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..........you new others all ready had the permission,reason i ask is it seems to me that quite a few people i know just seem to like the fact that they can put their name to a bit of land,farm or whatever and a typical response to the question when was you last there? is oooooh i dunno few years or few months ago maybe dont really get out much now.

i myself dont have a great deal of permission but what i have got i am able to shoot,lamp and go ferreting if someone else gets the same land as me theres f**k all i can do about it but it can work in your favour iv met guys ferreting on my permission we ended up going round together then few weeks later he took me out on some of his land and has now become a good like minded friend.

my gut instinct tells me that those of you that have loads permission will say no to the question and those that have little or none at all will say yes so what are your thoughts cheers atvb rob

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I don't mind people sharing my permission. I have two foreign lads that the farmer gave permission to many years back, i don't like them, but there's nothing that you can do about it, it's the farmers land, therefore it's his decission. On the allotments it's only me that snares, shoots and ferrets it but i think i would rather another person share it too so we could take it in turns checking and resetting the snares. Plus i think it's good to share permission because you also may gain knowledge from them.

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When I ask the farmer/tennant/land owner or whoever if the have a problem and wouldn't mind me doing a bit of ferreting if they say there is already someone that does it I simply ask is he there often? if it is a yes I will say ok sorry to bother you but thank you anyway.

If it's a not really I will say well if you would like I can be here once a week or whatever.


3 of my 19 permissions (Most are in the same area so manage to do quite a few bits of land on the same day) but the bits that I can't ferret that often I am honest and say I can't make it as often as I would like so if you get any other offers I wouldn't mind but would appreciate you telling me.



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When I ask the farmer/tennant/land owner or whoever if the have a problem and wouldn't mind me doing a bit of ferreting if they say there is already someone that does it I simply ask is he there often? if it is a yes I will say ok sorry to bother you but thank you anyway.

If it's a not really I will say well if you would like I can be here once a week or whatever.


3 of my 19 permissions (Most are in the same area so manage to do quite a few bits of land on the same day) but the bits that I can't ferret that often I am honest and say I can't make it as often as I would like so if you get any other offers I wouldn't mind but would appreciate you telling me.



cheers mate i have pm you by the way

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the land that i shoot mooch and have the dogs on have a few other people on them some a re feck wits thayt dont want you there even though i was there before them they take it as theirs and theirs only so bulluks to them but ive come across a few that are great company and we now share land i started out with just over 4 thousand acres i have now seen it go up to 6 and half thousands acres and vice versa we now share all our land and go out at least twice a week with out fail

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..........you new others all ready had the permission,reason i ask is it seems to me that quite a few people i know just seem to like the fact that they can put their name to a bit of land,farm or whatever and a typical response to the question when was you last there? is oooooh i dunno few years or few months ago maybe dont really get out much now.

i myself dont have a great deal of permission but what i have got i am able to shoot,lamp and go ferreting if someone else gets the same land as me theres f**k all i can do about it but it can work in your favour iv met guys ferreting on my permission we ended up going round together then few weeks later he took me out on some of his land and has now become a good like minded friend.

my gut instinct tells me that those of you that have loads permission will say no to the question and those that have little or none at all will say yes so what are your thoughts cheers atvb rob


Most farmers wont mind multiple lads doing pest control on the farm, as long as you are the right sort and have all your insurance its job done.

And the thing is, if you dont ask you wont know.........some lads have permission but do a shite job of the pest control, if you want to be right on the job and not too steady away then you will get recommeded to others by the farmer and the other lads wont :thumbs:

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[bANNED TEXT] kind ov insurence do ya need


Depends on what you want to do on the permission ,if your out shooting foxes in the lamp and you get a ricochet and it hits an old tup then you can almost bet that that old tup is the farmers prize tup that is irreplaceable............ type of insurance would be liability insurance mate most of the sporting organiseations include it with membership. on one farm i have two local lads dug down to get thier ferret but did not backfill the hole cost thier folks a fortune when one of the farmers horses broke its leg ....he sued horse ended up as dog food :(

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