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Mincers question, advice

Guest Nov

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I don't blame you one little bit mate, but I had to ask :D as for models, on the ID plate mine says Hobart E4522 and I've been offered 300 quid for it umpteen times, so if you do part with it, don't take less than that, unless you sell it to me of course. :11:

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i really dont see the point in a mincer if you have space, you can pick up a chest freezer cheep enougth alot less than one of these commercial mincers, i got a nice one for £30. ok it mite make it a bit easyer to meashure food out but its not to difficalt with skales and a knife to get it [bANNED TEXT]. surly giving them whole bones is alot better for there teath than minced meet. i will just stick to my little hand mincer for the bunny burgers :11:

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I've bought two mincers in the last month,both hobarts.Ones a 12 and the others a 22,i've put plenty through the 12 so far and i'm quite happy with it,i'm just cutting the rabbit into about eight pieces and putting them through bones and all,i got that for £100,it has three different sized plates with it,i find the bigger holed one the best.The 22 has had to have a minor bit of repair work done to it and is nearly ready to try,i got that for £40 after it failed to reach its reserve on ebay and i contacted the seller afterwards and arranged to buy it.I haven't had any bother with the bone splinters,anything that comes through the plate is perfectly sized for both ends of the dog. :11: I'll try to figure out this pic thing and get some up.

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

I'm in the market for a Hobart 22. I've also just been making some local enquiries after any number of old, knackered out sheep! Mhwuhahahahahaaaaa! I have the land. I have the mouths to feed. I know what I'm doing! :yes:

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