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hi i gave my lurcher pup a piece of fruit just now

and the misses thinks it will upset her stomach

citric acids and stuff in the fruit!

could i have a problem with her guts?

any info much appreciated




p.s shes 6 months old and had a peice of melon

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hi i gave my lurcher pup a piece of fruit just now

and the misses thinks it will upset her stomach

citric acids and stuff in the fruit!

could i have a problem with her guts?

any info much appreciated




p.s shes 6 months old and had a peice of melon

yes some fruits are bad for them they rekon grapes are poisonus
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hi i gave my lurcher pup a piece of fruit just now

and the misses thinks it will upset her stomach

citric acids and stuff in the fruit!

could i have a problem with her guts?

any info much appreciated




p.s shes 6 months old and had a peice of melon

yes some fruits are bad for them they rekon grapes are poisonus
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hi i gave my lurcher pup a piece of fruit just now

and the misses thinks it will upset her stomach

citric acids and stuff in the fruit!

could i have a problem with her guts?

any info much appreciated




p.s shes 6 months old and had a peice of melon

yes some fruits are bad for them they rekon grapes are poisonus


some dogs like fruit but it would upset the dogs belly if they eat too much as for grapes i dont know, my dog likes apple cores, but i wouldn't give them too much cos you know your selves if you eat too much it will give you the shits

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cheers for the replies everyone

should of been a bit more careful i suppose


the squits i can handle easily washed down on tiles lol


what other things are bad for the stomach?


please dont state the obvious as i have got

a bit of knowledge when it comes to it lol

my other lurcher is 6 and she's still fine and fit

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Oh, and I wouldn't give citrus fruits, I've never heard that they are particularly bad for dogs but I do know that they don't agree with a lot of other animals so I just wouldn't take the chance with my dog. I think that a good range of fruits and veggies are just as good for dogs as they are for us.

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Likes been said grapes and raisns ect cause the spores that form on the skin

Both are bad for dogs ,I think everything else is ok ,if the dog will eat it.30 years ago I had a Beddie cross who ate rhubarb leaves, and no ,I didnt make him custard for it.

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Apples and pears are safe grapes are a big no no having said that my gsd used to pinch them all the time.Anything with a stones a no no as well as most of the time they contain a form of cyanide.Found my dogs love raw carrot and swede and even spring onion.

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