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Kc reg blue and white whippet 4 STUD

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looks ok but chooseing a stud dog realy should be down to its working ability

i wouldnt use a stud dog even if it was going to refine my breeding, unless it worked.

beauty is easy to find but if its all it adds to a breed why bother.


some dogs may have "apple heads and wrong ear carrage" but if it doesnt work adding it to a working breed is only one step back, not forward.too many breeds have been messed up by using a looker instead of a grafter.

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lads this dog is far from the stuff you see struting around the show ring today he has some nice lines behind him and some of his back ground is alike my bitch and i will say one thing she is one hell of a bitch on boltied rabbits bushes for fun and picks rabbits up on the lamp before they even know whats hit them so the lines behind him are fine just because the lad doesnt have time to work him dont mean his offspring wont have working abilities its probably seen more work than 90% of the saluki's adding to the lurcher world !

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thanks Fresh earth


guys if you dont like him dont use him thats fine with me. I just thought i had alot of trouble finding a stud in sussex all there was show dogs and posh owners that didnt want me to use there KC reg whippet boy on my non kc reg bitch in this area.

Edited by noopy_101
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  Big bald beautiful said:
looks ok but chooseing a stud dog realy should be down to its working ability

i wouldnt use a stud dog even if it was going to refine my breeding, unless it worked.

beauty is easy to find but if its all it adds to a breed why bother.


some dogs may have "apple heads and wrong ear carrage" but if it doesnt work adding it to a working breed is only one step back, not forward.too many breeds have been messed up by using a looker instead of a grafter.


Well thats why some working whippets lines are all shapes and sizes with apple heads and stickup ears, because people don't take a good long look at the dogs, they only breed from workers to workers and end up with all shapes and sizes IMO. I put my old working bitch to a show bred dog to produce the whippet i'm running at the minute(VIXEN) and she is the best working whippet i've actually seen out in the field and her father has probably never chased a rabbit in his life.


I chose the stud dog for his confirmation and as an outcross, as Vixens dam was VERY closely line bred a recipe for disaster if i'd have continued with the same line IMO.


I believe a whippet should actually look like a whippet and be as close to the breed standard as possible. If people continue breeding the way they are, the working whippet with look more like there NON ped cousins.


For the last 5 months i've beed looking for a stud dog for Vixen, I've eventually found one, thats also a show dog that can also do a bit in the field too which is nice but i would have still considered him even if he hadn't. I only breed when i want a pup myself and i have confidence in my decission that the pups, in the right hands will do alright in the field. Everyone who's shown interest in the future litter have been invited down during the season to see vixen work first hand to see for themselves thats she's a more than capable worker in the field.

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you have to be carefll the show brigade hate it when you allow yr dog to be put over working bitches and lurchers, my whippet whilst only 2 has been put over a few lurcher bitches and a couple of whippets all down to what people liked when they saw him working and has never been adverised at stud yet there is another whippet coming tomorrow to him but according to the showies I am scum they assume my little lad is ugly and put together wrong most didnt even know he was Ch sired when they did they told me his breeding meant he was to slow to catch a rabbit so no matter what I was always gonna be in the wrong, some of them are still slating me, I pointed out he was in the same condition as Mallys the dog is out everyday and lamps a couple of evenings a week and is doing what a whippet would do, so I can see where Noopy is coming from when he tried to find a stud previously most of the show brigade would shun him, bit diff for Mally finding a sire as he was one of the founders for TWF so they love him lol (no offence Mally).

You pay your money you make your choice I hope all goes well Noopy at least you were honest about what you do altho to be honest blue and white will help, I belive if my little lad wasnt lemon and white but blue he would be used every week lol ;)

heres mine as a youngster


Edited by brother
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top post mally , my best mate has just had a litter from his good bitch there but as above struggled to find something he wanted eventualy using a blue dog thats been winning alot of peddy racing had 2 rabbits by accident but it was his size shape and speed that my mate liked the owners of him are more interested in showing and the dogs doing well but they would rather his pups done all sorts as they feel it will promote his lines as an alround stud . my mates bitch had 8 out of him last nite and if they make half the dogs there dam is they will be worth there weight in gold.


both stud and bitch were blood tested as to prove they are whippets and not the mixture of sh*te that have papers stuck to them floating around now a days.

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