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A freinds dog whom i take 2 days a week for a run with my two lurchers and then spends some of the day here.Hes very dominant with his owner and her son(hes in his 30s)Hes only 6 months old and really does think he rules the roost he will bite and has drawn blood in front of me from her son.He takes no crap picks him by the scruff and puts him in his crate.Yesterday when he done it in front of me i dealt with him and he did EVENTUALLY stop but he is so stubborn its unreal.Hes food possesive even when its not his and will refuse to get off the furniture and when he does hides under the table and plays the assasin when they walk by hes just been neutered a week and a half ago and the vet said he has no ear drums but he aint deaf very alert so cant see this myself.The vet has suggested would you belive a sedative to calm him down till he gets sorted WTF so i have said i wouldnt be sedating my dog to train it i would just make him learn and thats that any ideas hes fine with me always has been but then he knows fine well i wont let him away with it.

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I would wonder if the dog has been treated like a real dog and trained to know his place since he was a tiny wee pup? Maybe he hasn't and now he is turning adolescent and he is too big for his boots because he hasnd't had firm boundaries. Letting the dog balls about and then throwing it in its cage might not be teaching it the right lesson at the right time. It might be worth taking it to a dog socialising/training class if it is to be a good pet. Sounds like a scary situation to have a dog that bites like that. Maybe it would help to keep it on a lead in the house and practise a few times every day to teach him some manners about waiting for his food and telling him to get off the furniture....the lead will put a measure of safety there to avoid getting bitten.

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Thats it exactly mate he had parvo then other problems and hasnt been well for a while until now so he hasnt been socialised hence me taking him around with mine and hes been molly cuddled a bit cos of his past.The vet suggested neutering but didnt tell her it could take months before his hormones calm down they suggested sedating the dog which is totally fecking stupid as he wont learn from this either.When i got onto him he did start to get a grip and spoke to his mum today and she and her son have carried on putting him in the submissive position and walking towards him rather than backing away when he acts up and seemingly hes a good bit better already.I did suggest not putting him in his crate cos its a safety zone His place so when theyre in the doors locked so he cant go there anymore and she did take him to a class but the women was a tube apparantly she said he was agressive cos he wouldnt interact right away he was only 5 months old at the time lol.He is fine with my two having said that he knows and has been taught his place there right away in a way only a bitch can.He goes with me and my two and another lurcher and is fine not always keen when they run at speed towards him soetimes he hits the deck and waits till they pass him and then off he goes but thats understandable.Hes a lovely wee dog but a bit of jekyll and hyde he is fine with me and then they way he was on thrusday my mouth was agape would never have though he was capable of it

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Hope they are able to get to grips and get it nipped in the bud............Iv'e seen it so many times before - people fail to put the work in and train their dogs properly and then start to make all sorts of excuses for it........ If they are serious about it, maybe training with a good dog club might help......but then again, it only works if they are prepared to put the work in. Good luck to them.

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Hope they are able to get to grips and get it nipped in the bud............Iv'e seen it so many times before - people fail to put the work in and train their dogs properly and then start to make all sorts of excuses for it........ If they are serious about it, maybe training with a good dog club might help......but then again, it only works if they are prepared to put the work in. Good luck to them.


I know what you mean theyre determined especially her son to sort him out thye clearly love the dog to bits and care for him the money spent on this dog in the last 6 months has been phenomenol.He has sore ears he quite often shakes his head like a mad nutter.So shes chaniging his vet to my private vet and see what they say the guy shes been using is a clown and not very smart to boot.He as i said earlier wanted to give them sedatives for the dog to calm him down and hes just turned 7 moths old :wallbash: He is learning to give it up quicker than he was last week and hes certainly not as keen to stand up to them although it used to be her son he had issues with and now its her clearly cos hes stopped letting him take the piss hes trying with her his foods been changed and hes only allowed in his crate when theyre out or in bed as he used that as a bolt hole after biting and acting like a twat.Have to say hes not like this with me cos he knows fine well i wont allow it and he thrives round my two lurchers loves to run round with them and slots in nicely with them in the house.Seems to know his place no bother and lets my kids check him or push him of the furniture or tell him to get down etc not a peep out of him so he does have some idea of how it works.Just chanicing his hand i can touch his ears and even clean them where as he bites them if they try and can see why hes very touchy about his ears due to his problems with them.So ive said anytime you touch his ears not to clean or administer drops but in general give him a small tit bit of chicken or something so he learns to accept it as not a bad thing hes been prodded so much till now its unreal.He had parvo as a pup and the ears have been like this since she got him so hes learned anyone touching him near the ears eqauls pain and is reacting the way a dog would.So fingers crossed shes not daft either she knows now that if he cant be sorted then he may have to be pts.The vet explained that to her when he was still jumping for people in the street which hes now stopped with the aid of a halti and down the park off lead doesnt look at anyone totally focused on playing and you.You shout he runs straight back to you

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