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The Draws so far

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Just thought I would use this thread to post were we

are at in the comp so far, I'll update it as we go along.



If I make any mistakes, please let me know and I'll change them asap.







Edited by Paid
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I'll tell you how i see it then lads........a few people have gone out there way to try and make this comp better than last years viasco with a certain silly c**t involved, offers have been made of la

Well i dont understand it really, Ya the weather has been shitty but at the end of it has too be run and that it..!!   Ya well would all like the moon to be down and windy ect but if it anit just

if your not in the comp, why are you commenting, we travelled a six hundred mile round trip and only had one run, but do you hear me whining NO!, i agree it should be wrapped up, time is kicking on th

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A good week this coming week to get some heats ran, its a black week with wind and rain ;) who's running this week?????



Are you Michael Fish in disguise? :D



ALWAYS got one eye on the weather :D

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Me and joelong were going to run last night but he had work comitments......it was a shit night anyway not a drop of wind and some other fuckers lamp shining..............



ive told my boss that i WILL NOT work next week... so im easy as to run friday or saturday.. hopefully a bit of cloud will be about... speak in the week...

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