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stalking jobs

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hi,, could any one tell me how you become a stalker (who takes clients out and controls deer popultaion), i would like to know how you would get a job like this. I'm 16 an just started my A level courses at school, i have been hunting since i was about 8 and have recently been out stalking with my dads mate.

could any one inform me on a possible career in this type of work?


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Lots of people want to work with deer but very few get to do it, do DSC level 1, you will learn a lot. Then get some practical experience, you are lucky in having someone who will already take you out so get out and do as much with them as you can, then do level 2-it's the industry standard and you will need it to get employment. Other useful tickets are an ATV course, chainsaw ticket and ground spraying certificates. If you have any FC rangers near you try and get some experience with them, a lot of these jobs go by recommendation and there are literally hundreds of applicants per job so you need to make yourself stand out. Join your local deer group if you have one and become an rta responder, go out on poacher watch schemes etc just do as much as you can to make your CV deer specific, it's no good applying for a job and saying "I shoot x number of deer per year off x thousand acres", everyone will put that, you need to have something different to everyone else. If you are lucky you will get a job on an estate as a stalker or with the FC as a ranger or go for culling contracts, or you could go down the other route and become self-employed with all the associated problems and worries that it brings but you don't have the hassle of applying for a job and self employed life can be very rewarding. Good luck. :victory:

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Lots of people want to work with deer but very few get to do it, do DSC level 1, you will learn a lot. Then get some practical experience, you are lucky in having someone who will already take you out so get out and do as much with them as you can, then do level 2-it's the industry standard and you will need it to get employment. Other useful tickets are an ATV course, chainsaw ticket and ground spraying certificates. If you have any FC rangers near you try and get some experience with them, a lot of these jobs go by recommendation and there are literally hundreds of applicants per job so you need to make yourself stand out. Join your local deer group if you have one and become an rta responder, go out on poacher watch schemes etc just do as much as you can to make your CV deer specific, it's no good applying for a job and saying "I shoot x number of deer per year off x thousand acres", everyone will put that, you need to have something different to everyone else. If you are lucky you will get a job on an estate as a stalker or with the FC as a ranger or go for culling contracts, or you could go down the other route and become self-employed with all the associated problems and worries that it brings but you don't have the hassle of applying for a job and self employed life can be very rewarding. Good luck. :victory:


sound advice

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thanks for the info!..guess i will have to look at that dsc level 1

thanks for the informatio on that very helpfull

Hi, I seem to remember reading recently about sponsered dsc level 1 courses for under 18's it would be worth researching the BDS and BASC web sites to confirm this, and to see if you are eligable.


Good luck



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