obviously for you to do that you really need to check the rounds that your using for zero ;)

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thats confused me with regards to the SSTs and V max being different, I have the SSTs for my 30.06 and assumed they were V max looking on the Hornady site.

At the momoent i'm just in the proccess of loading some rounds for Boar, last year i used 200grn Accubond and found they didnt make the size exit would would of liked, dont get me wrong they produced the result, nothing moved far after being hit. I just thought i would try some thing a bit more frangible.

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  dougy said:
thats confused me with regards to the SSTs and V max being different, I have the SSTs for my 30.06 and assumed they were V max looking on the Hornady site.

At the momoent i'm just in the proccess of loading some rounds for Boar, last year i used 200grn Accubond and found they didnt make the size exit would would of liked, dont get me wrong they produced the result, nothing moved far after being hit. I just thought i would try some thing a bit more frangible.


They both look very similar as they are both tipped with red polimer cones. The V-MAX is very thin jacketed for blowing varmints up – the SST’s have a thicker jacket tapered to a more solid base… here the polimer tip is simply to reduce drag more and increase the BC as opposed to aiding expansion although to an extent I guess it helps there as well.



Vimto… I’ll have to pinch your SST load info as well if I may please – damn handy that you don’t (necessarily) have to change zero. Probably well worthwhile getting stocked up on ammo as the price for this caliber really is starting to get stupid :(

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Dougy your tempting me into getting a 30.06 :D

The A-max, V-max,GMX,GR and SST are all identical in looks but obviously vary in size and weights and are made for doing different jobs.

The V-max is a fragile bullet designed for rapid expansion and partial disintegration make no bones about it they fecking kill all right but there`s better projectiles to be used for Deer/Boar ;)

The 129g SST load i`m using is 47.7g of Vhit N560, Lapua Case, CCI BR primers with it 5 thou off the lands. It`s no good me telling you the OAL of the round because your`s could well be completely different. Quite a lot favor the N160 powder keeping it nice and slow for accurate results.

I used Reloader 22 as well for the 129g SST`s which gave the same results accuracy wise for the approximate same amount of powder.

With the lighter projectiles i have always used N150 but after using my last few grains of the stuff i`m considering trying a different powder with these 95g V-max.

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  foxdropper said:
Nice little friendship growing there boys .All the best to both of you :friends: :kiss: :wub:


The internet grooming must still be at a very early stage FD... i haven't even been asked what my favourite colour is yet let alone to send any photo's of myself :o:laugh::laugh:

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Here`s some 85g Sierra HP that i have just reduced the powder amount by 1 grains of powder from what i normally use as well as reduced the OAL length of the round.

They have the same POI as the 129g SST`s at 100 yards.




Here`s five shot`s @ 100 yards, the circle is the size of a penny. I must stress these projectiles should not be used for Deer control Indigenous or not..




Edited to add.. That the case resting on top of plastic was the last out of the five to be fired and showed signs of smoke blacking up the case after firing??

Edited by vimto.
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