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plummer terriers

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Why would you put a untested 2 year old up for stud even if its a :db: Hard worker :db: I’m not having a dig at plummers I just dot see any point in it. atb bedrock




Didnt do stevies dog charlie any harm ....being as his dam was just 16month old and sire 4 year old and both never entered to fox. Infact i could go back further still..but that wouldnt help the matter.


What i would say that 18 years ago if we hand'nt have bred from untested dogs then the breed would be dead now.


One of the most famous plummers sid (rocky alice) eneterd by brian nuttal for paul flack served with 2 hunts dug more than any hunt terriers with both those 2 hunts sereved nothing but russelles.Yet another waste.

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I agree with what you say Glenn. But surely worker to worker when possible is more lightly to get the results that people on this site would want. And not to offer a non working dog up for stud on a w

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there was a couple of other good ones at that time didnt get used because they (the owners)didnt put up with the shit and even then money was the motivator for many of them especially a couple of lads down the west side of the country.

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Why would you put a untested 2 year old up for stud even if its a :db: Hard worker :db: I’m not having a dig at plummers I just dot see any point in it. atb bedrock




Didnt do stevies dog charlie any harm ....being as his dam was just 16month old and sire 4 year old and both never entered to fox. Infact i could go back further still..but that wouldnt help the matter.


What i would say that 18 years ago if we hand'nt have bred from untested dogs then the breed would be dead now.


One of the most famous plummers sid (rocky alice) eneterd by brian nuttal for paul flack served with 2 hunts dug more than any hunt terriers with both those 2 hunts sereved nothing but russelles.Yet another waste.

I agree with what you say Glenn. But surely worker to worker when possible is more lightly to get the results that people on this site would want. And not to offer a non working dog up for stud on a working dog forum.

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Why would you put a untested 2 year old up for stud even if its a :db: Hard worker :db: I’m not having a dig at plummers I just dot see any point in it. atb bedrock




Didnt do stevies dog charlie any harm ....being as his dam was just 16month old and sire 4 year old and both never entered to fox. Infact i could go back further still..but that wouldnt help the matter.


What i would say that 18 years ago if we hand'nt have bred from untested dogs then the breed would be dead now.


One of the most famous plummers sid (rocky alice) eneterd by brian nuttal for paul flack served with 2 hunts dug more than any hunt terriers with both those 2 hunts sereved nothing but russelles.Yet another waste.

I agree with what you say Glenn. But surely worker to worker when possible is more lightly to get the results that people on this site would want. And not to offer a non working dog up for stud on a working dog forum.


i never said i was gonna put my dog out for stud tmorow did i??.......i also said i am currently getting him at it,i have friends who have regular fox digs who have said its what my dog needs,and that nows the time to get out and do it...which i will be asap ,the fact i have just bought a new house and been working flat out means that i dont have 4days a week to put into getting my dog working..until now he has only been ratting (which he has done well at),now the winter season starts work goes quiet for me thus i have more time for my dog........should he do well then im sure ill have every plummer owner knocking my door down for a spoonfull of his love lard.........maybe you should be helping me out with some pointers on starting out instead of trying to make me look an idiot just coz i got a plummer terrier.........after all....i only joined here for help and advice.

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Why would you put a untested 2 year old up for stud even if its a :db: Hard worker :db: I’m not having a dig at plummers I just dot see any point in it. atb bedrock




Didnt do stevies dog charlie any harm ....being as his dam was just 16month old and sire 4 year old and both never entered to fox. Infact i could go back further still..but that wouldnt help the matter.


What i would say that 18 years ago if we hand'nt have bred from untested dogs then the breed would be dead now.


One of the most famous plummers sid (rocky alice) eneterd by brian nuttal for paul flack served with 2 hunts dug more than any hunt terriers with both those 2 hunts sereved nothing but russelles.Yet another waste.

I agree with what you say Glenn. But surely worker to worker when possible is more lightly to get the results that people on this site would want. And not to offer a non working dog up for stud on a working dog forum.


i never said i was gonna put my dog out for stud tmorow did i??.......i also said i am currently getting him at it,i have friends who have regular fox digs who have said its what my dog needs,and that nows the time to get out and do it...which i will be asap ,the fact i have just bought a new house and been working flat out means that i dont have 4days a week to put into getting my dog working..until now he has only been ratting (which he has done well at),now the winter season starts work goes quiet for me thus i have more time for my dog........should he do well then im sure ill have every plummer owner knocking my door down for a spoonfull of his love lard.........maybe you should be helping me out with some pointers on starting out instead of trying to make me look an idiot just coz i got a plummer terrier.........after all....i only joined here for help and advice.

good post pal ;)

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Why would you put a untested 2 year old up for stud even if its a :db: Hard worker :db: I’m not having a dig at plummers I just dot see any point in it. atb bedrock




Didnt do stevies dog charlie any harm ....being as his dam was just 16month old and sire 4 year old and both never entered to fox. Infact i could go back further still..but that wouldnt help the matter.


What i would say that 18 years ago if we hand'nt have bred from untested dogs then the breed would be dead now.


One of the most famous plummers sid (rocky alice) eneterd by brian nuttal for paul flack served with 2 hunts dug more than any hunt terriers with both those 2 hunts sereved nothing but russelles.Yet another waste.


So what are you saying Its ok to breed from untested dogs? The best working lines, terriers that have been bread from generations of workers have failures in every litter. What chance has a litter bred by an untested 2 year old got?

Surly if you all want the best for the plummer terrier as a working breed you should all stop this nonsense of breeding from untested stock. As I said this isn’t a dig at the plummer terrier it seems to be happening with all breeds of working terrier these days :blink:

When I started out in this game a old chap told me a few basics rules. He said never work an injured dog always make sure they have a dry kennel, and It takes several generations of breeding to make workers but only one to ruin them. ;) atb bedrock

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Why would you put a untested 2 year old up for stud even if its a :db: Hard worker :db: I’m not having a dig at plummers I just dot see any point in it. atb bedrock




Didnt do stevies dog charlie any harm ....being as his dam was just 16month old and sire 4 year old and both never entered to fox. Infact i could go back further still..but that wouldnt help the matter.


What i would say that 18 years ago if we hand'nt have bred from untested dogs then the breed would be dead now.


One of the most famous plummers sid (rocky alice) eneterd by brian nuttal for paul flack served with 2 hunts dug more than any hunt terriers with both those 2 hunts sereved nothing but russelles.Yet another waste.

I agree with what you say Glenn. But surely worker to worker when possible is more lightly to get the results that people on this site would want. And not to offer a non working dog up for stud on a working dog forum.


i never said i was gonna put my dog out for stud tmorow did i??.......i also said i am currently getting him at it,i have friends who have regular fox digs who have said its what my dog needs,and that nows the time to get out and do it...which i will be asap ,the fact i have just bought a new house and been working flat out means that i dont have 4days a week to put into getting my dog working..until now he has only been ratting (which he has done well at),now the winter season starts work goes quiet for me thus i have more time for my dog........should he do well then im sure ill have every plummer owner knocking my door down for a spoonfull of his love lard.........maybe you should be helping me out with some pointers on starting out instead of trying to make me look an idiot just coz i got a plummer terrier.........after all....i only joined here for help and advice.

"I have nothing more to say"

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Why would you put a untested 2 year old up for stud even if its a :db: Hard worker :db: I’m not having a dig at plummers I just dot see any point in it. atb bedrock




Didnt do stevies dog charlie any harm ....being as his dam was just 16month old and sire 4 year old and both never entered to fox. Infact i could go back further still..but that wouldnt help the matter.


What i would say that 18 years ago if we hand'nt have bred from untested dogs then the breed would be dead now.


One of the most famous plummers sid (rocky alice) eneterd by brian nuttal for paul flack served with 2 hunts dug more than any hunt terriers with both those 2 hunts sereved nothing but russelles.Yet another waste.


So what are you saying Its ok to breed from untested dogs? The best working lines, terriers that have been bread from generations of workers have failures in every litter. What chance has a litter bred by an untested 2 year old got?

Surly if you all want the best for the plummer terrier as a working breed you should all stop this nonsense of breeding from untested stock. As I said this isn’t a dig at the plummer terrier it seems to be happening with all breeds of working terrier these days :blink:

When I started out in this game a old chap told me a few basics rules. He said never work an injured dog always make sure they have a dry kennel, and It takes several generations of breeding to make workers but only one to ruin them. ;) atb bedrock




As far as the Plummer terrier is concerned breeding from non earth dogs will not make one iota of a diffrence than from any rat/vermin hunting plummer. as far as work goes.


Steviemans Charlie todhunter and his realtions proove this theory.


Its certainly not nonense but educating breeders and owners , that the breed has to survive first...if was left to the earth dog only men "testing studs first" the breed would be dead years ago...as most good working terrier dont live long enough ever sire or produce anything again prooven here.


As for loosing instinct in one generation away thats aload of old tripe that i can proove many times over especilay with these terriers.


What chance of a pet 2 year old plummer producing earth workers?...Again I refer to stevie dog first but then if you want more the list is very long.


Its down to gens and inheritance ..hence you see some grand workers and some not so good workers in all breeds and types, that are known workers.


Edging your bets so to speak by accumlating the "instinct" by worker to worker is basic, genetics, and breeding for somehting desirable, and hopefully something most plummer breeders do.


Obviuolsy "desire to work" is one thing the breeders wish for well i hope they do and hope they bred for...i breed for nose mainly.


I dont belive that great earth dogs are spawned only form great earth dogs at all ...


One of my dogs was a rat dog of high calibre for years before i showed him a fox ..he became to hard and was not as good a ratter as before he saw fox...evetualy loosing his life at a fox after 5 days to ground .


But this breed needs to survive so I say if i have a rare bloodline untested for a few generations i would use him over my best bitches, and have done so many times.


The new owners will be told what has been done and if they dont like the uselless creature send it back...the monies here...because more than liley his siblings have prooven themselves...to be useful.

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Ok AMADORE fair enough if the plummer terrier as a breed is in such a state that in order for it to survive you have to use any old dog and bitch to try and produce descant working dogs. Good luck to you.


I don’t belive that great earth dogs are spawned only form great earth dogs at all ...

Great earth dogs are more likely to come from great earth dogs. But if your after a ratting dog I suppose that doesn’t matter.


As I said in my other posts this isn’t intended to be a slaging match because I think all people involved in field sports should support each other even if they have a difference of opinion.

Good luck to you. ;)

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Any other guys on here have a plummer terrier?....stunning little dogs,hard working and very loyal........i think im the only owner of one in the entire southwest,never seen one other than mine in this neck of the woods...was maybe thinking of putting mine out to stud and get the breed going stronger....i beleive the nearest breeder (reputable) was norfolk where mine came from.

And what do you mean by hard working?

Hi gazzer

i have plummer terriers ,i think there very nice little dogs mate ,good with the kids even my game birds but when i take them out they do there job with the rats.

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Ok AMADORE fair enough if the plummer terrier as a breed is in such a state that in order for it to survive you have to use any old dog and bitch to try and produce descant working dogs. Good luck to you.


I don’t belive that great earth dogs are spawned only form great earth dogs at all ...

Great earth dogs are more likely to come from great earth dogs. But if your after a ratting dog I suppose that doesn’t matter.


As I said in my other posts this isn’t intended to be a slaging match because I think all people involved in field sports should support each other even if they have a difference of opinion.

Good luck to you. ;)


Any old dog ? Not at all mate ;) Well ive managed over 10 generations so far without a decline in working ability ...speaks for itself I feel. As for ratting dont do any now, for at least 13 years, before which i hunted every night for 4 years and have been paid for my work.

Now im a professional riverkeeper and work my pack along 10 miles of private river. But also a partime gamekeeper for a small syndicate..again paid professionaly. Wish i had time for a few rats but sadly no.



Breed in a state? certainly not. far from it now the breed is flying higher than ever.


Great earth dogs are more likely to come from great earth dogs ?? ....Nope not at all. and thats why we all know of many failures.


Good luck to you though no doubt your chosen breed is not a closed genepool, making skilled breeding an art form.


Best wishes


PS feel free to contact me for a good working stud .

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Well thats a shame its lads in your line or work Stevie that could show the world how good they really are.


With 1000 registred in over 20 years half of wich are dead no doubt leaving 500. im sure there are some not so good ..and I know there are some superb earth dogs.


But i doubt its the dogs as you say thats the problem its the marketing as an all rounder that hinders the title earth dog.


20 plus years ago many used them for earth work myseldf included but even back then the limits of finding earth work without risks of prosecution were hard.


After answering the phone for 20 years most lads even today are amateur weekend hunters how many times can you garuntee earth work on the weekend.?..not many even if you find yourslef "off the footpath"



But with a new breed they have to multi task as the amount of people wanting earth dogs nowadays is tiny...for the breed to survive soley as earth dogs is impossible.

I think if my Charlie was still alive he would've improved the breeds reputation, I've no doubt about that. Especially as I'm now lucky enough to be out three to four times a week.

As an allrounder you not find IMO a better breed.

That pup looks strong, what a corker. Would've found it hard to turn that one down. But as they've got popular the price has risen the same as the Border prices did.


Yes you are lucky (and so am i) for such work but like i said its a tiny fraction of the terrier lads who are so. And with no disrepect to you stevie ...we are now a dog down who didnt pass on his abilities. This happens so much with plummers they get worked so much that they end up dead ..myself included ive lost over 4 to ground 20 years9one with a prof hunt) and one youngster that was to be a stud with a mate who didnt listen about working fox. He worked the dog at 12months to fox on the fens and set my project back 5 years at least....he claims its still to ground lol.His aunty survived and is in my pedigrees.


Well the pup above is now in cumbria but hes nothing compared to my 13month old boy and his sister.


Yes prices are different from some so called expert breeders ... depends were you go stevie i dont think you would have been ripped off at £225 which is my price for a micochipped docked and no quibble money back garuntee for life complete with pedigree.

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Why would you put a untested 2 year old up for stud even if its a :db: Hard worker :db: I’m not having a dig at plummers I just dot see any point in it. atb bedrock




Didnt do stevies dog charlie any harm ....being as his dam was just 16month old and sire 4 year old and both never entered to fox. Infact i could go back further still..but that wouldnt help the matter.


What i would say that 18 years ago if we hand'nt have bred from untested dogs then the breed would be dead now.


One of the most famous plummers sid (rocky alice) eneterd by brian nuttal for paul flack served with 2 hunts dug more than any hunt terriers with both those 2 hunts sereved nothing but russelles.Yet another waste.

I agree with what you say Glenn. But surely worker to worker when possible is more lightly to get the results that people on this site would want. And not to offer a non working dog up for stud on a working dog forum.



i never said i was gonna put my dog out for stud tmorow did i??.......i also said i am currently getting him at it,i have friends who have regular fox digs who have said its what my dog needs,and that nows the time to get out and do it...which i will be asap ,the fact i have just bought a new house and been working flat out means that i dont have 4days a week to put into getting my dog working..until now he has only been ratting (which he has done well at),now the winter season starts work goes quiet for me thus i have more time for my dog........should he do well then im sure ill have every plummer owner knocking my door down for a spoonfull of his love lard.........maybe you should be helping me out with some pointers on starting out instead of trying to make me look an idiot just coz i got a plummer terrier.........after all....i only joined here for help and advice.

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