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plummer terriers

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i was also on the working plummer forum for a while and found it very interesting. for anyone into ratting it is probably the best ive seen. the members when i was on where varied and the majority helpfull and friendly the posts interesting the photography brillient. the forum has a small core of working terrier enthusiasts that work there dogs below. in genrtal a good place for working plummer owners. and i reckon most folk slating the forum have agenda.s or an axe to grinde...


the best ratting post i have ever read/seen was on this forum. i have a clear mental picture of two dogs standing looking knackered after a masive amount of rats at a chicken farm. i cant remember the total but it was several hundred rats. worth joining just to see that post :)


i am unbiased and know not one of the members personally. neither do i bother with any of the clubs. i just like working my wards and talking to like minded folk.


Seen it but it still does not change the fact that the Dan the mod on there was the one that assured me Boadacia puppy farm was the best place to buy a pup.Take a look why this post was started.I wont be logging on again if thats the sort of thing admin like to bury under the carpet. Then there are posts about know faults in some of the dogs on there that have been closed. All very "nicey nicey, pritty pikkies" but get serious, I like to know the truth and you do not get it there.

I wouldnt have a plummer if you paid me after seeing what i've seen now.


Qwe... well i must say that your right about the truths and hidden faults etc and all about the new expert "dan the man "...on the wpt site..Dont let them put you off plummers try one out you may well like them.

60/70 Plummers was the boast.I did my homework on the breed for a long time before I started makeing enquires. Yes AMADORE, Hendy is a joke and with the lies and use of the mod position, used the wpt forum to cover up about faults in his friends lines. One I recall about cleft pallets that springs to mind(A serious fault in any dog) getting locked down?.Shame but I no longer trust a word I read on there.I'll stick to my russalls. Nothing to hide there.

Edited by qwe
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I agree with what you say Glenn. But surely worker to worker when possible is more lightly to get the results that people on this site would want. And not to offer a non working dog up for stud on a w

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Cleft palate! :thumbdown: wouldnt surpirse me as Bris so culling policy didnt work :icon_redface::icon_redface::whistling: ,,and im sure many lines today would still carry it. :wallbash:

Still think you should try a Plummer though, :victory: I can probably supply a male pup next year :big_boss: and i will give you your brass back without quibble :big_boss: if you dont like it!..as long as you bring it back up here.


It will be docked and chipped..aarr gow on gow on gow on :clapper: ... lol take the plunge :clapper:

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Not so much cleft palate these days,although alot do still carry the Perth's syndrome gene!Ive kept Plummers for over 20yrs,and allthough some wouldnt work that well below ground,But that could be said of any breed of terrier!!I can say that ALL of them were fantastic at working rats,they will take massive amounts of punishment from Rat bites with out question,They will quite simply work till they DROP...

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To much swearing lol !

Yes i can imagine swimming around in all that muck,Rats are a great quarry,and a real good test of a terriers metle,some on hear will no doubt disagree with that,but who cares :o !!Most think that a terrier with half it's face missing is a TRUE terrier lol,An ard dog and all that lmao,Silly little boys most of them,Not going to make many friends on here saying that am i lol...... :)

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To much swearing lol !

Yes i can imagine swimming around in all that muck,Rats are a great quarry,and a real good test of a terriers metle,some on hear will no doubt disagree with that,but who cares :o !!Most think that a terrier with half it's face missing is a TRUE terrier lol,An ard dog and all that lmao,Silly little boys most of them,Not going to make many friends on here saying that am i lol...... :)


Wasnt that an awesome bit of video , some of those dogs looked as though they werent gonna get out of that shit pile but all they were bothered about was the quarry , marvellous

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Filmed years ago mind 148 rats in 1hour all bolted by a tiny jill ferret and some water. ..whos offspring i purchased kept for over ten years and bred upteen generations .The plummers were mine . A san bred daughter a rocky barad son and proteus from plummers kotion and salem. My mates black and white russell was a little soft, and lacked courage for me.


The other dark fell crosses were digging dogs from a man who poached the whole of the northwest and bred some great lurchers.

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Cleft palate! :thumbdown: wouldnt surpirse me as Bris so culling policy didnt work :icon_redface::icon_redface::whistling: ,,and im sure many lines today would still carry it. :wallbash:

Still think you should try a Plummer though, :victory: I can probably supply a male pup next year :big_boss: and i will give you your brass back without quibble :big_boss: if you dont like it!..as long as you bring it back up here.


It will be docked and chipped..aarr gow on gow on gow on :clapper: ... lol take the plunge :clapper:

Happy with my russals thanks. money back garentes :clapper: UP?

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Filmed years ago mind 148 rats in 1hour all bolted by a tiny jill ferret and some water. ..whos offspring i purchased kept for over ten years and bred upteen generations .The plummers were mine . A san bred daughter a rocky barad son and proteus from plummers kotion and salem. My mates black and white russell was a little soft, and lacked courage for me.


The other dark fell crosses were digging dogs from a man who poached the whole of the northwest and bred some great lurchers.



My god Salem belonged to me many many years ago,I gave her back to Brian to breed from,and she Passed away not long after her litter about 1987/88 around then,mind you she was knocking on a bit :) ,Small world,Her father was a Bloody nightmare,And i mean nightmare,Savage little bugger,with a pure nasty streak!! Bloody good Badger dog though,and then it was legal!!!Your dog must have been from Brian then??

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Yes brian gave me a pup after helping out work on a boat.

Proetus turned out to be excellent ratter and was eventualy lost to ground in wales at a hunt. I wanted Barad his sister but she was given away to medlars and her genes not used properly.


Kotian Salem produced one bitch *Barad and loads of dogs .trembling,scud,diemos pazzaz, phobos, proteus.

trembling lost his throat to pig, phobos nearly did, all the males were fighters big style!


But nearly all had inherited problems of the joints.

Salems sire was "VAMPIRE" mm plenty of lads on here would love to hear more about him!

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