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Lamping with my boy tonight


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Hi guys,


I took my youngest son Dylan lamping tonight with me for a couple of hours, hes only 8 years old but already can set a snare, mark 4 fenn trap and identify fox pooh etc when we are out on the permission.


He really enjoyed it and even managed to get me a good piece of footage for my DVD on the video camera.


We got 2 bunnies in the end with Dylan being taught to lamp from the rear left car window and me shooting through the front left window to keep him safe from any pellets.


I wanted to put him in the picture with me but the wife doesnt like him being posted on the internet at such a young age.


Both rabbits were shot at 15 metres in the head, nothing spectacular but they all count and they will be cleaned and cooked tomorrow.





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Yes Chris the lad did his dad proud tonight.


I put the bunnies in a garden box till tomorrow when ill clean them and skin them for the DVD.


Zin wont move now from the balcony window and wants to get out and smash them up the little bloody terrorist LOL.



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he's a great dog mate. ive told my missus that when the 2 cats we have die that we're having a patterdale. i loved the little TERRORIST from day one ;)


Get the Patterdale mate and the 2 cats will die sooner than expected.......or is that just cruel???





Good shooting again there Si mate.... and a big WELL DONE to Dylan for the assistance


Pity about the missus not letting him in the photo though mate as he deserves just as much credit, but his time will come :thumbs:



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Go on lad well done Dylan. Crack on Zini get 'em hooked while they're young I take my daughter out regular now she's 7 soon I've said I'll get her first gun soon just for plinking mind she still needs daddy to steady the rifle :laugh:


If you want to post pics open them in paintbrush file- open- browse find it and airbrush his face out thats what I do.




Edited by mushroom
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Yeah Mushroom thats a good idea mate i think that i will do that next time ;) .


Yeah Reggaeman you wont go wrong with a Wheeler x Nuttle Patterdale if it comes from good working parents mate. I like the Wheeler in them as this is the bull in him that gives him his size, body mass and i suppose hardness that he has :aikido:


They are little terrorists but hard as hell and dont take no sh-t. They make great house dogs and love kids and being part of a family.


Some people on here say that they need to be kept outside in a kennel but thats just rubbish mate. Zin has lived in the house with us since he was 11 weeks old and he still does the bussiness on all his quarry as you have witnessed.


They also are very protective of children and the family and make brilliant watch dogs. Id hate to be a thief trying to rob my house when Zin is in LOL :boxing:

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happy days si mate it will do dylan a world of good being out with his dad it wont be long before he's tell his dad what to do lol


good shooting am gonna have to get my shit sorted and get back on the ground ....


atb gary

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nice one zini

good to see your lad showing an interest! :thumbs: my boy 15 plays his rugby week ends and plays the PS3 all fooking week.

he comes out ocasionally. :thumbdown: for god sake dont get your boy a PS3 you will never see him :laugh:




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good shooting mate and glad to see your starting them young. my dad never takes me out and i'd be lucky if i managed to get the s400 out once every 3 weeks to go hunting. he just cant stand sitting by a fence as i stalk into the fields (as he has no intrest in hunting) but i got out for an hour last night and 'ill post up what i shot later today.

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