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A drive around with my boy on Sunday afternoon


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Hi guys,


Here is a few photos from Sunday afternoon.


I went out with Dylan again and Zin for a couple of hours. We ended up with 4 squizzers "squirrels for Watchman ;) " and 4 feral pigeons.


Dylan even managed to get some good footage for the new DVD for me shooting a couple of squizzers.


Dylan enjoyed himself and even fell asleep in the car driving back home.


The highlight of the session was a head shot on a 45 metres squirrel sat on top of a fence. "Already seen and posted on the Youtube video".





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The R10 is a deadly bit of kit Gary im well impressed with what BSA have engineered there.


Its highly recommended by me to anyone who wants a accurate consistant hunting rifle with a large amount of full power shots.


My mate at work has just bought one too, he had a peek at mine 2 weeks ago and must of liked it. He says he loves his BSA R10 and he gets small cluster size groups at his shooting distance every time he shoots it on paper.


Dont worry about running out of vermin mate. I think that there is still plenty kicking about up here. I went and had a look at another place today and saw loads of squizzers just running around every where chilling out and kicking back. Shame i didnt have the R10 with me ;)


Im up to 24 squizzers now in 3 weeks mate.



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Im up to 24 squizzers now in 3 weeks mate.




Jammy bugger ;)


I keep hoping that I'm gonna see some greys to play with.

Need at least two one to roast and the other to do Cajun Style (Elvis Presley's favourite meal as a kid)



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The R10 is a deadly bit of kit Gary im well impressed with what BSA have engineered there.


Its highly recommended by me to anyone who wants a accurate consistant hunting rifle with a large amount of full power shots.


My mate at work has just bought one too, he had a peek at mine 2 weeks ago and must of liked it. He says he loves his BSA R10 and he gets small cluster size groups at his shooting distance every time he shoots it on paper.


Dont worry about running out of vermin mate. I think that there is still plenty kicking about up here. I went and had a look at another place today and saw loads of squizzers just running around every where chilling out and kicking back. Shame i didnt have the R10 with me ;)


Im up to 24 squizzers now in 3 weeks mate.



happy days mate barney will be happy dvd's looking good as well bud im gonna try and get down this week ill give you a buzz


atb gary

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Yeah Chris / Joey LOL,


I am defo up for a bunny bashing session on Thursday :D


We need to rotate the driving if possible though this time so that i can sit in the back seat and film the action for a bit. I need some more wonder shots for my DVD :hunter:


I might even bring the R10 with me to pop a few if one of you dont mind filming me.



Edited by zini
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I hope to get down soon too, but will have to see what work has in store first. If it's local work I'm laughing!

Hopefully my new scopes will have arrived too, call me for jumping on the bandwagon but I ordered myself a set of those Tasco 6-24 x 50 that you are all using, so once I'm happy with them my 3-9 x 50 Richter Optiks will be for sale.


Later lads



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defo up for rotating driving fella. we did offer to drive last time if you remember :yes: joey may have to film tho cos i'm no David Bailey with a camera :no: Marksman, Are we in some sort of tasco gang now? lol lol. only joking pal. i dont use mine. i ended up buying a nikko sterling mountmaster. you could've tried my tasco on your gun. oh well never mind!! see you all on thurs guys and cheers si for the privilage of shooting up there with you again. peace out. Chris :hunter:

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No Marksman the Tasco arrived in the post and the box was all smashed and dented. When Chris tried to zero it the left / right turret wouldnt zero so he had to send it back.


I use a Tasco, Gary uses one and now so does Joey. They are mint scopes mate.




Yes Chris i know that you offered mate, i just didnt want you driving all the way up to miss out on shooting pal



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