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Black Leopard

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Hmmmmm........ok I get the black at night bit. but do all "big cats" hunt at night?


I reckon it just adds to the mystery and adds a a certain sinister element to the yarn........also its hard to take a photo of black....handy that methinks.


Still, I could just be a sceptic?







A mr mastopholies ning


Quoi? Toi? A sceptic? Perish ther thort. Aziff.



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Having seen a big cat whilst out with a pack of hounds near cheltenham, in daylight with the terrierman and another friend who runs his own pack, i believe you.


the birds went completely silent as it approached and passed between 2 bits of cover, passing a gateway so we could see the size as the hounds passed on the same track.Then 10 mins later the birds came out and carried on as normal. Light brown in colour. All 3 of us looked at each other and said did you see that???? Distance of no more than 100yards. Bloody crapped ourselves!!

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RSPCA a few years ago was searchn a farm and found 2 lynx in a stable [bANNED TEXT] wire door aparrentley they would be relised on a estate and hunted and shot for big money

so if that was true then imagin the 1ns that dont get shot ??????//


also donald mcantire who does the undercover stuff he bought a lion or tiger cant remember witch one he bought it of a closed animal park thing no papers and he met the guy in some services animal was druged in back of transit van


so it is possiable who knows

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Hmmmmm........ok I get the black at night bit. but do all "big cats" hunt at night?


I reckon it just adds to the mystery and adds a a certain sinister element to the yarn........also its hard to take a photo of black....handy that methinks.


Still, I could just be a sceptic?







A mr mastopholies ning


Quoi? Toi? A sceptic? Perish ther thort. Aziff.




Oui c'est mois

Swampy le sceptic

et le chat et dans l'arbre


Je n'aime pas les francaise ning

Edited by Swampy
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RSPCA a few years ago was searchn a farm and found 2 lynx in a stable [bANNED TEXT] wire door aparrentley they would be relised on a estate and hunted and shot for big money

so if that was true then imagin the 1ns that dont get shot ??????//


also donald mcantire who does the undercover stuff he bought a lion or tiger cant remember witch one he bought it of a closed animal park thing no papers and he met the guy in some services animal was druged in back of transit van


so it is possiable who knows

FFS the Arspca would have said it was the last mating pair of dodos to get a freakin story and some empathy/sympathy.



jeez. Get the pictures out then it'll give it some credence...stop spreading the urban myth! the way everyone goes on I'd have been mauled by every big cat that ever walked the planet.....I've seen less rabbits!




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I see the old Methylated Spirits are on special offer again down at Simomans "local"!!!..........I told you before, stick to the orange juice! :tongue2:



there was a farmer or game keeper shot a lynx in norfolk a while ago police found it in his freezer when they raided his house for some reason

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Simo do us all a favour and keep off the hallucinogens !


I'm suprised it came towards you in any case as you look just like the Yorkshire Ripper !


Look sexpot, I have shaved the offending beard off, also remember that big cat we saw lamping? :clapper:

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I see the old Methylated Spirits are on special offer again down at Simomans "local"!!!..........I told you before, stick to the orange juice! :tongue2:



You remember my local then? Women with monobrows and large hands, what was the name of the woman you were flirting with, Dave?? :clapper:

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my carrer has been working with animals and also licensing animals under the DDA.


Probably getting the wrong end of the stick here but...how was you involved in licensing animals under the Dangerous Dogs Act?... :hmm:



Sorry DWA :icon_redface:

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