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If carlsberg made Salukis

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  purecoursing said:
had interesting chat today with my cousin who bumped into Fred holmes this morning at Drakeys place as he was there gettin his dogs checked over

and he asked him if he knew about a saluki bitch called Annie , yes he said it was owned by his mate Gary caulfield and they tried to mate it with Bill but she never got pregnant ...thinks he caught her too late ...anyway he said shes up North now with a mate of Garys. he also told me he trtied to buy her a few years ago when she was only a pup about 12/13 months old...he said he went to see her run as he heard loads about her off Alwen peuw , so they went out and she caught 2/2 and both were real long runs , proper gruellers he said and after that he bid 2000 for her as she run so well , but just as Alwen got her back on the slip , and draggin Annie along as she was so tired , another hare jumped and foolishly he slipped Annie , the hare blitzed across the fen and Annie never bent it as thehare hit the ditch Annie took a wobble on and stopped at the ditch the hare never came out of the ditch or wasnt seen to , and Annie stopped at the ditch and then practically collapsed...fred thought that Alwen had ruined her by givin her too much and that he could have caused bad damage to her. So fred reckons it was Alwens fault for bad dogmanship ??? he also said Alwen sold her to kipper the next day and kipper while he owned her done very well with Annie and Alwen was spewing as he thought he got one over on kipper selling him what he thought was a ruined dog So baring in mind Annie was only just over a year old and ran on a 3rd hare immediatley after 2 tiring runs on fen land in winter time , what puppy wouldnt collapse after so much on one day.....????

i dont think thats a jack , anyone can make anydog in this country stop with too many runs one after another without a rest inbetween



There's not a dog in the land that is a jacker...... Every single one has a sob story :clapper:

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ive ben lucky to see over a hundredpure salukis running over the last ten decades but only a few would comme home to scotland in the usa new mexico all about the southwest thye use saluks and have competiotion the best are usaly the people who deicate to hunting first and maybe ,got bags of photosof good saluk s and the good ones are good alot of ameicans i know import export saluks plus thye have the freedom of land to course , thye are nice dogs shadow and if they can catch there game maybe worth breeding but always put working ability before money

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  purecoursing said:
Alwen was spewing as he thought he got one over on kipper selling him what he thought was a ruined dog


:( thats the kind of attitude that wastes the working dog world theres too many people thinks like this instead of do what they know is right. its good the bitch recovered from it though well done to the kipper fella for giving the dog a go

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  its ma baw said:
  purecoursing said:
had interesting chat today with my cousin who bumped into Fred holmes this morning at Drakeys place as he was there gettin his dogs checked over

and he asked him if he knew about a saluki bitch called Annie , yes he said it was owned by his mate Gary caulfield and they tried to mate it with Bill but she never got pregnant ...thinks he caught her too late ...anyway he said shes up North now with a mate of Garys. he also told me he trtied to buy her a few years ago when she was only a pup about 12/13 months old...he said he went to see her run as he heard loads about her off Alwen peuw , so they went out and she caught 2/2 and both were real long runs , proper gruellers he said and after that he bid 2000 for her as she run so well , but just as Alwen got her back on the slip , and draggin Annie along as she was so tired , another hare jumped and foolishly he slipped Annie , the hare blitzed across the fen and Annie never bent it as thehare hit the ditch Annie took a wobble on and stopped at the ditch the hare never came out of the ditch or wasnt seen to , and Annie stopped at the ditch and then practically collapsed...fred thought that Alwen had ruined her by givin her too much and that he could have caused bad damage to her. So fred reckons it was Alwens fault for bad dogmanship ??? he also said Alwen sold her to kipper the next day and kipper while he owned her done very well with Annie and Alwen was spewing as he thought he got one over on kipper selling him what he thought was a ruined dog So baring in mind Annie was only just over a year old and ran on a 3rd hare immediatley after 2 tiring runs on fen land in winter time , what puppy wouldnt collapse after so much on one day.....????

i dont think thats a jack , anyone can make anydog in this country stop with too many runs one after another without a rest inbetween



There's not a dog in the land that is a jacker...... Every single one has a sob story :clapper:



its not exactly a sob story is it , it just shows the bitch was hearty enough to come back good from bein half run to death

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  purecoursing said:
  its ma baw said:
  purecoursing said:
had interesting chat today with my cousin who bumped into Fred holmes this morning at Drakeys place as he was there gettin his dogs checked over

and he asked him if he knew about a saluki bitch called Annie , yes he said it was owned by his mate Gary caulfield and they tried to mate it with Bill but she never got pregnant ...thinks he caught her too late ...anyway he said shes up North now with a mate of Garys. he also told me he trtied to buy her a few years ago when she was only a pup about 12/13 months old...he said he went to see her run as he heard loads about her off Alwen peuw , so they went out and she caught 2/2 and both were real long runs , proper gruellers he said and after that he bid 2000 for her as she run so well , but just as Alwen got her back on the slip , and draggin Annie along as she was so tired , another hare jumped and foolishly he slipped Annie , the hare blitzed across the fen and Annie never bent it as thehare hit the ditch Annie took a wobble on and stopped at the ditch the hare never came out of the ditch or wasnt seen to , and Annie stopped at the ditch and then practically collapsed...fred thought that Alwen had ruined her by givin her too much and that he could have caused bad damage to her. So fred reckons it was Alwens fault for bad dogmanship ??? he also said Alwen sold her to kipper the next day and kipper while he owned her done very well with Annie and Alwen was spewing as he thought he got one over on kipper selling him what he thought was a ruined dog So baring in mind Annie was only just over a year old and ran on a 3rd hare immediatley after 2 tiring runs on fen land in winter time , what puppy wouldnt collapse after so much on one day.....????

i dont think thats a jack , anyone can make anydog in this country stop with too many runs one after another without a rest inbetween



There's not a dog in the land that is a jacker...... Every single one has a sob story :clapper:



its not exactly a sob story is it , it just shows the bitch was hearty enough to come back good from bein half run to death


Depends how you look at it I suppose............... As a neutral with nothing to gain, forgive me for being a sceptic but...... As I said, I haven't heard of a dog jacking yet that doesn't have good reason too or it was someone elses fault. I'm not saying their aren't half wits with dogs out there, ff's, you just need to read half the junk on here to prove that point but, as usual, a dog jacks and it's all if, buts and if only's.......

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  its ma baw said:
  purecoursing said:
  its ma baw said:
  purecoursing said:
had interesting chat today with my cousin who bumped into Fred holmes this morning at Drakeys place as he was there gettin his dogs checked over

and he asked him if he knew about a saluki bitch called Annie , yes he said it was owned by his mate Gary caulfield and they tried to mate it with Bill but she never got pregnant ...thinks he caught her too late ...anyway he said shes up North now with a mate of Garys. he also told me he trtied to buy her a few years ago when she was only a pup about 12/13 months old...he said he went to see her run as he heard loads about her off Alwen peuw , so they went out and she caught 2/2 and both were real long runs , proper gruellers he said and after that he bid 2000 for her as she run so well , but just as Alwen got her back on the slip , and draggin Annie along as she was so tired , another hare jumped and foolishly he slipped Annie , the hare blitzed across the fen and Annie never bent it as thehare hit the ditch Annie took a wobble on and stopped at the ditch the hare never came out of the ditch or wasnt seen to , and Annie stopped at the ditch and then practically collapsed...fred thought that Alwen had ruined her by givin her too much and that he could have caused bad damage to her. So fred reckons it was Alwens fault for bad dogmanship ??? he also said Alwen sold her to kipper the next day and kipper while he owned her done very well with Annie and Alwen was spewing as he thought he got one over on kipper selling him what he thought was a ruined dog So baring in mind Annie was only just over a year old and ran on a 3rd hare immediatley after 2 tiring runs on fen land in winter time , what puppy wouldnt collapse after so much on one day.....????

i dont think thats a jack , anyone can make anydog in this country stop with too many runs one after another without a rest inbetween



There's not a dog in the land that is a jacker...... Every single one has a sob story :clapper:



its not exactly a sob story is it , it just shows the bitch was hearty enough to come back good from bein half run to death


Depends how you look at it I suppose............... As a neutral with nothing to gain, forgive me for being a sceptic but...... As I said, I haven't heard of a dog jacking yet that doesn't have good reason too or it was someone elses fault. I'm not saying their aren't half wits with dogs out there, ff's, you just need to read half the junk on here to prove that point but, as usual, a dog jacks and it's all if, buts and if only's.......



what do you class as a 'Jack' ...personally a dog that jacks , cocks , stashes , pulls up etc etc...in my opinion is one that for no reason and being fresh stops chasing its quarry for no reaon , because it cant catch it or just plainly gives up. Thats weak hearted and they should never be bred from

but a puppy and not a seasoned dog thats had hard runs and is then run again with out rest in between runs and then takes a wobble and collapses....id say thats exhaustion due to bad handling on the day.

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  purecoursing said:
  its ma baw said:
  purecoursing said:
  its ma baw said:
  purecoursing said:
had interesting chat today with my cousin who bumped into Fred holmes this morning at Drakeys place as he was there gettin his dogs checked over

and he asked him if he knew about a saluki bitch called Annie , yes he said it was owned by his mate Gary caulfield and they tried to mate it with Bill but she never got pregnant ...thinks he caught her too late ...anyway he said shes up North now with a mate of Garys. he also told me he trtied to buy her a few years ago when she was only a pup about 12/13 months old...he said he went to see her run as he heard loads about her off Alwen peuw , so they went out and she caught 2/2 and both were real long runs , proper gruellers he said and after that he bid 2000 for her as she run so well , but just as Alwen got her back on the slip , and draggin Annie along as she was so tired , another hare jumped and foolishly he slipped Annie , the hare blitzed across the fen and Annie never bent it as thehare hit the ditch Annie took a wobble on and stopped at the ditch the hare never came out of the ditch or wasnt seen to , and Annie stopped at the ditch and then practically collapsed...fred thought that Alwen had ruined her by givin her too much and that he could have caused bad damage to her. So fred reckons it was Alwens fault for bad dogmanship ??? he also said Alwen sold her to kipper the next day and kipper while he owned her done very well with Annie and Alwen was spewing as he thought he got one over on kipper selling him what he thought was a ruined dog So baring in mind Annie was only just over a year old and ran on a 3rd hare immediatley after 2 tiring runs on fen land in winter time , what puppy wouldnt collapse after so much on one day.....????

i dont think thats a jack , anyone can make anydog in this country stop with too many runs one after another without a rest inbetween



There's not a dog in the land that is a jacker...... Every single one has a sob story :clapper:



its not exactly a sob story is it , it just shows the bitch was hearty enough to come back good from bein half run to death


Depends how you look at it I suppose............... As a neutral with nothing to gain, forgive me for being a sceptic but...... As I said, I haven't heard of a dog jacking yet that doesn't have good reason too or it was someone elses fault. I'm not saying their aren't half wits with dogs out there, ff's, you just need to read half the junk on here to prove that point but, as usual, a dog jacks and it's all if, buts and if only's.......



what do you class as a 'Jack' ...personally a dog that jacks , cocks , stashes , pulls up etc etc...in my opinion is one that for no reason and being fresh stops chasing its quarry for no reaon , because it cant catch it or just plainly gives up. Thats weak hearted and they should never be bred from

but a puppy and not a seasoned dog thats had hard runs and is then run again with out rest in between runs and then takes a wobble and collapses....id say thats exhaustion due to bad handling on the day.


I agree with you but once said dog LEARNS it can give up if the going gets tough, guess what??? It'll jack. Now tell me, what's the difference? Both dogs not worth keeping in my book, both not worth breeding off cos the pup that jacked will never be able to prove it wouldn't have if not took to the limit. I agree the guy shouldn't have run the hare but you see it happen all the time..... Desperado's wanting one more hare...... Once a dog watches a hare which it isn't obstructed from chasing run away, its a f*****g jacker!!!

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what do you class as a 'Jack' ...personally a dog that jacks , cocks , stashes , pulls up etc etc...in my opinion is one that for no reason and being fresh stops chasing its quarry for no reaon , because it cant catch it or just plainly gives up. Thats weak hearted and they should never be bred from

but a puppy and not a seasoned dog thats had hard runs and is then run again with out rest in between runs and then takes a wobble and collapses....id say thats exhaustion due to bad handling on the day.


I agree with you but once said dog LEARNS it can give up if the going gets tough, guess what??? It'll jack. Now tell me, what's the difference? Both dogs not worth keeping in my book, both not worth breeding off cos the pup that jacked will never be able to prove it wouldn't have if not took to the limit. I agree the guy shouldn't have run the hare but you see it happen all the time..... Desperado's wanting one more hare...... Once a dog watches a hare which it isn't obstructed from chasing run away, its a f*****g jacker!!!



but the puppy did chase after the final hare , she just couldnt run no more as she took a wobble on and practically collapsed ...which is the same thing as exhaustion , not refusing to run , at the end of the day they just flesh and blood like us , have you ever been for a run and you run so hard you physically cant run anymore ??? well the same thing can happen to dogs.

kipper who is very well known in the coursing world took her on and ran her , and she killed a lot of hares for him all hares were run without jacking , kipper runs his dogs hard but they all get good rests in between long uns

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  Jimmy Number564 said:
so every dog a jacker then cos if u abuse any dog and i mean any top class dog it wil jack


well said :clapper:

any dog will jack or stop due to exhaustion if run too hard or on too many hares

good dogmen know when there dog has had enough and jusdge whether they can take extra runs or not

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  purecoursing said:
but the puppy did chase after the final hare , she just couldnt run no more as she took a wobble on and practically collapsed ...which is the same thing as exhaustion , not refusing to run , at the end of the day they just flesh and blood like us , have you ever been for a run and you run so hard you physically cant run anymore ??? well the same thing can happen to dogs.

kipper who is very well known in the coursing world took her on and ran her , and she killed a lot of hares for him all hares were run without jacking , kipper runs his dogs hard but they all get good rests in between long uns


hmmmmmmmmm....... I know what you are saying mate but I find it hard to believe. I've run dogs hard, near collapsing... They do that old rocking horse run.... BUT, I've never yet had one watch a hare run away even when they are at walking pace, they are still heading in the direction of the hare till it's out of sight. Look, I hear what you are saying and unless you are there, you can't tell. All I'm saying is, reading what you have written it sounds like to me you are putting a defence for the dog, that is all I'm saying. It doesn't matter to me one bit whether it did or didn't but do you understand what I'm saying? If you are 100% telling me the dog ran the hare, the hare went in to ditch out of sight and the dog stopped then, I'll agree with you, it didn't jack. I'd still have liked to have seen it trying to hunt up but I know you fen guys don't do hunting lol.

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  purecoursing said:
  Jimmy Number564 said:
so every dog a jacker then cos if u abuse any dog and i mean any top class dog it wil jack


well said :clapper:

any dog will jack or stop due to exhaustion if run too hard or on too many hares

good dogmen know when there dog has had enough and jusdge whether they can take extra runs or not


BUT, not evey dog HAS been run to jacking point so not EVERY dog is a jacker. We know every dog will jack due to exhaustion, so by that reasoning, are you admitting this dog is a jacker then no matter the circumstances?

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