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This 15month male was a pet and had to be re homed due to bad training by the owner that produced an ill mannered biter!.




Within 3 weeks we have stopped his aggression towards humans and diverted his "fizz" towards work.


He is showing signs of being one of the hardest plummer terriers I've seen. His pain threshold is something else, and has massive amounts of drive.


His first encounter with a mink was laughable his second was astounding.


This is the result.





He will be off to co cavan in ireland next year .

Before im unindated with his breeding he is Brimar trigger sire brimar samson dam pitmans rose both out of wyremead belle..the reason i had to try him here first. A she is inbred to firebird.

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pains pain and you are really are a pain lol


...ps when hes working in ireland to you no what ...you may want to nip over and use him (thats if your dole money can stretch that far jamie !)

Edited by AMADORE
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opps it may have been this dog he so highly trained this dog this fox was shot by him ! and he was pet for 16 years beofre he was taught how to balance the rifle :gunsmilie:




Heres another piccy of his daughter running off with a bit of a nibble.



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