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Grey Squirrel Hunt 3


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Right then, if you have read my other grey squirrel posts you will have noticed that we have been sharing rifles, my cousin and I have our own but my mate has been sharing with us, well midweek he met me on my dinner break from work for a pint as he had 'something to tell me'?

He'd been to Henry Kranks in Pudsey on his motorbike and bought himself an AA S400 with a nice Hawke Scope, gun bag, pellets, silencer and oils.


So over a pint or 2 it was decided that on Sunday we'd go and have a good sesh.

Phoned my cousin and he said he was coming too.


So Saturday night it was few beers at mine, cousin slept over to save him cycling from his place and we got up at 5:55am and got the coffes brewing, waited for my mate, got all geared up and we set off on foot to our (local) permission.

We used the same hide we've been using recently, nipped down the ngiht before and sorted it out with natural cover etc and got zero'd in.


This time we used the hide as more of a meeting point for a brew etc and split our sepperate ways, I was using my Logun Solo .22 (10 shot) - My cousin had his BSA Ultra .22 (Single Shot) and my mate had his new Air Arms S400 .22 (Single shot)



Dez's Air Arms S400



My cousin Deans BSA Ultra



My Logun Solo


When we got there it was still dark so it was coffee time, as soon as we got first light we split and went for it, I got the first squirrell - he dropped from his tree and landed in the stream, lead straight between his eyes.


The my cousin got the second, after this we went for a brew as it was a slow start.


When it was all said and done, I shot 5 Squirrels, a Jay & a Crow. My cousin got 5 squirrels and Dez got 4 squirrels - beating our 13 squirrel record, the birds were just a bonus:











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- The squirrels were split between my cousins ferret and my mate - he was gunna have a bash at this cajun squirrel job what people keep mentioning, not for me though.


"sewer rat may taste like pumpkin pie, but I'd never know 'cause I wouldn't eat the filthy motherfucker"

Jules - Pulp Fiction

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Nice shooting lads,


Its always better i feel when you go shooting with a pal or 2.


I enjoy watching pals shoot and pull off good shots just as much as i enjoy shooting myself.


All them rifles look the business friend. Ive got a thing for them Ultras but i like the single shot.


Well done



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