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Hi Everyone,


I'm a newbie to this forum and hunting so this may seem a bit odd. I have boxer dog, large male 4 years old. Are they any good for hunting. he has a strong instinct to hunt, very fast and athletic and powerful,the only thing is his discipline very strong willed when he catches an animal he will eat it and won't let go. Are they any good and can he be trained to not eat the kill?

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Hi Everyone,


I'm a newbie to this forum and hunting so this may seem a bit odd. I have boxer dog, large male 4 years old. Are they any good for hunting. he has a strong instinct to hunt, very fast and athletic and powerful,the only thing is his discipline very strong willed when he catches an animal he will eat it and won't let go. Are they any good and can he be trained to not eat the kill?

theyre not renowned for their hunting abilities mate :whistling: but as with everything theres always an exception to the norm,what kind of stuff has he caught :victory:

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Hi Everyone,


I'm a newbie to this forum and hunting so this may seem a bit odd. I have boxer dog, large male 4 years old. Are they any good for hunting. he has a strong instinct to hunt, very fast and athletic and powerful,the only thing is his discipline very strong willed when he catches an animal he will eat it and won't let go. Are they any good and can he be trained to not eat the kill?

theyre not renowned for their hunting abilities mate :whistling: but as with everything theres always an exception to the norm,what kind of stuff has he caught :victory:


yeah thats what always has confused me as most literature says they were breed for hunting. But what exactly lol. Yeah mine will chase animals and catch them but it's giving the kill to me thats the problem lol. Very stubborn. He's caught Rats, rabbits, Squirrals, a peacock (whoops), and a German Shepherd that was not good.(whoops again. obviously didn't kill it). He's good with live stock and cats though.


Would be ok if he let things go. He also has been very disobediant since we moved house. We used to live on a farm and he could wonder but since we have moved closer to town he can't go off the lead as he gets the scent of rabbits and runs off.

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My terriers get stuck into hedgehogs,they have a thing for them and i have to carry them away from the bloody things.My dogs don't froth at the mouth after a nibble but they do bleed quite a lot lol.

Edited by fireman
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Hi Everyone,


I'm a newbie to this forum and hunting so this may seem a bit odd. I have boxer dog, large male 4 years old. Are they any good for hunting. he has a strong instinct to hunt, very fast and athletic and powerful,the only thing is his discipline very strong willed when he catches an animal he will eat it and won't let go. Are they any good and can he be trained to not eat the kill?

theyre not renowned for their hunting abilities mate :whistling: but as with everything theres always an exception to the norm,what kind of stuff has he caught :victory:


yeah thats what always has confused me as most literature says they were breed for hunting. But what exactly lol. Yeah mine will chase animals and catch them but it's giving the kill to me thats the problem lol. Very stubborn. He's caught Rats, rabbits, Squirrals, a peacock (whoops), and a German Shepherd that was not good.(whoops again. obviously didn't kill it). He's good with live stock and cats though.


Would be ok if he let things go. He also has been very disobediant since we moved house. We used to live on a farm and he could wonder but since we have moved closer to town he can't go off the lead as he gets the scent of rabbits and runs off.

hi mate, i have kept boxers for the last 15yrs the first boxer i ever had was a white boxer bitch that we rescued at 2 1/2 yrs she was fit as a fiddle would chase hares every morning and take 1or 2 she could sometimes be up to a mile away, but it wasnt a course,and there wasnt much left of the hare, but she loved it, i have three now a brindle bitch and two brindle pups i kept from her only litter,one has a brilliant nose and will tell me when a rabbit is in a hole, the other is awsome looking very big and powerful shes as fast as my lurcher but i have to keep her calm,as the more excited she gets the more powerful she gets and i havnt let her get anywhere near her limit.,but her nature and loyalty is second to none. but as a working dog the answer is definatly no,purely because they have a mind of there own which i think is unique to the breed hope this helps atb jamiew
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Hi Everyone,


I'm a newbie to this forum and hunting so this may seem a bit odd. I have boxer dog, large male 4 years old. Are they any good for hunting. he has a strong instinct to hunt, very fast and athletic and powerful,the only thing is his discipline very strong willed when he catches an animal he will eat it and won't let go. Are they any good and can he be trained to not eat the kill?

theyre not renowned for their hunting abilities mate :whistling: but as with everything theres always an exception to the norm,what kind of stuff has he caught :victory:


yeah thats what always has confused me as most literature says they were breed for hunting. But what exactly lol. Yeah mine will chase animals and catch them but it's giving the kill to me thats the problem lol. Very stubborn. He's caught Rats, rabbits, Squirrals, a peacock (whoops), and a German Shepherd that was not good.(whoops again. obviously didn't kill it). He's good with live stock and cats though.


Would be ok if he let things go. He also has been very disobediant since we moved house. We used to live on a farm and he could wonder but since we have moved closer to town he can't go off the lead as he gets the scent of rabbits and runs off.

hi mate, i have kept boxers for the last 15yrs the first boxer i ever had was a white boxer bitch that we rescued at 2 1/2 yrs she was fit as a fiddle would chase hares every morning and take 1or 2 she could sometimes be up to a mile away, but it wasnt a course,and there wasnt much left of the hare, but she loved it, i have three now a brindle bitch and two brindle pups i kept from her only litter,one has a brilliant nose and will tell me when a rabbit is in a hole, the other is awsome looking very big and powerful shes as fast as my lurcher but i have to keep her calm,as the more excited she gets the more powerful she gets and i havnt let her get anywhere near her limit.,but her nature and loyalty is second to none. but as a working dog the answer is definatly no,purely because they have a mind of there own which i think is unique to the breed hope this helps atb jamiew

A white boxer!!! Years ago they were nearly all put down at birth. Having said that, my aunt had a white one. Stone deaf, exma, bad joints. Was put down before it's third year.

Headstrong you say? Yes I'd agree with that especially after seeing my mates one run through a shut porch window to get to a cat.

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Many years ago they were a fine animal, i have read years ago about them boar hunting with some success, tho these were built better than they are now with longer muzzels, i saw some great specimins in tenerif about ten years back had to ask what breed they were , as they had more a working american bulldog look about them ,

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My father has got old photos of them [bANNED TEXT] he served in the royal vetinary core they were still used by the military as gaurd and attackdogs over 55years ago though he did say they sufferd with breathing [bANNED TEXT] they were sent overseas to hot climates.atb dell

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My father has got old photos of them [bANNED TEXT] he served in the royal vetinary core they were still used by the military as gaurd and attackdogs over 55years ago though he did say they sufferd with breathing [bANNED TEXT] they were sent overseas to hot climates.atb dell



Yeah thats true they are used as Schutzhund dogs, police dogs in germany and postal dogs during the war. Leo's a fine example has a longer snout very athletic/strong. Our friends has a very short snout looks the size of a small bullmastiff but can't breath very well at all. I suppose some are badly breed.

Wouldn't say their stupid as they are a very intelligent sog, just a bit stubborn.

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