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Right, i'v put a topic up before about my JRT being a sod, but that problem about her going for other dogs is nearly sorted.


But now i have the problem with her Going absolught ape-shit at my ferrets. I took her feretting a while ago and she nearly mauled my ferret, luckily enough i was able to get to her before she had a chance. She tries to bit them and she barks and howls at them, she also growls at them and tries to get into the hutch to bite them. I've been told by a couple of people that there is no hope and she'll be like this for ever. Is there anything at all i can do to correct this?

She's slowly starting to heel, but she's still on the long leed.


Any help would be much appreciated as i want to use her for feretting.




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mine goes mental at our ferrets at home and i have NO hope of breaking him to them! He wants to kill anything small and furry, feathered or if it moves!! It will be possible to break yours as it's still young enough, it needs to be socialised as much as possible with your ferrets. Lots of time and effort required though

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