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Ok.. I went for a walk yesterday evening.. from 6-7 ish.. On my walk I passed a few shy ones and tried to capture them before they took off... got a few feet from the squatter and still crap piccy... :no:


Now then... I don't know an F-stop from a bus stop and have my camera set in running mode most of the time :D for the dogs..


So whats happening? and what setting should I have for dawn and dusk shots.. daytime running shots seem fine..


I have an Olympus e-500 and cannot afford a new camera.. so am hoping you can help :)








And he was off...



I gave up but theres potential for some nice piccies on that walk just wish I knew how.... :(



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there not bad pics not clear, you need to set it up why no ttake pics of your dogs playing moving then once you set it up put it on automatic it takes time to get good at it as you no , no camera clubs localy or you not got any mates who can help, me it was trail and error your pics arent that bad keep some hares for me when i pop down that way lol

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there not bad pics not clear, you need to set it up why no ttake pics of your dogs playing moving then once you set it up put it on automatic it takes time to get good at it as you no , no camera clubs localy or you not got any mates who can help, me it was trail and error your pics arent that bad keep some hares for me when i pop down that way lol


These are the crappiest pics ever !!! My daytime running pics are ok.. ish.. and have had some 'not too bad' ones but as soon as the natural light fades its blurr.. :angry:


Mates who can help?? eerrrmm.. no just internet ones.. :laugh:


And these hares are near my friends place on the coast... not that far from where you visit at times... ;)


Yeh, may need to join some kind of camera club if I really have to... :doh:

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do you have a nite time mode or a flash mode my fuji fine pix has a few diffrent settings, hows brindle bitch she in good healt young rex will be down shortly for his suffolk break lol with his accomplice ,much stubble left down your way or they ploughing and seeding fast , looking forward to pooping down bring some lobsters and fish etc for use all the best away to make more lobster traps boring job but worth it in the end

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i would say looking at the pics the shutter speed is to low


either rest the camera on somthing(ideally a tripod) or increse the shutter speed and lower the aperture setting.


the camera is picking up the movement of your body (camera shake)


have a practice with yor dogs in the garden or even when your out running them at dusk.......trial and error really.


hope that helps



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thanks SEAN, I just think theres a simple enough answer but I am a 'special' case... :whistling: bit fick in other words... :laugh:


Will keep trying... but like I said.. day time moving shots are not too bad...







whin... stubble still here .. along with the flint !! Just ploughing in though..



Brindle ( Willow) doing ok now.... hope to race her at the weekend.... :thumbs:

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Yes, you guessed right - not enough light, and the pics are blurred because of camera shake. You can check your camera settings on the file info and from there work out if you could have done it better.


To have a better chance set your camera's ISO to a higher setting, try iso 400 to start with, maybe try 800, or however high the camera will go. Don't know how the Olympus will perform at high ISO though - you may find the pics have a lot of noise.


A lot of cameras will also tend to over-expose slightly in low light conditions and when you're using high iso setting. They will do their best to turn night into day, so you can possibly get away with under-exposing a little (override your camera's metering system)


Use shutter priority mode and set the highest speed you can get away with without making the pic too dark. The longer the lens, the less light it will let in, and the more it will magnify any camera shake or movement.


The photos taken in bright sunshine are great because there was enough light hitting the sensor to allow for a fast speed and smaller aperture, meaning that the movement was caught & you had a little more leeway with the focusing.


Hope this helps :)

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Can't add much to what has already been said....but.....you must realise that photography relies on available light. If you camera has a RAW shooting function you can get away with underexposing. But, that said, you will still struggle. If your focal length of lens you are working with is, say, 300, then i would always try to go above this to avoid camera shake. For example, on a 200 mil lens, i would set the shutter speed above 1/200th of a second.

Basically, unless you have top grade lenses you will struggle a little in dusk/low light conditions.Flash will not help as this makes the hares look terribly false......all i can say is...good luck...

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Tracy i have a plan . . . . .. why don't we get a diary date sorted and me and spider will come over for a visit, and i'll bring my spare camera and we can have a bash at them . . . . i'm a novice with hares, but know my way round the cameras, we would hopefully get some decent ish images! ;)

Edited by Hannah4181
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Errmm, Thanks for the replies... :blink: all makes perfect sence.. :blink::whistling::icon_redface:


Sounds like a plan Hannah... :thumbs: it's my only chance of gettin my head round this .. hope you have some patience :whistling: But the combination of a rubbish camera, poor light and a complete novice I guess I was expecting a little too much!


Thanks again for the replies and will be referring back to them later I am sure :thumbs:

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