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Mornings session


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Ok so I planned to go ferreting early this morning but slept through the alarm so it wasn't that early after all.


I finally got to a new bit of permission which is quite small but seemed to have a lot of signs that rabbits where around. So I netted up my 1st warren and nothing came out, so moved on down to the open warren in the small orchard and as I done this a gust of wind blew a load of apples with 1 hitting me and now have a little bruise on my back :( anyway I stuck the ferrets down and 10 minutes later a thump of feet and a rabbit bolted through a hole that I somehow missed. 20 minutes went by and the ferrets kept popping there heads up so I gathered them up and had a go on a small hedge warren,

I netted it up and within 15 minutes of putting the ferrets down I heard a squeak and a rabbit was in the net with the ferret hot on it's tail. Quick dispatch and carried on waiting, 5 minutes later another rabbit in the net out the same hole this time I wasn't quick enough and the ferret got to it before me so quickly finished it off. Then the rain came so gathered up my stuff and went home.


I also got asked if I wanted any apples and that was a simple answer as I will be making cider now so I have 2 big buckets and a big bag full of apples to press as soon as it arrives in the post.


Edit: Put photos up


Sorry about the lack of photos and the photos are a bit boring but it's the best I could do single handedly.







Edited by JoeD
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Good one mate youve got a meat pie and a dessert pie in the making


Too right mate, except at the moment ones in the freezer ones in the court.

But will be a nice rabbit and mushroom pie with the other 2 rabbits in the freezer.




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