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hi i have a 222 cz with a t4 mod it has no marks on it to say a caliber. i am going to sell the rifle and would like to keep the t4 for my new rifle if i can. it will be a 243 will it be ok or will i have to buy a new mod.


thanks for any help darren


You could measure the centre hole, clearly it needs to be bigger than .243, you will need a vernier caliper or something similar, also I'm not familiar with the T4, I know the T8, but assuming it's an overbarrel, then the rearward steadying bush will need to match the barrel diameter of your new rifle, so it's very unlikely (Sods Law) to fit and would need either replacing or machining out, so if this is the case you may as well cut your losses, sell your old Moddy on the rifle and get a new one (Predator 8, top notch and fully strippable if you want my recommendation).

Andy F.

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hi i have a 222 cz with a t4 mod it has no marks on it to say a caliber. i am going to sell the rifle and would like to keep the t4 for my new rifle if i can. it will be a 243 will it be ok or will i have to buy a new mod.


thanks for any help darren


You could measure the centre hole, clearly it needs to be bigger than .243, you will need a vernier caliper or something similar, also I'm not familiar with the T4, I know the T8, but assuming it's an overbarrel, then the rearward steadying bush will need to match the barrel diameter of your new rifle, so it's very unlikely (Sods Law) to fit and would need either replacing or machining out, so if this is the case you may as well cut your losses, sell your old Moddy on the rifle and get a new one (Predator 8, top notch and fully strippable if you want my recommendation).

Andy F.

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I'm not sure about the T4 I believe that it was designed for the AR/M16 style platforms so will have a hole accepting a .223 bullet... it may not be big enough for a .243 but you can contact jackson rifles HERE as they supply the retailers, I'm sure they would ba happy to help...




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The .243 could have 50-60% more grunt than your .222.


I suggest leaving the mod on the gun and getting a T8 or a Predator 8 ( I have to recommend the P8 Compact Version...same baffle stack as the full length P8 but a shorter sleeve and lighter unit) :thumbs:

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hi i have a 222 cz with a t4 mod it has no marks on it to say a caliber. i am going to sell the rifle and would like to keep the t4 for my new rifle if i can. it will be a 243 will it be ok or will i have to buy a new mod.


thanks for any help darren


dont no if its ok or not but if you want to keep 243 as silent as poss then maybe a bigger mod will help more

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