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fox digging

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  exmoocher said:
  steviemann said:
  rowhoish said:
  steviemann said:
  jimmy said:
well some loney from dumbarton got caught digging and got fined £500 for it .Its on page 25 of the sun

Got off lightly. I wouldn't be happy to find someone trespassing on my permission. :hunter:

Dont know this lad personally, but i can tell you this. This lad was caught on waste land that the local council spend 1000s on trying to keep the urban fox population in the area down, and then they prosecute this young lad who is doing it for free with nothing more than his trusty terrier, and a shovel. The housing estates in this area are blighted by drugs, and violence as well as have very little employment oppotunities, and here is a young lad getting of his ass, and doing a bit of hunting, no differant from what you are doing STEVIEMANN, PRICK, but then again he aint no jumped up hunt servint. John Bluck wrote a book on digging such places as a young lad, and i bet you bought his book STEVIEMANN. Would he have been prosecuted if he was a PAKI or a CHINK,,, dont think so. Last yr one sunday a dozen CHINKS were caught netting the big loch for salmon, when asked what they were doing they replyed, FISHING, did they get done for poaching :no: they were told you cant do that here, and sent on there way, if it had been a local lad he would have been banged up, and banned from the whole system for life.

Am not going to hold my breath waiting for an apology from you. But I do expect you to start a collection for this lad you feel so strongly about.

As I said "I was trying to be funny" but failed big time!!! :icon_redface: I have the same views as you and every nationalist in this gone to the dogs country. Get that collection going if you really do feel as strong as you made out!!!

Edited to make sure this is aimed at Rowhoish's reply. As he felt strong enough to insult me, he should set collection up IMO.

i agree with you stevieman, why don't we ave a whip round for this kid? fiver each might help?

I'm still waiting for Rowhoish

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  FLATCAP said:
  reavo2k9 said:
Dont get CAPTURED when out DIGGING SIMPLE AS THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i second that like i said earlier when the shit hits the fan fet the f#ck out of there

you must have those special call them straight out terriers then eh????

no my french poodle doesnt go to ground it just bays at fresh air ?

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  out lamping said:
  steviemann said:
  jimmy said:
well some loney from dumbarton got caught digging and got fined £500 for it .Its on page 25 of the sun

Got off lightly. I wouldn't be happy to find someone trespassing on my permission. :hunter:

people wonder why gamekeepers and farmers get shit [bANNED TEXT] chasing people of ther land. theyll run up to u and start shouting in your face, threatin you or start throeing punches happend to me and a couple of me mates a few weeks ago 1 of the dogs chased a pheasent across a field the next thing we no ther a 6 1/2 foot brick shit house running down the field screaming at the top of his voice our first reaction was run eventually we stopped then once he cought up you could see the anger in his face he was glowing red and then he start throwing his fists about obviously us been younguns we couldnt do nothing apart from try and reason with him he eventually calmed down and moved us on lol .


Farmers have every right to get f****d off with people on there land , i can understand about the keeper getting, pissy the pheasants to them is money , just like a farmer with sheep , if you owned land would you like people walking and doing what ever they liked on it ?? As for the laddy caught foxing , what a croc of shit , i think the police need to put there energy in to some thing more worth while, there are plenty of kiddy fiddlers and dealers that need to be dealt with, not some lad and his dog .

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Front page of Glasgow evening times about fox digging in Drumchapel seen on cctv! cheers mate from the people who carry out legal pest control with terriers ANOTHER NAIL IN OUR COFFIN. In Scotland it is not difficult to work you're terriers legally we fought and won the right to Legally work terriers for pest control and to protect livestock lambs etc not like England where the restrictions are a lot worse, but these tits keep giving the SSPCA the amunition to go back to the Muppet show in Edinburgh and get the whole thing shut down THANKS AGAIN. :wallbash:

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"The SSPCA says dogs are being bred for the traits needed to chase and kill animals such as foxes. Bull lurchers are a cross between bull terriers, which are used to flush foxes from their dens, and lurchers, which can chase the fox once it's out in the open."


I thought that part was funny. Ive not seen many spannable bullx's.

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  lurchers said:
it makes you laugh.if you walk across a field with lurchers or terriers you are going badger digging or hair coursing,but if you walk the same fields with a collie or a scraggy heinz 57 you are told to keep to the foot paths and keep it on a lead.it makes you sick

thats obvious :stupid: if your walking the feilds with a collie your probably the farmer ;)

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