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theres some scum in this world

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i answered a knock at the door tonight it was a bloke from down the street,he calls if he ever comes across a bargain or two :whistling: anyway he says"dya know anybody who wants this"and pulls a puppy from under his jacket :icon_eek: it turns out someone owed him some dollar so he went round to collect it and he said this pup was sat in its own shit under the stairs,he only realised it was there cos he could hear it scratching,it turns out its a manchester terrier x staff,9 wks old it was in a litter of 5 which he sold and picked the biggest for himself :censored: to spend a life under the stairs :censored: so the bloke duely give him a slap and took the pup off him,is it any wonder rescue centres are full wi c**ts like that around... :censored: sorry rant over

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