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Stephen Gately

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Not into any of his music+band, but he didnt seem to [shove it] in your face like some of queer feckers E.J G.M. I carnt stand them twats, that think its something to be proud of. :thumbdown: And that fecker on the TV with is little dog, where's feckin makeup he is a comedian, well he thinks he is. carnt think of his name.???

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Investigations by local police have uncovered evidence to suggest Steven Gately had died suddenly on holiday following a motorbike accident rather than a drink and drugs binge.








He was found in bed with skid marks around his helmet.


:clapper::clapper: thtas best one yet

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a young man dies at 33 years old with his whole life in front of him funny that aint it ?? , tramps the whole lot of ye





:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: I wonder how many FIRE EXIT DOORS HE KICKED IN :o:o:o
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it has been reported he died because of injuries he recieved while having gay sex whith a man who posessed an unnaturaly large penis..............

the coroners report stated he had a mis-lodged kidney , a ruptured lung and a split spleen.........



a close friend said he was a smashing bloke and his heart was in the right place.................lol

Edited by yoggerman
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Its not ment to be a personal attack , it could of been gay straight black white ,, but if your in the public eye reguardless of who or what they are the jokes will come.




For me personally it does make it all that bit funnier that it was a bummer that popped his fluffy pink cloggs if I'm truthfully honest lol.


They said he had been out on the lash, but that he had died from having fluid on his lungs, sounds like the dirty b*****d was sniffing lines of spunk! :sick:


That's one dirty bugger if there ever was one.


Like it or lump it he was somebodys Child, your like a freakin pathetic bunch of antis when it comes to some one who is not straight,

Dont You Have any respect for Life and Death!!???!!!!

Grow Up!!!




"Respect for life and death" hehehehe, I take it you knew him then ey :laugh: .

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